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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. I am positive that we've seen that at least once in Answers.
  2. Manx Cats always look weird to this neko! They don't wear jeans so... just where do they hide their tail!?
  3. Most nation states are capable of it in one form or another. I just don't buy Bloomberg's chipped motherboard story, and neither do most experts. Consider that most corporations do have IDS systems. Any internal server dialing out to an unknown server is going to be trivially detected. Exfiltration of data is also going to be easily detected, especially if it reaches into the GB quantity. Placing a physically detectable bug on a device means it will be detected. If it's detected all hell will break loose as the Snowden leaks proved. I think any nation state would use other methods, such as altering BGP tables, installing viruses, employing APT, creating an encryption algorithm that used insecure primes, or applying brute state pressure to a company such as Apple, Google or Microsoft to get what they want.
  4. I'd certainly agree, I just went and looked and the comments were quite an eye opener. Personally I find this one an interesting juxtaposition. The shop banner suggests that not only does she carry a Linden Lab stamp of approval, but by displaying the French Flag, there is an implied suggestion that she might speak French. and yet, when a French comment is made
  5. \o/ Happy Diwali, may the flames of the lamps bring you bright happiness!
  6. Are you saying English should have special treatment? Why should a creator who only speaks German or Japanese be forced to accept a bad review in English, while you - who can only speak English - are protected from a bad review written in German or Japanese? Now put this shoe on the other foot. If you bought something from a German creator who had no English, would you try to speak to them in German? If the German creator only replied: Sprechen Sie bitte Deutsch. what would you have done? So, why didn't you copy paste the Portuguese question into Google Translate?
  7. That's a very good point. It could be that the word "ball" was seen as adult. It could be that someone has a gripe against you, or gatchas in general. Maybe they were searching for balls to attach to their male avatar and just annoyed their search was spammed with your gatchas. It could be as Fionalein mentions, and that the web display has a slightly different interpretation to what goes on inside SL... nudity on MP must be adult, nudity in SL can be Mature. Or it could be that a Linden had a bad day, was busy, or made a mistake.
  8. I wonder if location will be like first land/current homes are; luck of the draw /me looks for his and chops a lucky off the nearest unlucky rabbit
  9. I can't wait for: llSetEnvironment(vector pos, list params); Or even better.... llSetEnvironmentTo(key avatar, list params); llSetEnvironmentAt(vector pos, list params);
  10. That sounds exactly like how height is detected!
  11. I have cheese and milk set out in my region! Just like a gift to Santa!
  12. It's my understanding that chat is still unencrypted UDP and able to be seen by everyone who can tap into a router between you and the Lab. This includes at a minimum: the Chinese, the Russians, Mossad, and the all of the Five Eye Countries.
  14. It's likely going to be disabled soon. Please don't waste your money.
  15. This is a state of the art avatar from 2011 or so... so yeah, that's a fault in the Zanzo skin, even system bodies had the same problem. I took the top off to show the bad shoulders not the skin quality >.> Look, it's a problem for 14/15. The Male bodies don't really scale down, and male teens who go into the female bodies look far far worse. Unless they are obese, teen boys don't have huge female hips. I have had an ok result with TMP, I've had an good result with Geralt, I've had an good result with Tweenster, I've had a spectacular result with KJ... but as the KJ option uses materials, it looks like poop for anyone not in advanced lighting. There is no one perfect solution for a 14/15 year old male. It's very much down to which tribe you wish to hang with. From there you can decide to go TMP/Geralt, or tweenster. Never an adult female body unless you are a "femboy" and the grid doesn't need 15 year old sl-stereotypical-type femboys thanks.
  16. I used to do this. My frame displayed a picture of Jesus and the the Last Supper when not home, then started showing naked guys when I arrived.
  17. Yes, and yes. Kids can be naked. Yes. As long as it's inside walls. If people cam inside it's their problem. Yes. See above. Yes. Adult lets you do sex in public, mature lets you do sex inside your home. As long as you have parcel privacy on, as long as all sex objects are inside walls you are ok.
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