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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. " I had to search for ten minutes or so before I found the outfit " This. I give up after 10 mins. Many a lost sale. All because of forced landing points rendering the slurl useless.
  2. Avatar>Prefs>Move n view > movement>turn avatar and / or always relock might be worth a try ..
  3. two words, one file. slplugin.exe I swopped out firestorms for cool viewers and i can watch tv again. I do NOT advise others to do the same. Altho the TV works again I too still get dulahan error pop ups. The last time this happened it took a viewer upgrade to fix. Personally I blame html5 and its innocuous but lethal https system. But hey. Brave experimenters may care to harvest various versions of slplugin and swop 'em out and see what happens but, like I say, dont do it kids. Stay safe. Stay careful. The only way is up.
  4. Ain't keen on the alternative, are you ? The avatars are awful ... Lego Worlds is a fantastical building behemoth...
  5. Bradford Oberwager - Bare Snacks (acquired by PepsiCo), Acumins/more.com (acquired by HealthCentral), and Blue Tiger/Open Webs (acquired by CarParts). Buy to sell merchant. Philip Rosedale - "I’ve known Brad [Oberwager] for 14 years personally and professionally" Interesting
  6. Good times ahead :D Thanks for a great year and all the stuff you do for the community Pru.
  7. Are you using a copy of the sit animation file, copied from library or ao, and pasted to normal animations folder ? Is that even possible ? Worth a try.
  8. Win 10 forced update killed my friends HD so you got off lightly. It had to go to the repair shop.
  9. Hey Sire Two space based regions I think you'll like ... The Queue continuum http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Queue/40/66/1002 Timelord Sandbox http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount Olympus/111/136/21
  10. Everyone time a region is crossed, expect 'missing' stuff the other side to be in lost n found folder. And thats walking. I avoid using vehicles 'n boats these days the crossings are appaling.
  11. Laughs :D. Um .. can I grab this opportunity to apoligise for almost landing on your head in that sandbox the other month. ? When you was making them amazing trees. My platform had been auto returned and I fell from the sky, it was not deliberate.
  12. Precisely. Time for an update. There is an army of new players ( ex SIM players and ex imvuu players ) who just want a nice avatar and a pretty home to decorate and play in. It's an untapped market. imho Clinging on to the fundamentals of 2003 may not be the best way forward
  13. I should have expounded. I meant for true newcomers. 'Step in' avvie and also a 'Step in' Home too. If they stick around they will want to customise.
  14. I wish there were more mesh all in one avatars. That's certainly the way forward to get and keep newcomers. If LL even wants any more that is ? (There's talk of server space being almost at saturation point already.) Anyway all this hand foot head and body caper is dam tough on a non multi tasking male like me.
  15. Theres some fun wack a mole games inworld if you like bashing stuff mindlessly occasionally.
  16. Found Sirens Isle yet Misser ? Also the new location of the SS Galaxy ?
  17. Yo Gang ! They've dragged the ole' Doc Rast out the easy chair and back behind the booth ! Cinco de Mayo RFL event at the fairgrounds ! TIME: 2 til 4 pm slt TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whiskey%20Bay/174/21/22 PARTY HARD WITH ME GANG !
  18. logged in quite happily with my free membership alt, but cannot login with my 100 buck a year premium accy
  19. MP is down too here, uk, my canadian friend can still use it but its grindingly slow. Snail pace.
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