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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. SSD hard drive was the best swop out I ever did. Used Aomei backerupper free to clone the old mech drive. There was an 'adjust for ssd' tick box in the clone dialog. SSD hard drives are like as fast as RAM what a dif.
  2. Glad one star reviews get reviewed now. Way too handy as a griefer tool at worst and frustration release at best. What's more I reckon 50 percent of one star reviews are where the purchaser could'nt figure things out or LAGGGGG messes the scripts up. Ebay tidied up its neg review system due to abuse. SL may have to do the same. A 3 day cooling off period before one starring should'nt be impossible to code Finally a plea to anyone about to one star a product. TALK to the creator first ! Most probs can be quickly resolved by doing things like 'sharing' the product and/or 'deeding' the product or enabling a pref in settings. THINK FIRST BLAST OFF LATER
  3. Somehow I was able to SAVE my tweaked 'Age of Sorcery', as you can see in the pic mine I saved as atlas v. But that bit I cannot remeber how lols
  4. I hated EEP as well and went back a viewer. But my partner implored me to try EEP one last time and talked me through it in 5 easy clicks. Beautiful ! Heres how to get a gorgeous EEP view in just 3 clicks! Five clicks if you want to get personal ! That's it ! To personalize needs a couple more clicks ....
  5. powerstream. years of solid unglitching reliability and rent-a-stream inworld. However. Last year I rented a 24/7 auto dj on the internet for 3 us bucks per month. Its 100 listeners, 192kbps, 5 GB music storage. And if I want to go live on it and interupt the auto dj I can. And do. google epichosts or auto dj packages for that newer option.
  6. "Were all between 19-30 years old, from different countries." Yay ! I thought only over 40's played SL !
  7. Help ! I cannot find a simple denim jacket on the MP nor inworld so far. Theres a zillion leather jackets, a handful of denim jackets that are not quite what I wanted. This is the style and color I seek. Any ideas ? Note the slightly rolled up sleeves I love that.
  8. Enjoy that retirement Oz ! Do pop inworld now n' then though !
  9. Lot 2 Sunstream, Campbell Coast - £150 $L pw 150 prims :
  10. oooer ... Epic Games is working on a browser-based app called MetaHuman Creator that allows game developers to create high fidelity human characters in "less than an hour." ... Users will also be able to choose a starting point by selecting from a number of presets, and also fine-tune their creations by choosing from a variety of hair-styles, clothing, and body types. Once the finishing touches have been applied, devs will be able to download a fully rigged asset via Quixel Bridge, meaning it can be used immediately for animation and motion capture in Unreal Engine (complete with LODS). Source data will also be provided in the form of a Maya file.
  11. Lot 73 Laserlight. 150$L per week 150 prims. Campbell Coast is a rural Scottish themed development that spans parts of some nine regions, and was over a year in the making, building, and preparation. Now it is ready to be enjoyed ! Every single parcel has access to LL sailable water and LL driveable road Circuit La Corse. Access to over 600 Regions of navigable water, sail all the way to Blake Sea if desired ! Lots start at 150 Lindens a week with 150 prims. Rental Office : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Erazor/42/14/65 We can usually accommodate extra prims at a linden a prim. Skyboxes are allowed 1500m and above. There is a boat rez zone for sailors at the coast, a vehicle rezzer for road users at the park office, Teagle rezzers and hover scooter rezzers for exploring Campbell Coasts many features.
  12. So I was renaming a couple of builds last night. Of the 4 objects I renamed three turned themselves back to the old name, undid the change, instantly, I watched it happen in the Inv dialog box. Happens a lot too. Weird one.
  13. Listen to your stream URL in a browser or in winamp or in vlc player seperate from the viewer completely. if it glitches there it aint SL's issue. I've had to dump feeble stream providers several times and always end up back at powerstream, rock solid for years.
  14. "We" know SL is far superior. BUT there's no denying the website side of sl is seriously overdue a huge overhaul. That includes the MP. I'm sorry to add to your workload LL I surely am. Us lot inworld havin' a blast on the sweat from your labored brows. Awww
  15. I logged into my store and there was a message that said one of my items had been flagged ... Wait 'til you've spent half a day tracking down some innocuous word it's decided is unacceptable before you can post your listing. Then you'll have the set
  16. Spotted a Yava ballon too out sailing today .. ps Juicys' rainbow north' EEP
  17. Yer sounds like media slider - if firestorm all the sliders reached by clicking the speaker bottom right near quick prefs button note - u might want to see media but not hear it in wich case tick the tick box.
  18. The mp star system is little more than a griefing tool these days. Ebay make buyers wait a week to neg feedback for the same reasons. Doubt they'll change it shrugs. You could flag it but dont expect prompt attention.
  19. The '5 second rule' will keep one safe my Mum said. If you can scoop it up off the floor within 5 seconds you can eat it safely. She said.
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