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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Pity the old norse map is gone. It was the best of the war ones.
  2. Not even close to accurate. They are little more then a pretty display watching a few common ports. They miss a lot of the traffic and a lot of the attack styles. They also don't truely show the source of any attacks, just intermediate steps of them. Mostly, ignore those Maps, their only real purpose is to "Wow!" boardroom people into spending money on security.
  3. you might like it, but we find it hard to read. To show you what we mean, a snapshot of what we see... If we can't read it.... we can't help you.
  4. Asking for a Dom friend of mine >.> <.< >.> ... Can we collar them all and do an under-graduate's petting zoo?
  5. In honour of Day of the Dead... The Metalachi version of Bohemian Rhapsody https://youtu.be/ISIlsp3LIDk?t=39 (can't be embedded sadly) Metal Mariachi is... unusual, but it's actually a decent covfefe cover
  6. Happy is gud. More people should be happy!
  7. I've been helping a friend further refine his look, grabbing demos, then helping him buy and attach it all... I think it's turned out quite well! He's happy and that makes me happy To give a sense of scale, next to a freshly-rezzed prim: We also built a little house It's so adorably cute, even if I can't get in the door! A heck of a lot can be squeezed into a 1024M2 parcel when it's all to this scale.
  8. Lovely region to look at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Horizon/195/226/32 (Adult rated region)
  9. About every 4 months, 6 at most. 50% of the time it's a flop, 50% of the time it's super awesome. If it fails, I grumble, erase it and try again. One needs inspiration, and a muse!
  10. So, from all this, nothing changes? (Outside of Pro being needed of course. But I am very much of the opinion that if you use something you should pay for it).
  11. Back then, there wasn't enough room to swing a cat.
  12. Saying what reads as a very sarcastic comment like that is certainly going to get people's goat.
  13. I think we can discount any link between BDO and SL. None of the other MMOs are being hit. This is an attack on SL, seperate to any others. My money is still on the butt-hurt furries we saw in the thread accusing the Lindens of abuse.
  14. The one I saw absolutely played havok with my subs collars. Maybe it was poorly scripted, but we had to leave the region.
  15. The Furries are up in arms right now over the MP. I wouldn't put it past some of them.
  16. /me hands cookies to everyone. And you are never any more foolish then the rest of us Bigmoe ❤️
  17. Hmmm, these two statements seem to invalidate your entire argument. Unless you are saying it's ok for Furries to be intollerant, but not the hoomans.
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