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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Shoppers, and in particular event goers would love that our 1MB/s (10Mb/s) ADSL connections were not being swamped by all the mesh and attachments of 50 other people when we have our complexity set to 0. The viewer should obey that. If I set everyone to jellybeans, their mesh shouldn't be requested from the CDN, and I can then have my slow internet back to deal with just the vendors.
  2. *sniff* my edge loops keep getting broken. Bye to Ctrl-R. Love to work out why, or how to remake them.
  3. A very nice idea to save a heap of clicks. Drag a calling card into favourites and it appears under the LMs or on the right side. I'll hope a dev sees it and thinks the same. My c++ skills are worse then my attempts to speak Japanese.
  4. https://my.secondlife.com/klytyna As to why no google, except russian... possibly flagged as an adult profile due to the photos. So, googlebot won't index it.
  5. They need to have posted on these new forums - not the previous incarnations They need to have been scraped by googlebot (which can take up to 90 days from their first post on the forums) Their profiles can not be marked adult (no RL porn) Number 2 is hard to predict. Googlebot is a bit weird as a spider and will skip a page for months. One post people are unlikely to show up using that method. What you can try - and likely have more luck with is http://my.secondlife/name.last (if it's a resident, leave the last off) as that bypasses the sometimes weird slowness behind googlebot's crawling. So: https://my.secondlife.com/prokofy.neva or https://my.secondlife.com/patch.linden or https://my.secondlife.com/amandakeen
  6. I've had my Vive for about 12 months, still don't have my vr legs.
  7. Oh gosh, can you imagine the abuse we would have if people could upload 4K textures? That time little earring that takes up 10 pixels on the screen... with a 4K texture applied? VRam killer! That little knickknack from the H&G store that was 150 pixels tall on the screen with four 4K textures? Well, there goes 10fps. That vendor at Fantasy Faire (just one of 10,000) that was 250 pixels tall on your screen with 4K textures. Can FF become any more texture loaded? And that's the biggest problem between SL and a Game - a top tier game will have a budget for tris, it will have a budget for textures, it will have a budget for draws. And it will all be pre-computed. Here people can create their own streamed content, and that leads to a lot of abuse. In almost all cases in SL, 1024x1024 textures are more then enough. Why? We rarely expand them out to full size. Most of the time they are occupying a mere 200 pixels of screen space.
  8. A lot of people do try to help her. Mostly they have their hands bitten.
  9. (The device on the cat's back is a Vive tracker, so it's position can be seen in VR)
  10. People can and have been banned in world for forum speech. The "red-haired, rabbit-eared girl" with the southern-USA-like first name comes to mind. A thread over on the other SL forums went and elucidated the reason for that ban, it was justified. So, I am not sure how you claim "they allow decoupling of forums speech from any consequence whatsoever in the inworld community" They don't. If someone acts up here then there can be a consequence in-world. However, that bar is set pretty high from what we learnt. Harrasment by putting reactions to someone's post is a venial sin in our Linden God's eyes, while engaging in alt-reich hate-speech would cause it.
  11. Teehee. I can see it now as a tail animation plays and overrides the dresses movements. He looks up from her with a hypnotic glaze over his eyes "Ma'am, why is your dress happy to see me?"
  12. I own a hardcore sub and we talk about this a lot. I would think that you are also not one who would turn off RLV in firestorm lightly, but you do desire extra restraint of that option being gone. As the perma-RLV solutions are not (yet) available in Firestorm you need to change viewers to Marine's completely as LittleMe says above, or maybe as another option or even in addition, you can consider installing the Heartcore script (buy at Temple of the Collar) into your collar instead. https://www.opencollar.at/heartcore.html To take it even further, a heartcore collar (not just the installable script) can be welded closed. Edit: Heartcore requires you to be on OC6 or Peanut, not the fork version.
  13. Some people are so full of bitterness and hatred that even posting on their main avatars doesn't stop their vitriolic diatribe. When it comes down to this forum, the main offender in the category you wish to ban is the token Trumpette we suffer with, the one who loves to post their off-topic, anti-lefist dross into any thread they can. They have even admitted to using that nick to avoid an in-world ban.
  14. You ask and you partially answer it yourself There are other reasons, of course; stalking... trolling... and the believed need for privacy as you mention, but the threat of an in-world ban is quite a real one. My concern: When talking about locking people into a name, especially in a game like SL, I do consider that we get a lot of people here who are stalked by ex's, hurt by partners, abused by their dumbinants... and use a 1 post name to ask for help, away from their main avatar. One would need to weigh up the loss of that safety. The biggest problem though is just how would you enforce it? Browsers can, of course, lock you in via cookies, but deleting cookies is not hard. So, a troll would delete their cookies, log in as ProkHater.resident and post some bile, then delete their cookies and log back in and SweetAndLovely.Linden (queue a rant about techno-commies not wanting to find a solution)
  15. To look at the bright side, if he didn't react to your posts your reputation on the forums would not be as high!
  16. Thank you! A million times over. Thank you. I hope one day you also kindly consider the Jira to allow us to restrict entry by avatar age
  17. SEO (search engine optimisation) He is gaming google. The third hashtag is the key.
  18. I PiHole facebook into a blackhole, and quite honestly, the only impact improvement is faster browsing without their spyware trackers being loaded up. Nothing gets broken that I have seen, and privacy is vastly increased.
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