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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. Which makes the slow-detach-in-lag issue, introduced in the AIS3 inventory update, so much more annoying.
  2. Like anywhere in Bellisaria (aka LagLand), where we might want to change... Well done LL.
  3. CTS Wardrobe helps a lot, but sometimes I think it's all I do in SL, buy clothes insert into CTS Wardrobe, repeat...
  4. could I get a translation of "you are totes pwnd kekehehe", it doesn't appear to be English?
  5. Coming late to the party. It is impossible to tell from a clothed picture if he is attractive or not. He might be. In the flesh, clothes drape differently on attractive men, so it's not the same. But, I am not attracted to men who are much over 6 ft, or clearly use gym-time to make top-end muscle, so I guess I am odd... In SL I call them Gorillas. He isn't one of those, at least.
  6. I'm ditching premium on my accounts as they come up. I find no value in it. I've already stopped importing cash into SL. And after all, Meta will be along in a moment with something better than SL, with added Zukerblob - not only that, but by profiling my behavior they will be able to offer me, well, err, wonderful things! I can't wait.
  7. Just a little note to the wise. The easy way to have a unique skin is to wear some BoM layers over the base skin you bought. Right now I have a Wow skin, but with my freckles, a 3rd-party set of eyebrows, and of Izzie's spots and forehead lines, you would be pretty clever to work out which skin it is. And shape is all mine.
  8. I am thinking to adding to that thread on what I'd like most from Premium Plus, and it is 'infinite ban list entry space'. I would then derender and ban all bots I meet.
  9. I laugh every time I read a Legacy story. TMP lives! And wants your money (again)... Love my Maitreya. (well apart from the armpits...)
  10. I have, on occasion, rezzed a boat on a rez zone of a near-beach road, and then moved it (with Edit) onto the water. It's not especially fun, or realistic, but then most yachts in RL are built on land and then launched. If you sail a lot you get to know all the regions connected to Blakes Sea rather well, I can tell where I am by the sea floor.... If only the seas were deeper. Wherever you sail or drive, you must have Ban-Lines visible, and if you fly you WILL get sent home by Security Orbs run by cretins at any random height because LL didn't think it was necessary to prevent them, and they get put in faster than they can be mapped. Welcome to (trying to) drive, sail or fly in SL.
  11. I was bored, then I discovered this thread. Now I'm bored again....
  12. For most stores, like Blueberry and Addams, who's regular prices are very high, I maintain a list of things who's demos I have tried and liked. Then when they have a sale I can pop over and get them. As for FLF and TSS things, these are often special textures, so I like to check them out. No one will get rich with me as a customer.
  13. I was thinking of making an alt called Mohamurderer. You think that will fly? Double standards as always in this (first and second) life.
  14. You need to check out CTS Wardrobe (no connection, just a happy customer, since 5 years).
  15. Disagree. I am always attaching things to Centre, usually self-detaching scripted objects that make some change to my clothing using RLVa. If I can't use a HUD attachment point, then you would see the object in-world - which ruins the illusion. And I want Wear, not Add, so that it boots anything left when SL* screws up RLVa, which it does frequently. *SL = SL, or the Viewer, or the comms lag, or whatever.
  16. Well, I did actually watch the whole game from my recording. It was, as usual, more hype than sport - not nearly as good as any of the playoffs. I was happily able to 30x through the chat (no ads on the BBC), and the half-time thingy. But to be quite honest the 'Game in 5 minutes' on NFL Game Pass showed everything of consequence. I wish they did 'Game in 5 minutes' for soccer too, I might even get interested. @Sid NagyI'm with you on what Americans call 'Movies', they can keep them. Guns with everything
  17. I got news for ya. The NFL is bringing 2 games to Germany this year, and has been playing a couple in London for the last few years already. In UK there is a big following and the Superbowl will be live on the BBC (with NO ads , but lots of chat instead ). The way to watch it is to get the 40 minute games from the NFL website - not live but all the delays and ads are taken out, but you see the whole thing, or the Game in 5 minutes, which is just the highlights - but it does mean you can watch a lot of games over coffee on Monday morning. I follow NFL (yeah I know, Brit girl...) because the league is designed to make the games exciting, not to enable one or two clubs to dominate through the cheque-book. The NFL draft system means that the worst team each year gets the first pick of the best new players.
  18. I shall repeat myself: Mind over Meta. I am so glad Zukerblog lost a load of money.
  19. I am deeply insulted. I go WAY out of my way to be annoying, and now I realize it is all a waste of talent.
  20. I have really good idea which will push SL to the top of the Metaverse pile. Premium Minus, everything that you get with a free account, except legs. and for a little bit less, automatic TP home if you stray into an Adult region.
  21. Think not about new features, just get the old ones to work. I don't plan to renew my Premium (bored with Lag-o-Belli), and have stopping importing RL cash.
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