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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. But unless you can find out the right code, you can't install the API. Or rather the settings for capacity and cost won't be right.
  2. It's free if you already have a supported vehicle (see the list at https://tradeandtreasure.com/gtfo/vehicles/) Pick up the free HUD from the MP store, and start. If you like it, the paid HUD costs 700L. You probably missed the 500L launch price of a huge container ship though.... If you have a MOD vehicle that is in the supported list, you add the API script and it just works.
  3. For the beta tests, by setting the med, low, and lowest LODs to zero in the uploader. That is what I am working on learning how to avoid and still achieve an acceptable result. What I still can't understand is why a mesh with lower triangles and vertices counts comes in with a significantly higher download value.
  4. I see what you say about the Smart UVMap, My optimized ones may be even worse, because my objective is to isolate materials for baking. However I managed to reduce both Tris and Verts, and yet the DL cost went up (Smart to Optimized). I guess I need to do better on the vertex saving and the UV Mapping.
  5. I'm making a serious attempt at making good LODs for last year's build of our octagon house. Because, in ignorance, we made it terribly. You can see it at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ogilvie/134/81/71 and here's a picture. The non-dome walls are made of flat panels, and were made with Mesh Generator, and textured using seamless textures in world. I had planned to take the DaEs into Blender, change the tris to quads, merge co-incident verts, remove some faces that aren't visible, and then using nodes bake a single 512sq texture on it. Then bake the same high-poly texture onto a simplified mesh for the medium, and put that image onto a plane imposter for the Low/Lowest. However, I am getting thwarted by my lack of understanding. I tried 5 different uploads in beta using the Second Life Viewer (and Firestorm viewer, I'm on Linux, so I expected the results to be almost identical and they were) These are the results of one mesh set. Triangles Vertices Download Cost Mesh Generator object (MGO) 7672 6322 3.846 Import-Export no triangulation 7672 6306 3.975 Ditto Tri-Quad, Triangulation on export 7672 6306 3.975 Ditto plus a Smart UV-Map 7672 7235 5.263 Fully optimized mesh with detailed UV-Map 7432 6707 6.475 So a couple of observations/questions. The MGO is obviously quite good, and has preserved the materials, and comes in very low Land Impact. DL is the highest of the LI factors by far. Blender does a good job of turning triangles back to quad and vice-versa - in fact you can't see a difference. Adding a UV Map seems to add Vertices. Is this right? Is there an extra cost associated with UV maps? Or have I done something stupid? Reducing Triangles seems to make the DL cost go up. I was not expecting that. Why? and I haven't even started to make that Medium LOD yet...... Thanks for your wisdom.
  6. I am having great fun in-world playing GTFO! (Get the freight out) I noticed that there seem to be no forum threads about it, so...
  7. That'll explain why I don't see them at all. LL is still catching up with it's Linux viewers. I can wait, nothing missing that would make me give Microsoft or Apple a bent cent.
  8. So does that mean they want us to depend on it never changing? Then it should be documented as a feature.
  9. It's all Windows fault. Or maybe you are not paranoid after all - they ARE out to get you! I don't get it with Firestorm 5.0.1 on Linux.
  10. The answer is to connect via a VPN and chose an exit node in a gambling-allowed place, but be warned the latency is horrible. NB. I am not an American.
  11. Beware the 1 2 post troll.... Isn't Indiana somewhere in Texas? USA for sure, I guess. And why did the hint start there? (confused European)
  12. Trouble is, if you turn off banlines, you'll drive your truck into them....
  13. One of my heros made a mistake! Cool, it puts all mine into perspective.
  14. I read his point as: the seller can fix the demos. So they can lie. We have no way to know if the demo is the same as the product.
  15. I can't use the SLV (SecondLife Viewer) because RLV is a critical dependency for my wardrobe management. Firestorm hits all the buttons for me as a mesh maker (not for sale). One thing I noticed reading through this thread. There is confusion about 32-bit vs 64-bit.... Just because your OS is 64 bits (inc. the device drivers), it doesn't stop you using a 32-bit application provided the 32-bit compatibility libraries are loaded. So nVidia ceasing support for 32-bit OS, and LL still shipping a 32-bit app are not necessarily incompatible issues. I run the 32-bit SLV on my 64-bit Linux with nVidia 390 without any issues when I need a Havok uploader. Of course, if you can't get the 32-bit compatibility libraries (and some OS's, like Ubuntu, hide them) then you are stuffed - Duck-Duck-Go is your friend.
  16. I prefer the "You want to be a giant in my house? Ha Ha!" solution. But then I only build for me, not for sale.
  17. I have no problem in running the LL linux viewer (SLV), OK it's 32 bit, but that just means a few extra libraries. I only keep it for Havok uploads when occasionally I (think I) need them. Otherwise Linux Firestorm just gets better and better. And I can never find anything in the SLV. Thanks for the link Whirly.
  18. I have just realized, as a relative newcomer to this LOD business, that my hidden quad is wasting a triangle! Doh! Blender thinking, not LOD thinking - every triangle counts. In Blender we try always to work in quads, triangles are bad - if nothing else they break the edge-loops, but this is the exception because it is a data item, not a visual item.
  19. I had no problem with the Marketplace link. Bought it for L$0, delivered. The dropbox address does seem broken.
  20. I'm feeling very chastened about my Octagon Dome now. It does just the same as Callum's house. But we WILL improve it. Just glad it was never offered for sale.
  21. There's no hope for me. I detest vinegar (and Mayo), tastes of wine that's gone off.
  22. Indeed, if you mainly wear pants and long sleeves, then there is very little need for a mesh body at all. Hence the slow sales of Male Mesh Bodies I guess.
  23. One bit of advice when shopping for bodies and heads: The look is important yes, but the controls are what makes it a joy or not to use. Check out the HUD(s), and check out things like an Autohide mechanism - for me that is the clincher for Maitreya. And think how you are going to manage all your hundreds of outfits. Do you need a wardrobe manager?
  24. I have a neighbor who periodically build something huge, then 6 months or so later it disappears, and months afterwards something else appears. It's a tiny bit of land, but the impact of these tall objects is horrible. I can't say that in 2 years I have ever seen anyone there, or I would have struck up a conversation. Anyway, I got some of the free trees mentioned earlier in this thread, and they are excellent for hiding my other neighbors at low Land Impact. I'm also grateful for several suggestions about derendering.
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