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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. I'm going to have to disagree. LL have total knowledge of what goes on in their simulators, it cannot be beyond the wit of programmer to detect security orbs which contain instructions that move avatars, and flag them on the map - it doesn't have to be done in real-time, it's just a background housekeeping task. However, that is just a wish-list item. The real problem is LLs pig-headed refusal to assign enough resources to fix the <expletive deleted> map in time for the next millennium. I agree about the right approach to orb-owners. One warning helpful suggestion, and you're ARed! I have to say that my experience is that most of them in Belli (where there IS a covenant) respond well, but most on mainland either ignore your polite request or are very rude indeed, usually to the point of immediately banning you from their parcels. And on mainland, or course, as there is no covenant, and they are within their rights to do so.
  2. This is an interesting perspective. We do mostly sailing and often long distance. The reason the Map, as opposed to the mini-map, is needed is for the planning phase of a trip. If you are just wandering, then I agree, the mini-map and a 300 dd is perfectly fine. But if, for instance, you want to start just in the very south of Belli, like where my Houseboat is, and try to see how near to Satori you can get, then you do really need the Map. If you try flying it's the same thing, it's not for flying, it's for flight planning. And this is also why I would like the info on banned parcels and orbs on it - I don't deny people their rights, but I would like to avoid them destroying mine. However, with LL only paying lip service to fixing the map, the chances of any useful enhancements, that might attract more business to SL, seem nil.
  3. Don't you know you violated their inalienable rights to the airspace up to heaven (and beyond), you horrible man! Shooting down is too good for you. If we had a proper policy from Layabout Lab on this the map tiles would reflect where the security orbs are. Actually flying itself has gotten easier since AWS, it's just you can't see where <expletive deleted> you are.
  4. Oh we are waking this OLD OLD thread up again are we? When it was started I was a University Student and did SL to get away from all the sex. Now I'm an independently wealthy unemployed autocrat.
  5. 1) Learn how to post in normal case letters. Sorry, not very polite. I apologise.
  6. The purpose of SL is to dress up and look sexy right? So why would you go about with feet like that?
  7. Ya, mainland sucks these days. That's why Laughable Lab doesn't get my tier any more. Well that, and the lack of usable maps.
  8. Another thing, very unlikely I know, that can cause Firestorm to look 'all blue', is if the debug setting Developer->Render Metadata->Physics shapes gets set. I did it once when trying to click something else, took me an age to find it.
  9. I call it 'Linden's Laughs'. As in 'Soon(tm)'. And 'We've assigned a programmer to the issue, and hope he'll finish this century'....
  10. Looking out the window this morning, seeing the waves of rain beating down. I have to agree, (waves thumb at Elon....)
  11. It's intermittent. My own theory is that if 2 (or more) are in a boat, and at least one has a slow or latent connection, then you may get the issues @Aishagaindescribes. There is also the complexity of the vehicle, of course, Bandits aren't that lightweight.
  12. Wasn't that fun! Wild ride. I think I got a bruise on my butt.... Well done Nasa. Mars, the only planet we know that's entirely populated by robots.
  13. Oz, You have completely destroyed my faith in Linden Lab by saying 'Soon' and then giving an actual date! Don't you know it is Corporate Policy NEVER to give dates and only make devious innuendo-laden hints about when things will actually happen! So long, and thanks for all the (virtual) fish. xxx
  14. Holy Saint Valentine, the Martyr, pray for us! There! That's today sorted.
  15. You are using a Graphics Card to play SL? You fool, they are only to be used for mining Bitcoins! I sold an old AMD card on ebay, I was amazed I got more for it than I paid. Bitcoin miners!
  16. There must be a setting, but I haven't found it either. If you use the button, then the main part of it is 'show friends only until you tp', but the little corner is 'show friends only forever'. The button is not one of the default ones and needs to be found in the 'add buttons'.
  17. Maybe you are using BoM? Omega is for appliers...
  18. If you want a huge wardrobe of moderately good clothes, Legendaire might suit.
  19. Of course we are not talking here about the clutch of pixels that we 'see' as an avatar, no, we are talking about the soul of the avatar that lives on in the Cloud while we are not paying the power company for the electrons to display their body. It's a mistake to think that this 'soul' is in some way 'you'. After all she does things in SL you would never do in RL. No! This is a separate entity that only 'bonds' with you when you connect. I can't tell you what she does, because that would be against the TOS, a bit like copying IM's to other people. But I know.
  20. Why do males always have to be so BIG? And shout.
  21. Do I get to have as much great sex in RL as I do in SL? It might be a reasonable trade. On the other hand maybe all the guys in RL would have club-feet and muscles like King-Kong... yuk.
  22. I got those. WINE is good for the SL viewer to use Havok for upload, and not much else. But no, I have no inclination if they don't make a native Linux download. Long ago I decided to be a Microsoft-free-zone. I extended that to Apple, Facebook, and recently, Google. Although Google is proving more difficult (android...) Anti-trust Mega-corpse will not get me.
  23. Tried to install it, but it doesn't. Is it because I'm on Archlinux (with lots of monitors and a big fat underdesk room-heater Ryzen/nVidia box)?
  24. Nothing for you bio-things, us silicon-based lifeforms will have everything. You should have thought of this when you turned the atmosphere to Carbon Dioxide, and filled the oceans with Polymerized bio-thing fossils.
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