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Everything posted by s2Pandora

  1. Yep, that's how I always do it. Keyboard smash and just name it when I get it. 😃
  2. I have run in to the issue of it being on the drop-down as well, which is why I no longer use it at times between homes. I take my chances on the keyboard smash. I know prior they always came up when it was filled in, then some time around when the houseboats larger area was released it went to having to go in to the pull down. I've heard mixed as of recent, but people always suggesting to fill in a name prior.. considering the names of some parcels newly claimed in the new areas(long names), it does likely work for some and not for others.
  3. It use to be, but over the last couple of weeks it seems to be more houseboats abandoned, and i'm seeing more people say they decided to leave the boats and go for a house. Maybe people are sick of feeling like they're on top of eachother(since no "dividing" landscaping like the houses). To OP: It sucks honey, and i'm sorry, but patience is key here. Many people came late(I didn't get a house for 3 weeks after release) and grabbed them, many got them early because they were aware something was going on, and they were watching and waiting. As said, it doesn't matter how long you've been premium, what mattered initially was whether or not you were paying attention.. now it's persistence, reflexes, and luck until they have more places to quell demand. Which has swelled immensely since the birthday bash opened. They are not copy/pasting these places, so it takes time. I do wish they'd disclose that you have a chance of getting a new home right now, not a guarantee, as i've seen quite a few people jump on board only to find out they can't get a house so easily... but $
  4. I believe the last one to be released was New Hamsterdam, so today should be Jamesborough. Monday Gallaudet, Wed Fofita(maybe).. no idea from there.
  5. If the horses are not moving, the "lag" will not be bad at all, you're right. The issue, again, lies in the scripts. The ex-neighbor I spoke of prior had 500-700 amarettos(sp?). The region had only them and myself at the time. I had just moved in and the region had only 1-3% scripts run, so I couldn't even interact with my body hud or open my house door(after I could finally get it to rez). Avatars lag the crap out of both aspects, so many avatars are worse overall.
  6. They will pop up when one is available, but if you are not fast enough to claim it and somebody else does, you get pretty much a "sorry sold out/unavailable" type screen for that house. A majority of the homes coming up right now are from abandons. Sometimes several a day will go, sometimes only 1(i've seen it both ways). It's a game of patience and quick reflexes until more people are seated and the rush dies down.
  7. Visual lag it'll certainly make a difference, script.. nope. There's nothing wrong with having them, and by the looks of it this person at least has them stationary, but they can possible cause scripts to be lagged(therefor preventing others from opening doors, using HUDS, etc). I don't think this many will cause too much impact, but I could be wrong(as i've seen 2 breedables destroy the scripts in an entire region. One was pregnant, though).
  8. Having previously lived next to somebody that had a ton of these exact type of horses, and they ate up the scripts in the region(even when not moving. The region bounced between 1-3% scripts run), I have a strong distaste for these things. One of the neighbors where my alt lives has a couple of them upstairs in her house(which I don't mind), but nothing like this..
  9. Ohh, you're pretty close to me. 😃 I remember the previous owners of that house had bedroom furniture on the side of their house and broken fences put out. Congrats on finally getting one!
  10. Marianna got it right, they're from Apple Fall. 😃 Freebies further back in the store.
  11. The porch is very nice. 😃 It was the only way my fiance liked the house, haha. I do have that 10L pool everybody else seems to have, but not quite sure it'd fit. I'll have to give it a try. I'm not much for those round blue ones, unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion, though!
  12. Been working on my alt's house. Snagged a spot with a hill/mountainous area behind it, so i'm quite happy with it.<3 Screens came out blurrier than normal.. ohwell. Note my likely temporary off-roading driveway, haha. I have no idea what to do with the back I LOVE the entryway! (moreso the outside but there's not much in the first room to show) Also LOVE the kitchen! A few people suggested some kitchens to go with, but I went with one of Maya's, and couldn't be happier. 😃 And the upstairs nook next to the bedroom No bedroom as there's not much of anything in there yet! Still using from the pool of things I already have with the exception of the kitchen set. Budgeting, boo. =P
  13. During the talk/chat with Patch yesterday, he revealed they will start at 512 plots, but may get larger ones later. I believe somebody may have recorded it somewhere.
  14. Patch said he'd update his thread today, but whether or not we'll get updates before each release I don't know(same say yes, some say no. I was afk a bit during the talk so didn't catch everything).
  15. 1 region will be released every Monday, Wed, and Thurs. So 3 regions a week. One will open shortly(today).
  16. Saw 2 houses and a houseboat, but none since as my alt grabbed the second house that went up(which was around 7:40am est). Just in that short morning I saw more come up than all of yesterday, personally.
  17. They are on SSP, which is the original building area for Bellisseria. Only Linden staff and Moles can access those regions.
  18. People have been converting their homes to little roleplay buildings(I did see somebody made their home a firestation once, but the person has now changed to a normal dwelling), which still leaves the moles their room to put in more houses as they need to. They still have thousands of people to eventually have houses for. I don't mind people roleplaying(so long as they leave those who don't want to participate out of it), but as many have stated before the focus of this place is not a roleplay community.
  19. A lot of abandonments right now are people abandoning early so they are ready to try and grab one of the new houses or boats from the new batch. If you abandon early(and everybody else does too) you all have less of a chance of landing in an older area.
  20. The staggering release is a known marketing move that increases hype and therefor business/profit. They bring you in showing you "You COULD get this!", not you "will". Not yet, anyway. Many companies will say a product is "sold out" when it's actually not to increase hype for it. Something sold out fast must be really good, right? Well, limit the release and heck yeah it'll sell out fast. Couple this with the conveniently timed increase in price.. it's pretty obvious. They know these are doing well, and they are looking to increase their profits even more over it with so many new premium subscribers. The 16th B-Day celebration will bring even more in, and those late to the party get to pay even more.
  21. Princess Caroline Because I love that sassy lady cat.
  22. I saw a case of super high water on the mainland yesterday(Heterocera).. water 50-60m up. It eventually cleared itself up but it was pretty darn weird.
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