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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Couple animations have also critically needed a way to accurately determine and point an avatar under script control. Air Hugs have been an SL constant since 2004.
  2. I have popcorn and vodka shots, and video games in my room XD
  3. I am on the side of "People are too lazy to read" Skell's idea is a good one, rename the card "WIN FREE MONEY" or something. Also make sure it's in a few languages. English and Spanish come to mind. German also if you can, as it's also a large community. You should be able to find bilingual people to do the translations in the wanted section of this forum.
  4. Which viewer are you using? Firestorm, Catznip, Any other great TPV except the gimped SL viewer? Normally you enable RLV in the options, then log out and in and it will work. You of course need some form of scripted device, from a collar, to a wardrobe hud, to a parent's helper. So, what sort of device are you trying to use? Fromt here, I guess when you say "it isn't working" what isn't? Are there error messages? Does something not work like you think?
  5. We can split him you even days, and me odd days?
  6. The Lab know thier customers, and I think it's the Lab's strong intention to allow as many legacy systems as possible. A sizable proportion of SL seems to be non-gamers and a huge chunk of those are on Potatos. If you stop thinking about them SL becomes a wasteland with tumbleweeds blowing down the streets of Bay City.
  7. I find this ironic Yes, it's a tech pun. However, joke aside, public scripted-daiper like games are not something everyone in SL enjoys. For their comfort I would estate ban someone using this system on my land. Especially if it spams green text with the pee particles.
  8. <evil grin> "something like" isn't great for us to help you, just as deleting your original quesion isn't great for us to help you. I think you need to try the process credit again and read the email carefully, and NOT delete stuff in paranoia. The email you get will give a reason, you just need to read it properly.
  9. This isn't a GF exclusive benefit. Non-GF full regions which default to 20K LI can be upgraded to 30K LI too. Just needs you to pay the one time US$30 conversion fee and agree to pay US$30 a month extra over your normal tier.
  10. There is this 2001 page, a bit earlier. It's by a domain squatter. The first recorded page we can attribute to the beginning Lab was 2002 along with the page about "Linden World" here https://web.archive.org/web/20021010114415/http://www.secondlife.com:80/lindentech.html
  11. That's $560 too expensive. A new one costs: and comes with the first month's tier for free. As it's clearly not grandfathered, I honestly suggest you abandon the homestead. It has zero value. DO NOT pay more tier on it, don't waste your money.
  12. My club's traffic is down this week during the USA hours, so Cindy is likely correct about some people taking advantage of that USA holiday and taking a longer break before fall.
  13. Derp on me! Try it this way! Sorry.
  14. It's not 100% perfect, but it helps a alot. Over on the left of the MP is this: <removed wrong screenshot, correct way is below> Down the bottom tick modify/transfer and most gatchas will go away
  15. Oh Keira, you must be new here! Live Chat is only during American business hours. Most of the world misses out when they want to be online. Not sure why the Lab were so stingy to remove our ability for it, but it makes is all very sad that the Lab constantly forget's it's international customers.
  16. Only you and the person you speak to. - And the Police. And the American NSA. And the Lindens who do Abuse Reports. The police need a warrant. The Lindens have very strict rules on reading IMs. The NSA... are like a vacuum cleaner and capture everything.
  17. It was a dangerous image search... butttttttttttttt... (grandmother safe, butt wriggles)
  18. Mine too. Lag anywhere from 6500 to 25000ms to just two people. Me in Australia, the other in Europe - so it's less likely internet and more like LL server or datacentre. I've put in a support ticket requesting they look at this as rebooting the region didn't help. However - I am not stressed, stuff happens! I thank warmly the LL employees who wake up at 3am to do this! I am positive they would prefer to be in bed and do it after 9am!
  19. We we are assuming it's housing or mainland, not a game or an event. But it's a super nice dream that I approve of. Increasing the ability to travel from one continent to another is great. As is finishing a navigatable waterway around all the existing continents. But this might be short term land.
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