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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Yes, this very thread shows the danger. Some idiot sees a real name, scans a public database and sees a match (not caring about middle name, date of birth, document numbers) and starts a vendetta. This thread should be an inkling to you of why public databases are wrong. People are stupid. And the pitchfork crew, hyped up on a mistaken belief are downright dangerous. SL doesn't need a "Megan's List", there are no if's or but's to this. The correct response is Mute the person you think is a sex maniac and report them to the Lab stating your beliefs. The Lab will investigate then, if there are grounds, perma-ban the pervert. But we don't need to give stupid people the right to add any avatar name to a list as someone they think is a sex offender. Every single butt hurt break up would end up with one of the people listed as a sex offender.
  2. Hopefully Never. It's a bar to entry that shows you are not going to overload the concierge team with silly questions. They are busy enough as it is. The current system, which means homesteaders get support from their estate agents is one that works well.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mrs._Slocombe
  4. Each time a question is asked to the incorrect team works too! CEOs do CEO stuff, not tech support Product Managers do Product Manager stuff not governance Opensource Dev Wranglers (aka Oz) herd cats. Governance drink vodka shots to stay sane. The Land Team do Land (awesomely). Community (aka Tommy et al) also herd cats, derpy cats and nowhere near as clever as the Dev cats.
  5. By the way OP, there are about 180 people in the world with my real life name, one of those people is in my own city. My name is not a common one, but it's the nature of humanity. Our family name grows in size over the century and families who have no knowledge of another can and do name their newborns similar names. One of the people with my real life name - he lives in a different country thank the gods - is a murderer. That's the biggest problem in my eyes with the USA's barbaric laws on this issue, innocent people, very innocent people, can be subjected to puritanical witchhunts that they don't deserve when stupid people make assumptions. OP, I want you to google your real life name and go through the first 10 pages, look for other people who share it. Would you enjoy it if one of them was listed publically as a sex offender? Imagine all those Facebook hate messages you get as someone sees your real name, sees a barbaric sex-offender list with the same name (different person obviously) and puts 2 and 2 together to get 9?
  6. Sorry for starting this guys by using the term "Prim Torture" Art in the sky always fascinated me, and people experienced at trying known it only works with a few prim types. Garnet's valued eyes seeing snoopy in Plum allowed me to look, and the "unusually altered prim" is a 5:1 saving in the technique of using plain-old-boring-plywood-cubes. I tried this in a region I have the other day, and sure enough up they came, and at what is a real low LI cost (another changed term, we used to use the word "prims" as a meter to land capacity, now we use LI - terms evolve) My next plan... Put a picture of my face over a whole region so the whole map reading population of SL can admire the awesome Neko Ears Aii makes. I digress. Imagemagik makes pixellated pictures from any photo Running convert -scale 10% -scale 1000% original.jpg pixelated.jpg twice seems to create good art to use. What I need to do is write a PHP/Golang program to read the pixelated JPG and a script in world to grab the RGB values and place them on the array of prims. Well, one day... My List of ToDo's is about 5kM long and not getting any shorter. A fun discussion in the derail yes, but thank Garnet for your observation!
  7. Block, then AR him please so the Lab (and not you) can decide. It may be against the LL TOS for him to be in SL, but this isn't your choice to make, it's the Lab's.
  8. We do. I use Catwa's beast fangs as mine. Not perfectly feline, but close.
  9. I was torturing one about 18 months ago, it was a cut and hollowed, tapering, torus based spring ... and a fair chunk of my home parcel at the time was returned when I linked it to some mesh that had a normal map.
  10. As long as your underwear didn't announce it, cause that's sort of weird when that happens. Somewhat Soaked Pants?
  11. All of the above and adding something from Animats recently that might help you understand it's not 32 bit... it's that our shared virtual world is full of user created content and a hell of a lot of blended alpha. (Sidenote; responsible landscaping and setting all blended to masked makes a huge difference in FPS for everyone)
  12. "Five Wood Sexy Games"* would also work. Thats a great idea for the Gyazo to help make the link more apparent Lindal, kudos. Edit: * sexy game = Twister with a play field made of mahogony, oak, monkeywood, pine and cherry*. Edit 2: * cherry = The type of wood, not the fruit. Cause that would just be silly.
  13. One for me... Shutup Silly Puss-in-boots.
  14. Me too Blush. Unsellable Linden homes (or even unsellable empty plots!) with the abandon/retake raffle and a nice covenant are good. It would be so sad to see it as another desolate Land Barron yellow/purple continent to milk some more cash for Sansar. But the Lab would never do that, and Patch is awesome. This will be a great fun contenent for free premium homes. Edit: They can, of course, also mix *unsellable* Premium plots onto existing mainland on all that abandoned land. Allow people on the base level of premium to do the premium raffle for an older mainland granite/snow/grass/mud parcel, or for a higher level of premium get an unsellable premium parcel in the SSP continent. Super Sized Premium (benefits)
  15. I see seas of yellow, for sale signs too A land barrons delight, not for me or you And I think to myself... Stacked Sale Parcels I see no free land, It's all snapped up For sale at six Lindens, we all shout enough And I think to myself... Silly Song Premise
  16. The lab have this ability. Note how the Gardens of Apollo came back from the many years dead. The *biggest* issue is no-copy protection. Such a feature would need to have strong content protection built in so people can't use it as a way to duplicate gatcha rares.
  17. Missing from isn't an indication. Discount that one. When someone is banned, or if they delete their account their my.secondlife.com page is no longer visible, and displays... This way seems to be 100% accurate. access with my.secondlife.com/first.last if they have a last name and just my.secondlife.com/first if they are newer avatar without a lastname. Note: This is not proof someone is banned, self deletion shows the same thing. That is normal. People who self-delete or are banned remain in other's friend's lists. A Linden (I am pretty sure he said it last year), has said that for investigations where they invesitgate logs * Only a few Lindens have the rights * They strictly stick to the portions reported, they don't trawl them to find other people at different times * That the logs can be very disturbing and upsetting Please be aware that for the biggest breaches of TOS the poor governance people will need eye-bleaching and counselling and support. They want to be in and out fast without the horrors of those things and not be there looking at all the sexual encounters of the person being looked at. They seem to be very specific. A banned avatar is effectively executed. They will *never* return. A self-deleted avatar can be undeleted. In fact, I am a self-deleted avatar who undeleted himself.
  18. Ah don't give in Phil. Language is often used incorrectly by me, just as it often is by all. I've always called it torturing prims, but then I'm not an über skilled Inhaltsersteller like you. As another example, I also more often then not call the 256x256 meter blocks of land in SL a region, while so many other residents call them sims. Don't get twisted up too much about it. Just a word. Sorry if I used the wrong one mate.
  19. On linux, sone of these emojis looks real weird. I think this is a female vampire? Maybe a man playing a woman.
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