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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. They would be breaking Strafgesetzbuch § 86a and punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine.
  2. Particles are a prim property, like texture rotation and hovertext are. The script just sets that property. To remove particles you need to put this scrubber into the object... default { state_entry() { llParticleSystem( [] ); } }
  3. Edit the firestorm file.... skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml look for this section: <notification icon="alertmodal.tga" name="CantRezOnLand" type="notify"> <tag>fail</tag> Can't rez object at [OBJECT_POS] because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use th </notification> Change type="notify"> to type="STOPIT"> should do the trick. Make a backup of the file so you can undo it if you mess up... and after. This is an important notification when rezzing where you can't do it, it's a pain when you don't see it, so it's not good to leave it turned off. Disclaimer: You should know what you are doing, editing these files willy-nilly is a dangerous thing and could cause support nightmares later. If in doubt buy the fireworks for an alt and let them get spammed.
  4. Daw, don't be so hard on Kat, she really is pawesome and one of the nicest Lindens I've dealt with. As the network team handled the DDoS it likely gave the Concierge team time to catch up a little and deal with a few of the issues on their long list of tickets. That she was able to update is quite ok in my eyes as not everyone at the Lab will have the qualifications to do networking.
  5. Welcome to the forums Kat, I know you have always been awesome with all the Land related problems I've thrown at you. I hope we see you again sometimes!
  6. No. That is rewarding people's art. Art is meant to be enjoyed and shared. The appropriation occurs if you claim something is made by someone when it isn't. To help spread genuine art and allow others to enjoy it can only ever be a good thing. It's the purpose of art.
  7. Nor me. Gun Control, like politics is a very complex issue, and I am not sure it can be rationally discussed on this forum. Personally, I'm glad our countries leaders erased guns from our society.
  8. Says something about your countries gun culture more then racism. Thought comes to mind about Justine Damond an Australian lady living in Minneapolis. She heard a commotion in the laneway and called the police, the police arrived, she went to the car window to talk to them, and they shot her. The killer pleaded the shooting was self-defence and involved a reasonable use of force. She was unarmed and wearing her pyjamas when she was shot in the stomach. It's not racism... it's that your countries gun culture is completely out of control. To the point the even your authorities, people that should be able to be trusted, have itchy trigger fingers for everyone as well.
  9. A lot of it made in China. About 90% of aboriginal art is fake - which is ok in itself - but it's being passed off as genuine.
  10. Building a new RP set today using a nice skybox I picked up from this month's Fameshed. Not much to do to complete this scene, it's mostly done in the bought mesh!
  11. I'm a bit sad today, so listening to Emu mewsic. That punk-pop emu stuff from peak-SL years still makes my spine tingle. So many dances when this was new mewsic.
  12. as the screenshot is always in the same place/name... one can see making a cmd file that does it. Close SL and double click the "erese" icon? Edit: Another option is replace that with a picture of a kitten and set the permissions to read only, so it can';t be overwritten (untested theory)
  13. I should stop watching cooking shows. I read that as deglazed.
  14. 165 people have actually fallen for the "Re: Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Re: Re: TRY IT, YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS" chain email.
  15. Sings along with that one nice version, and a fairly good sized audience.
  16. @Alexa Linden if you are having trouble working out how, maybe you have the ability to let us filter on this please? Allowing a NOT on it, or even a checkbox will make the MP much nicer.
  17. * It's a sad thought to think we soon won't be able to buy the items of people who pass on. * Still no "don't show me gatchas" toggle Please consider this, it's really needed. Let me show why it's needed Alexa.... and 18 items down the gatchas start.... The gatchas then go on for pages and pages and pages.
  18. Link for the Live Chat : https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ you can see that on this page https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131009-contact-support
  19. This page tells you: https://secondlife.com/my/account/?lang=en-US The Lab try down your list, starting with your preferred and if that fails, then they move down the list. If they all fail you won't lose your land right away, most of the time the Lab like to work with you to help you catch up. You will get an email, so make sure your account details are correct at: https://accounts.secondlife.com/change_email/?lang=en-US If you don't pay within a reasonable time the Lab can put you on an administrative hold and you won't be able to login until the debt is cleared. There is a lot of confusion around how soon they do this, for some people it's been immediate, for others it takes longer.
  20. Your bandwidth is set too high. When you log in you are swamped and this is dropping you. Try a lower number. I arrive and run about a bit, pushing them all away. It's fun!
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