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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. I can't use the SLV (SecondLife Viewer) because RLV is a critical dependency for my wardrobe management. Firestorm hits all the buttons for me as a mesh maker (not for sale). One thing I noticed reading through this thread. There is confusion about 32-bit vs 64-bit.... Just because your OS is 64 bits (inc. the device drivers), it doesn't stop you using a 32-bit application provided the 32-bit compatibility libraries are loaded. So nVidia ceasing support for 32-bit OS, and LL still shipping a 32-bit app are not necessarily incompatible issues. I run the 32-bit SLV on my 64-bit Linux with nVidia 390 without any issues when I need a Havok uploader. Of course, if you can't get the 32-bit compatibility libraries (and some OS's, like Ubuntu, hide them) then you are stuffed - Duck-Duck-Go is your friend.
  2. I prefer the "You want to be a giant in my house? Ha Ha!" solution. But then I only build for me, not for sale.
  3. I have no problem in running the LL linux viewer (SLV), OK it's 32 bit, but that just means a few extra libraries. I only keep it for Havok uploads when occasionally I (think I) need them. Otherwise Linux Firestorm just gets better and better. And I can never find anything in the SLV. Thanks for the link Whirly.
  4. I have just realized, as a relative newcomer to this LOD business, that my hidden quad is wasting a triangle! Doh! Blender thinking, not LOD thinking - every triangle counts. In Blender we try always to work in quads, triangles are bad - if nothing else they break the edge-loops, but this is the exception because it is a data item, not a visual item.
  5. I had no problem with the Marketplace link. Bought it for L$0, delivered. The dropbox address does seem broken.
  6. I'm feeling very chastened about my Octagon Dome now. It does just the same as Callum's house. But we WILL improve it. Just glad it was never offered for sale.
  7. There's no hope for me. I detest vinegar (and Mayo), tastes of wine that's gone off.
  8. Indeed, if you mainly wear pants and long sleeves, then there is very little need for a mesh body at all. Hence the slow sales of Male Mesh Bodies I guess.
  9. One bit of advice when shopping for bodies and heads: The look is important yes, but the controls are what makes it a joy or not to use. Check out the HUD(s), and check out things like an Autohide mechanism - for me that is the clincher for Maitreya. And think how you are going to manage all your hundreds of outfits. Do you need a wardrobe manager?
  10. I have a neighbor who periodically build something huge, then 6 months or so later it disappears, and months afterwards something else appears. It's a tiny bit of land, but the impact of these tall objects is horrible. I can't say that in 2 years I have ever seen anyone there, or I would have struck up a conversation. Anyway, I got some of the free trees mentioned earlier in this thread, and they are excellent for hiding my other neighbors at low Land Impact. I'm also grateful for several suggestions about derendering.
  11. There is a clothes creator, he's a Gizmo but not from Earth, who gives everyone a L$200 Gift Card every week. Unfortunately he's been doing it so long I have everything in his shop... even the ones that don't fit very well. It's my exception to the No-mod rule - never look a freebie in the perms. I still find a use for the Lindens from the stipend though.
  12. and there was me thinking all the troubles of the grid could be cured by hanging newbie trolls......
  13. I have a diploma from Google hanging on my Diploma Wall, it says I have successfully completed their course in how to search. I still can't always find what I want.
  14. I spent a happy couple of hours in blender and beta yesterday looking at the mesh parts of a octagon dome that I made last year. In the rush to get it finished (not for sale, BTW) I set all the LOD sliders to zero, so as you move away it suddenly changes from a dome to 8 triangles . Now I have the tools to help me know where the various break-points are, I quickly got to understand the impact of the LOD versions. The key fact I discovered is that you can get VERY simple very fast - Medium (LOD2) should be quite a lot less complex than High, and frequently Low and Lowest can be just a few quads. In other words, the effort to make the LODs was a lot less than I expected. So soon you will be able to see my house across the sim, and not just from inside the back garden - and on a viewer LOD setting of 1.5. Of course this comes at a price, the 2LI of the zeroed-LOD version will be 7LI in the end, but we have the prims.....
  15. Quite often the designer includes a shoebase for use with the system versions. If you use those with a mesh body version, then you may (but it's not certain) get the effect the OP described. I've had shoes like the ones you describe where the shoebase seems to be part of the rigging system. Some of a well known designer's early mesh-body attempts come to mind. I also have some hyper-platforms that are much easier to wear with the shoebase supplied. The point I'm making is that you can't assume that just because a shoebase is supplied that you need it for your fitting.
  16. It would have my vote, I could derender all the hideous green flashing things in my view.
  17. One little point that is often missed, if you photograph a real tattoo on a real person that photograph is your copyright. But if you photocopy a drawing then it is a reproduction, and has the copyright of the original. In some jurisdictions even tracing (you remember tracing paper?) a picture is a copyright violation - in the UK doing this to a Crown Copyright map from the Ordnance Survey will get you in trouble unless it is for Private Study under the Fair Use clauses. I enquired of the Ordnance Survey if I could make my own illustration for a guide book I was writing for publication. Answer: you can look at our map and then draw your own, but if you trace it you are into a royalty fee.
  18. In general, in Common Law jurisdictions anyway, 'personal use' is only a privilege in Copyright, not in Intellectual Property in general. Even the personal use is restricted, and for sure 'recreation' doesn't appear to me to be in the list. https://ogc.harvard.edu/pages/copyright-and-fair-use is a good read for those that want to understand 'fair use'. But in any case the SL TOS precludes it.
  19. Last time I looked the Upload a Mesh questionnaire had been replaced by a tick-box against I have Read the TOS (or something like that). The problem with this is with people who don't really understand Legal English. The Questionnaire was a great idea. Ah well, progress..... edit: didn't see that Chic had already said this. Apologies.
  20. Go to your inventory, choose the Worn tab, select Expand. Now look for anything with a shoe icon and remove it. My guess is that you have an SL shoe delivered with a mesh shoe, and you don't need it. Use Hover instead. (at least until you understand why you might like to use it and how)
  21. I got the Glytch Bus, I thought it was quite feeble. Why do you guys like it so much? I like premium because it makes me feel superior to the hoi-polloi. Mainly because of our huge (1/8th sim) mainland estate.
  22. Commiserations. I'm afraid SL is like that, no zoning laws here. Unless you are on a private sim with a covenant that the neighbor has broken, your best bet is to move. There is a natural inclination to put up something equally nasty to extract revenge. Experience shows this doesn't work. Another idea would be to rebuild your estate at the same level, reestablishing the previous junction, but I suspect that will just ripple down the parcels....
  23. Beware the 1 post newbie troll. Feed with extreme caution, count fingers after. I come to the forums to bait trolls. Do your worst.
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