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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Indeed. Laughs. Ive logged in quite happily with my free membership alt, but cannot login with my 100 buck a year premium accy.
  2. Thanks to Ancient for partyin' hard with us at the Fairgrounds last night. It made a great party just exceptional ! Shout outs to Pru & Krys and Jesse and Vari for wonderful organising, Stephanie Far and Krys and Floyd for the super DJ'ing, Delain for the light shows - exceptional - and Everyone for being there and celebrating Belli's first year anniversary. My goodness how quickly the months have flown past.
  3. Sl was nigh on 60k concurrent logins last night, up some 10,000 to 'usual'. Just sayin'
  4. Can you expound a little ? Not there on relog ? Not there after rez ? They ain't sat yards away are they ? Or under the floor ? If its mesh your rezzing on results can be unpredictable.
  5. eBAY had to alter their feedback system as it was open to abuse and regularly abused by non thinkers. The MP star sytem is shockingly abused. And once you get 1 star that's it - ain't no ever getting it back to 5 stars even if there's 10 positive reviews after the 1 star. The star system has become a wonderful griefing tool for those with a few lindens to buy their gripe with.
  6. No, I entered. If they had chosen my suggestion 'Quatermass' they'd be 40 bucks better off already.
  7. pffft. Pick 'em out of a hat did they ? I'll keep my 40 bucks 'til they come up with much better.
  8. Horrified Hamster spots Slendah skulking across the floor !
  9. At the risk of appearing sychophantic, yes, the Moles are Awesome !
  10. Brilliant thread ! First Belli live music fest .. Feb 25th 2020 at the Belli fairgrounds
  11. ikr. Logged on player count was up nearly 10,000 compared to 'normal' last night, over 53k concurrent logins.
  12. Does a bloated derender black list affect game performance anyone know ?
  13. Glastonbury music festival is the UK's annual 'Woodstock'. It's been cancelled rl this year due to Covid. It would have been the music festivals 50th anniversary too. Now, oddly, before the pandemic outbreak and subsequent festival cancellation I had already decided to emulate the famous pyramid stage, here inworld. Not only that, but a group of us have managed to secure the Belli Fairgrounds for a two day live music festival, on June 16th and June 17th, in a few weeks time. It was as close to the summer solstice as we could get and organise. I hope trust and pray it will be well supported and loved by YOU, my music loving SL'ers. There's no tip jars it's an excercise in the love of live music, and trust me, we have lined up the finest live performers in SL. But the real reason I am posting is to show off my pyramid stage build, a mere 12 LI plot size, 39 LI maxed for the real show, and I am jolly proud of it !
  14. LL need a super easy spin off to help the planet and the planet needs it now. An avatar to step into. An office space instantly available. No need for humungus grid TP'ing or matching head to neck. No time.. Get 'em in, get 'em sat, get 'em linked up. C'mon ...
  15. Is the Universe a computer simulation? This was the subject discussed by Neil de Grasse Tyson and David Chalmers amongst other high falutin' scientists in a Youtube vid I watched. Imagine my surprise when David Chalmers of all people dropped Second Life into the equation ! The moment occurs at 49.25 mins in !
  16. SL needs instant avatars and instant venue locations that businesses can just 'walk' right into, via a login, following arrangements made with LL and themselves.
  17. A Message from our CEO: Coronavirus and Second Life Operations Thankyou SL ! Take good care !
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