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Everything posted by s2Pandora

  1. I think I may just be stuck getting a houseboat when they pop, as I just can't seem to catch any of the houses people are abandoning. In fact, I haven't seen a single one..
  2. It's really hard to see. Was much easier to see if you go to that spot and slowly move the map around. There's an area of slightly darker blue outside our usable areas.
  3. Also looks like a pipefish!
  4. Bit of an update. As of right now, the dark blue areas have mostly all disappeared aside from a few hugging the current south edges of the landmass as it is right now. Edit: Blue area is back.
  5. It's possible it could be more than 24 hours. On the private estate where I rent, there are often times where I won't see the map update for 2-3 days. It could also be that yeah, they're just not done.. but they seem to be prepping so "soon" is definitely coming.
  6. Would be great, nice little nod to Bellisseria's early days for future generations. All the Bellisseria elderly will tell the tale of the Bellisseria ghost.
  7. Southern channel is now 8 wide (dark blue has been extended over).
  8. Noticed something new today. If you look very closely(easier to see if you go to the area yourself and move the map around), there's dark blue bordering the bottom of the continent. Some suspect it's the servers coming online. Edit: This could be wishful thinking as well though, as the current build on SSP is 6 regions wide. The blue would have to have 2 more to match up. Either way, we shall see. Edit 2: Aaaand blue area on the south channel was just widened by quite a bit.
  9. Well, if it's still not taken, then it's possible that they've blocked off the new homes popping up until the new batch's release.. maybe to have more for the rush that it's going to bring. Time for that "Today" speculation to start.
  10. Greyson has been popping in and out for days. It's possible that somebody did grab the boat lickity split, or it's bugged, oooor they've disabled the new homes showing up until the new batch is released.
  11. SSP194 has some new streets on it. Or only what I could assume would be streets.
  12. You are right, but it does look like the reds are also in the center of the regions, as well(they just happens to be over parcels). I wonder if the tiny red dots mean anything, or maybe i'm just overthinking? I'd imagine they probably have signs or a workboard somewhere letting them know which houses need work on the rezzer and scripts. I agree that green doesn't necessarily mean totally done though, as you're right on the landscaping. Doesn't SL usually take a couple of days for the sim image to catch up, though? Or perhaps it's different on their work and they can update it immediately.
  13. I don't have a tablet, notebook, or smart phone(still using a flip). I live in the early 2000's when it comes to handheld electronics.
  14. Reeeally hope it doesn't happen tomorrow. I won't be home for half the day. Doctor's appointment. If it does though, good luck to those looking to get one!
  15. Have to take in to account alt accounts as well.
  16. Kind of looks like a "storage" area for some of the docks. Could be just about anything, though.
  17. Likely due to the amount of stuff on screen at any given time. The easiest way to deal with this is to lower your draw distance(which is no fun in nice looking places). The more houses and people that are in an area, usually the worse it'll be. Could also just be the weight of items or textures in general. The lag I feel in Belli pales in comparison to the lag you find at some rental communities like Boca or The Vistas, though.
  18. The despair I felt from that episode last night was real.
  19. This is a fear for a lot of us. Hopefully it won't go this way anytime soon.
  20. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest if this was the case. I know plenty of people who missed out on houses, some of which are friends and are pretty upset over it, actually. This is the only reason i'm a bit aggro over it. I have a place i've been renting from a lady for a good while. I'd like a house, but i'm not freaking out over it. I can enjoy the place just wandering about for now. I have nothing against people technically living in skyboxes, but if the intention was to live in a skybox (only) I suppose i'm on the thought train that maybe those people should of waited a little bit so people who actually want the house and community can get in. Again though, that allure of prims is hard to ignore. I do really like the ideas of skybox plots over water others have had, though. Perhaps give them a prim/LI alottment for rezzing the box that won't count toward their parcel prims/LI, to maybe keep it on par with the houses and houseboats. This is the last i'm saying on this topic. It's my opinion. You have yours.
  21. I just clicked and then went to "edit linked" then clicked on individual items. Most were Fancy Decor(or the same creator without the store name), with a few What's Next(mainly the tulips outside) or others in there. The owner of the house/plot is the owner of Fancy Decor, though.
  22. I had intended to go Continental originally, and that house solidified the want, thanks for sharing! Oh I see, it's basically Fancy Decor's showcase house.
  23. More boats may be coming next week or the following week(guess). They're working on them. Traditional housing, though.. best bet is to hope to grab one if somebody abandons for a house boat, otherwise we'll be waiting who knows how many months.
  24. Yeah, I know you don't, but there's always that 1 in.. god knows how many houses chance of luck. I just meant it was a "prime" plot in my eyes, so to speak. I know some have a valid reason, and those are not the people I have issues with at all. It's just there are so many people who want in on this for the experience, and then you get people taking up space so they can live in a skybox. I understand why(more prims), but it still leaves me a bit annoyed.
  25. This is one of the things that irks me the most. People that do this. I found a house at the end of a street, next to a big expanse of grass and also next to one of the "rivers". The place was GORGEOUS and I would of died to have that plot.. the house was completely empty. If this person is one of those "skybox" livers i'd want to kill him.
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