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Everything posted by s2Pandora

  1. Yeah.. Bellisseria is laggy enough(visually, at least) without these things. Not to mention trains look mighty awkward in residential areas. People have trains, and monorails, and all sorts of things on the mainland but very seldom bother to use them. Maybe LL should update those instead of thinking of adding to our ever-growing Linden Home lagfest. We don't need a huge airport. There are plenty of those on the mainland, too.
  2. No, it's not a new Region. It's one of the old. It can be found 2 regions west of Bandit.
  3. Rothacker was Wed, Sweetmarsh was Fri, Wolfboro today. You can check by looking at parcel claim dates on the regions(some may have abandoned, so check more than 1). Passwall was Tuesday, and Monday was Penitent Beach.
  4. Pretty certain they didn't release one on Thursday. I remember people asking. Just because they did almost everyday releases for those two weeks doesn't necessarily mean it will continue. Hold out hope, sure, but don't be surprised if it doesn't happen other than on the 3 given days.
  5. Some go immediately, some go after x amount of time. If it's the one near the region border.. that is actually a really nice looking spot up on that little hill! It has not gone yet as of this moment, though.
  6. Politics will divide Bellisseria the same way it divides things irl. We're already having enough problems as is creeping in here, unfortunately. Personally would really rather them not allow something that stirs more hate than acceptance. Personally I wouldn't attend anything political no matter what on here, but then i've also seen first hand the animosity these things create and want to be no part of it.
  7. Penitent has 21. Ancoraggio was the one with 5, and it was released with Cape Lively. Things have not been moving as quickly since the huge issues with people insulting the staff last week. They may be even more short handed atm(some may be taking some time off here and there), so 4 released is pretty unlikely.
  8. Looks like the Spooky Raptor avatar.
  9. But did streamline mean a new method of obtaining, or a faster method of getting through the accepting process? That's what i'm wondering.
  10. I'd love something like the rain forest/jungle regions south of the SS Galaxy.
  11. It's possible the person may have forgotten it was there, as like I said.. i've never seen them. They don't live horribly far from me, so I go through that area pretty often.
  12. It's been there for a long time now, and i've never seen the owners of the house there. It was an Apr 15th house.
  13. For a while there I believe there were a bunch of griefers in that one(unless it was a similarly named group). Haven't seen much of them lately though, so maybe they've moved on.
  14. Manatees eat a lot from the surface(probably why they are struck by boats so often, other than being pretty darn slow), or plants growing toward the surface while I guess Dugongs mainly feed from the bottom.. hence why their snoot looks like a vaccuum cleaner. Not sure why the difference in the tail, maybe it just allows the Dugong to be faster? Something i'll definitely have to look in to. Anyhoo, back on track, thank you moles!
  15. Close, but Dugongs are just related to manatees(and many don't know they actually exist). They were likely what fueled the legends of merpeople rather than manatees, as while manatees will go in to bays, Dugongs are mainly oceanic. And let's be real.. that tail, haha.
  16. It's possible the release may have been an extra to make up for one of the days not released last week. Congrats to everybody who got one today!
  17. That secondary continent that looks more complete(landmass wise) is originally where they are building Bellisseria before moving the regions down to our current. The construction going on with the middle area right now where we can see if something they wanted to try out.
  18. My apologies, I am a bit of a jaded individual and tend to speak my mind(it tends to run away on me faster than I can catch it), but I don't necessarily intend to step on toes. I know Blender is hard, i've spoken to many, and tried myself, but my stance is coming from also talking to others who have had the same issue when they asked creators. I had looked in to some previous places I was pointed to but much of it made no sense to me. I am a bit "slow" when it comes to learning some things, and often need interactive explaining for things. I tend to take hours of going over some of the simplest things and sometimes making sense of them in a different way than others(yet somehow I found a man who was willing to marry me, lol). I was pointed in the direction of potential classes by another user in a group I am part of that is also learning, so I will see how that goes over time. My intention to learning is purely for myself, as I often struggle to find things on SL that i'd like to have but simply are not around. I will always be very grateful to those who are willing to share even the smallest of things, as they will add up over time. One should always start at the beginning, which is the intention(now with trying to learn between 2 versions is gonna be a doozy). It'll just be a slow process, but we'll all get there.
  19. The difference in a private tip and a tip jar is the tip jar advertises "hey, give me money". I have heard of people being privately tipped for things around Bellisseria and it doesn't bother me. Tip jars there bother me.
  20. I hope the Lindens take from him what is shown as his earnings at least in that screenshot, as he did break covenant. Him not knowing is one thing, but you know darn well there were plenty of people there who knew.. also if he was part of a booking, he should of been told. Which makes me wonder if he indeed wasn't and now knows where to go for quick tips. Do. not. tip. jars. in. Bellisseria. people. If somebody has one out, IGNORE IT. They are not allowed.
  21. I remember for a while my horses would do a handstand on the curves when going around them, but the creator figured out why. I watched her testing an updated version of the horse that no longer did it. After driving around the other day, i'd notice the tiniest "hop" from time to time(not on all curves; on very few, in fact), but never anything that would make me really pay attention.. so otherwise I really haven't seen too much of an issue yet. You seem to be the only person having issues with this, so I don't see it being enough to warrant them taking attention from more important matters.
  22. It was great of Marianne to even show us any way at all. Many people won't show you how to really "maximize"(or do things at all) as it'll potentially cut in to their revenue if they sell these things. Not saying who you're referring to won't, but just moreso saying don't be surprised if they don't.. or anybody doesn't. That's the biggest issue with SL and why I haven't been even able to find somebody to coach me on Blender; people are afraid of another person cutting in to their area.
  23. Also make sure you're putting in Bellisseria, not Bellisserio(though a fem and masc version could be cute).
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