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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Hey Shazza (giggle, I had to), welcome to SL. Where you can go really depends on your interests. SL is a wide and varied world with something for everyone. Use the search facility and set it to places. Type in things you are interested in and see what comes up. Many times the place will be empty to start, but take a look and see if you can see some info on when people appear. You can use the Map and look for green dots before you teleport, each green dot is a person, although some might be asleep For us Aussies we have a lot of sync up time with European people, and they are lovely. Most of my friends list is from England and Europe. There are a lot of Germans in SL, and most know English pretty well so talking is never an issue. You can also pick up translation devices so you can speak and hear other languages to some extent (not perfect, but enough to make do) One of my submissives is French and doesn't know a word of English, so we use such a device to talk. It works. In terms of vetting people, SL is a place for adults. So you can be fairly sure everyone you meet should be over 18. There are few people between 16 and 18 in the general regions, and a few might sneak in on mum's credit card, but we all watch out for them and report them for their own safety. My advice on that is to safely trust people are over 18.
  2. Once you own a region the first lesson is... It's not called a sim. An estate owner has the ability to reclaim a parcel at any time, so it's pretty easy to chop and change that part. The main advantage is one of auto return. I would suggest you create a land group that has the rights to rez permanent items in your region. People who build in this group - with the aim of leaving the objects in your region forever - should place all objects in that group. Then you can decide about non-permanent items. Option 1: In my public region I allow everyone to place things, I have auto-return set to 2 hours. To make sure nothing temporary stays I rarely invite people to the land group. Option 2: Others prefer to lock the region down so visitors don't have any build rights. This will require that you invite everyone you want to build into the land group. Option 3: I would strongly suggest against leaving the region's land in your name alone. It will make cleanup and control impossible.
  3. Oh yes, I well know. The flag used to be one of good and a shining symbol of the miner's struggle against the British and taxation without representation through the gold licence. But a lot happened since 1854, and although the southern cross survived unblemished as a very positive symbol until hmmm, 2005 I guess there is no doubt it has been tainted by criminals, gangs of thugs, drunk bogans at the cricket, and the 7% who have "sod* off, we're full" stickers on their utes. It's sad. * not the actual word
  4. You buy the $1 SMB which is : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SMB-Mesh-Body-for-Kids-Freebie/4736390 No, actually scratch that, that's kenzies attempt at a 15 year old in a Slink body (lawl) Slink is.... $1250 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Slink-Physique-Male-Mesh-Body/7776924 $850 for the hands https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Slink-Dynamic-Hands-Male/11466185 Don't do this... it looks silly IMO. Kid head on a body with a huge barrel chest. Use an SMB skin, or a Tweenster skin, scale the SMB or tweenster up to a 7.5:1 scale and hmmm 170cm.
  5. As it's an SSD.... before you delete it all next time try doing a defragment on the disk. With an SSD that performs a trim not a defrag. I have a theory that SL cache really messes up on SSDs and needs a manual trim sometimes to get computer performance back to screaming fast levels.
  6. I know what's going up in my regions! You are pawesome Bellimora, thank you Edit: Wonder what Nyancat clouds would look like
  7. I know two other Zindra regions that are also seeing really bad performance. Stupidly bad. The only common thing I can see is both regions have neighboring regions with very high AFK Farm use, so 30+ child agents (child in this sense is not referring to kid tyvm) on an 8K parcel. (Bloody afk farms are a blight on performance) Lag will go to 1500ms-2500ms+ in these two regions intermittantly. The best I can see is the lag correlates with a child agent appearing in the afk farms. That's with the AFK farms invisible too.
  8. Yay, now I have that ear worm. Thanks Ellestones!
  9. The people who use the Southern Cross as a cape, or on the back of their ute are not so delusional, as much as bogans ... a picture speaks a thousand words Yep, they love Mullets and beer!
  10. more Mariachi mewsics. This time, Mariachi Pacobel's Canon, and more.
  11. Nah, we see them as mostly just wankers. A fringe group of drunk and obnoxious bogans who drape themselves in the flag come invasion day and are the ones shout "Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi" at the cricket/Footy. Not many people like them. Proven by the fact their political party of choice, one nation, only gets 7% of the vote.
  12. I am not a silly bunny, I won't go there
  13. I guess you constitution allows free speech, no matter how offensive. Just look at your president as a perfect case-in-point.
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