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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. I am sure Patch and his Moles will make those nice and realistic and wriggly, just like his cute tail! It's sometimes hard to comment on half finished work
  2. There is a clear group of people in SL who want to police others. They get pleasure from imposing their morals, judgement, and ideals on others, and invariably they are full of bias and not very good at it. You see them come into sims as admin, they start setting up an interpretation of the rules that suit them, they micromanage and fill the place with drama and restrictions, and the sim dies. Thing is with these officious people, especially the ones who outright ask for power, they really aren't the ones suitable to hold the role. SL flourishes with as few rules as possible, it's a creative world and freedom is a huge part of the creative process. A resident president and ruling body are an absolute antithesis to the freedom SL needs.
  3. Although some happens in multiple cores, a lot happens on a single core. That 20% is over all cores, yes? You might actually find that one has hit 100%, and that's a hard limit. Shadows, and draw distance. And land owners changing their blended alpha plants to masked alpha.
  4. Yep, this comes from private regions that are abandoned. One way might be to locate a private homestead region for sale, and hope the owner abandons it. A better way, maybe you could explain your need to the major estate companies and see if any of them are willing to help you, with advanced notice of a move/abandon. I normally use Linden Land for my picks. Searching the map for a humourous region name might lead you to some Linden Protected land to use. I've seen gynoids using "Battery Passage" as an example. Edit: as another thought, wait for the next cycle of RFL sims to appear, pick those, and they drop after a month.
  5. Then can we both grok the mousie Linden!
  6. Nothing and everything. Which is a bit of difficult concept to grok at first. This is a game without rails, a huge sandbox based around user created content. As an example while I type this answer I am harvesting Rence. I need Rence to make baskets to hold grapes that I will make into wine to store in barrels from trees I cut down. Barrels held together with hoops made from ore I mine. But that's a roleplay farming game someone made. A game I am playing while I wait for my partner to return. Earlier today I was making a new version of my avatar - something I am oft wont to do. Shopping some events I found some nice body glitter from Mr Moose. I guess your first steps are to learn to move, dress, search and make this world yours. Do the Barbie Dress-up aspects of the game first and make your avatar represent who you are inside. From there, once your avatar is done search out places, groups, people that interest you. From there, learn to create and build, gather friends who mean things to you, possibly family. One day you can consider premium, land, a home. A place to sit, cuddle or dance with close friends.
  7. Bento added a bunch of new bones to the head to allow enhanced expressions. The head makers, when rigging the new heads chose different weighting to the Linden Lab default mesh. Why they did this isn't known to me, I've always considered it something around trying to make the animations look as good as possible. Wear the shape supplied with the bento head and start adjusting from there. I find it handy to send my normal shape to an alt and use that on screen number 2 to access my normal body numbers easier.
  8. Do you plan on finishing the continents that were not finished? Zindra for example just ends abruptly. We could have a simple 1 region wide border of protected land sloping down then water, (use openspace regions so it's not too many servers). Then 1 region wide water around the entire continent to make it all sailable, again, openspace should be fine. Or make it land that can be sold, it will be snapped up fast by the land barons.
  9. Ha! Blockchain land and assets.I can see that going well (not) ^ is at 5:10-ish
  10. He-Man is somewhat suited to a certain type of roleplay that's quite popular in SL. "I would choose so to live that I might be willing that I should live that life a thousand times, even forever." - PKOG pp 316
  11. For you; AvSitter is a little weird. If you don't get the wording exactly right with the RLV section the restrictions can stick when they shouldn't. I'd guess that's what happening. Vanilla override with /1vistand. Also of course possible some "duminant" has left your strict mode on. For others, an overview; Often RLV furniture is set up to lock the OC wearer in place, so being locked in place is quite normal and expected. It's one of the restrictions dominants can place on you, and one of the restrictions you assent to by wearing a collar. You can try turning your relay off or ask, that will stop some of it. The relay setting is on the RLV button. Making sure your vanilla mode is turned on will let you override some restrictions you don't wish. You can use your safeword, although that will inform anyone you have as an owner. Short of that, make an alt and set them as an owner to your collar so you can be rescued I am sure others will give you more ideas. I'm normally on the other end of the leash
  12. One of my heros, a very clever scientist, and well deserving of her Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her code is in github https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11/ although it's pre-epoch. ? Another most people don't realise; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Wilson a transgender woman who created the instruction set for the British ARM processor. The ARM processor and it's variants are now the basis of almost all low power computing devices these days as well as being the core of 95% of the world's smartphones.
  13. SL Grid Survey proves that the change reversed the leak of private islands. The grid has substantially grown since it came in; These quotes from the wonderful Tyche are from the "other" SL forum. Before the change: After the change:
  14. Good to see it's solved. ARs can take a number of days, a lot of snowflakes complain about their Bae saying a swear word which clogs the queues. The best way is to always AR and wait. It can take a week, but if it's a real problem and not someone being trivial, the Lab do act.
  15. The ban was by Jack Linden in 2009. The wiki page on traffic mentions this https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/land/blog/2009/04/23/conclusion-to-the-blog-post-on-bots But it's been redacted by the Lab.
  16. Quinn, did you ever play Leisure Suit Larry?
  17. Yes, I do this for places that catch my eye (camming). My experience over the years is that people enjoy the recognition. My publically accessable land is always open. As long as people don't get creepy while I am there I have no issues if their avatar's pixels are close to my land's pixels.
  18. Tyson doesnt seem to be on sale in her main shop. Is it hidden in an event?
  19. Yes, I read the Op and I agree with it. I hope there is a jira for it so that it can be taken into account for project Arctan. What I do not agree to is your post saying: We should NOT have hard limits for avatars. What we choose to wear in our regions, in clubs we own and pay for is our business. If events wish to place a complexity cap - as some do, then they can - but for you to come out and recommend that everyone in SL should abide by YOUR idea of what a person should wear is wrong, and it's wrong to the core. To make it worse, you actually request that premiums should be allowed to wear more complex avatars then basics. "Sorry Ma'am, you cant have that hair - it's only for premium members"
  20. No, this discussion about "hard complexity limits" needs to be put aside forever. Coffee and you are very wrong to raise it. The purpose of complexity, of ARC is to provide people with the tools they need to adjust the game to suit their computers. It's not there, and should never be there to provide a hard limit on what someone may or may not wear on their avatar. Especially with braindead ideas such as premiums can wear more stuff. That's unfair, and it's stupid because people already have a slider they can lower to turn people into jelly beans. They already have the ability to derender people they judge as unimportant on top of that. And there is absolutely no need to set a new entry limit on homesteads so that people simply can't enter the region when it's reached a total avatar complexity of 600K. That's unfair again on people who have decent computers, and it's unfair on region - especially club - owners. This is the second time we have seen this braindead suggestion that people need to be allocated a hard limit on what they may wear, and this needs to be the final and last time we see it. You have no right to tell me what I am allowed wear in my regions. Stop asking for this to happen.
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