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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I think, for me, it's the facial expression and head position that catch my attention in this version, whereas in the earlier one, I think the poster with it's vivid colors was drawing my eyes away from the person.
  2. the B&W works well for this picture (or is it this picture works well with B&W)
  3. I would go ahead and downgrade as you were planning, but it might be worth checking with support about (you can still use Live Chat until the annual membership has expired). Even then, logging into your dashboard and checking your account summary info a day or two after expiration would also probably be a good idea. (The bottom section of that where it shows land used in the last billing period and how much is due - if any - and when it's due).
  4. Finally made it out to Lutz City. What a wonderful place!
  5. Enjoying some boogie-woogie at the end of a hard RL day
  6. I can't say what LL can or will do (this is a resident forum) but I'm pretty sure that whatever actions they take in response to griefers is in response to AR reports. I would suggest that in addition to the blocking and banning, that each time griefing occurs the owner and others present on the sim at that time all file AR's. If all do this each time, then LL will be able to identify a pattern, if there is one, and will have the information they need to know whether they should escalate how they're responding. (People filing an AR will get a response that it was received, but will not get any further info as to what action LL took).
  7. Being as it's on moderate land, I would definitely drop the "AFK" from the name (because of the association with AFK sex). Does it face east or west? You could always go with something like "Sunrise Beach Hangout" for example.
  8. I have tried to no avail to get the non-humans in my house at least aware of SL, so that they won't keep bothering me to be let in or out the back door while I'm trying to drive inworld.
  9. I think a lot of it has to do with ones computer, the graphics settings one chooses, network connection (and distance from servers) and the places one goes to inworld. If I go to a really popular event, where there are a large number of avatars, I encounter some lag, but generally I experience very little lag. I do have several different graphic profiles set up - one for general use, one for big events, one for taking pictures... and that helps alleviate possible lag.
  10. I haven't read the thread that may have prompted this either, yet, so when I read the first post here, my mind remembered a lot of earlier threads along the lines of the template (and many which were not by new people, but by longer term residents who likely did know the tools available).
  11. That's a strange sounding problem. - Do you know if the hair is flexi hair? (sometimes when I used to wear flexi sleeve ruffles, I would get long jagged lines extending form them). - Which viewer is she using? Is it the current version? Has she tried other viewers to see if that fixes the problem? - Does she see other people's hair properly? Has she tried wearing a different hair (ie., is the problem related to a particular hair, or is it all hair that she tries)? - Does her hair fully rez after a bit of time? Does everything else rez fully or are there other 'missing' or misformed objects?
  12. My friend was lucky enough to get a Linden Home right along a waterway a month or so ago. She was thrilled! It's not one of the ones where you have to walk down a cliff to the water, but one where the water is just a few steps from her patio. I don't think she'll be giving it up any soon
  13. As a consumer, it is hard to know which creators know how to do this, and which ones don't. I've purchased some houses from the same creator over the past several years and some of the floors are fine in some houses, and not fine in other houses. Just because some creators know something, doesn't mean all do - just like I still get NC's with some products telling me to increase my LOD setting in order to "see their product as intended". From a consumer perspective, it seems it's best to be wary when you first start furnishing a house, and test out rezzing a copy item first, to see whether there will be problems in that specific house or not.
  14. In the existing Linden Homes, there are areas where there are homes close to a waters edge with a water view, but there is no way to request which Linden Home you are assigned other than choosing a style of house from a theme. Although you can change your Linden Home up to 5 times per day, it's still just a matter of extreme luck if you get assigned to one along a water way.
  15. I was out driving around this afternoon, again, in Heterocera. I think it is the most interesting continent for driving - not only does it have a lot of roads (and loops), it has a very varied geography which makes it seem more fun for driving. And the SLRR is an added bonus. I had land out along Route 5 for a couple of years. One time I spent a fun afternoon driving, sailing, and then driving again to get from my home there to Bay City.
  16. If you can't change your maturity level preferences back, then you'll need to create a support ticket. You are lucky that your account wasn't banned altogether. Don't be surprised if Support asks for some type of verification for your actual age. If nothing else, perhaps you'll just need to spend a year exploring everything else that SL has to offer that is not adult related.
  17. Other sections of the forum are for helping when someone has a problem, but in a general sense (without naming specific businesses or individuals that you are experiencing a problem or disagreement with). This particular section of the forum is for land owners owning mainland to advertise parcels that they have for rent - it is not for a discussion about their business practices. When someone posts a general question in the Land -> General Discussion or Land -> Mainland forums about a delay in getting the group tag, people are usually advised to be patient because sometimes RL prevents someone from immediately logging into SL to take care of the issue, and they often are also advised to send a polite NC or IM (depending on the landlord's preference) if they want to remind the landlord that they are waiting to get the group invitation. While rent boxes may have the option to request the group invite be resent, I'm thinking that may be an option that the owner may or may not set up. I know that I have tried that before with rentals, with no affect, and needed to wait for the landlord to come online and send the invite. When there has been a length of several days inbetween, the landlord may credit you for those days that you were not able to use the property - or they may not, as it's their choice.
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