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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Ooh, embedded Flickr videos now work? Neat.
  2. True, except the root prim also will be set to the right hand as default if you just add it; the process for changing its attachment point is the same as for any sculptie or mesh, rigged or not. I would assume that most creators do bother to put something on as they upload it to at least see how it looks in-world before they box it and ship it; at that stage they're a mere button-click away from changing the attachment point.
  3. Ever experienced a queue? Ever returned an item because it didn't work out as you wanted? Ever had to return something because it was broken? If you want to go back to grab more demos because of a timer that's just yet another you-thing; a lot of us simply delete the item the instant we see the timer message and never go back to that store again.
  4. I'm sure they have good intentions (maybe 12% sure, at least!), but that doesn't change the fact that if a person misses the event info and how the HUDs work, thinking it's like any other shopping event, all they'll see is a gacha machine. And it still contains the same gambling triggers - if you really want that pretty rare dress then people may just have at it until they get it or their L$ balance is flat.
  5. When you shop for clothes in RL, do you just chuck the clothes in a pile when you get home and leave the packaging and tags in place? If it's quicker for you to go grab a pair of scissors to unpack RL clothing and putting it in your wardrobe, than it takes you to unpack a box, delete the junk in the folder, and put it in the 'right place' in your inventory, that's almost impressive (either impressively slow mouse & keyboard handling or impressively quick scissor skills).
  6. Sounds kind of dodgy to have a gacha machine that you need a certain HUD to see what you're getting, IMO.
  7. Yay, I've got 2 months left! Although my first account was made in 2011.
  8. Absolutely could. Or at the very least make 'add' the default and give you a warning pop-up (that you can opt out of if you want) that 'wearing this object will replace X because it uses Y attachment point, use add to wear both, or attach it to a different attachment point - do you wish to proceed' or something. Also feels as if WASD-movement should be default. Met both new users and returning users that had no idea you could change it, and with WASD-movement being pretty much universal that feels like the sort of thing that could really make people feel off about the whole thing.
  9. Of course, you could drive from your home to a dogging venue in Zindra and then drive back home. All the immersion!
  10. SL isn't really that different from that system, with the quirk that we can wear multiple items in the same slot (when using add rather than wear). Trouble is, because SL makes no distinction in object type between a pair of gloves and a top, and so unlike how things were before rigged mesh, when it very clearly mattered which attachment point you put things on, chances are that by the time you hit the 38 attachment point cap, 35 of those items are all competing for the right hand slot (because that's the default, and why should creators bother changing the attachment point? Takes them several seconds, you know!) - and because the option to wear is meant to replace the thing in that 'slot', things get chaotic. I do feel like removing the 'wear' option altogether would make things less confusing, but I'm guessing it's trickier than just throwing a switch somewhere. Besides, certain avatar components absolutely can not be worn in multiples; eyes, skin, body shape, system hair - doing so results in a bake fail, so those particular ones rather need the 'wear' option. Do new people need to understand why or how that works though? Not immediately anyway, I suppose. Drilling people into using the add option religiously seems to work quite fine usually (and you often get a lot of opportunity to remind them along the way!). Besides, the options to add and wear objects from the inventory does suit quite nicely with how the outfit options work, although at least 'Wear - Replace Current Outfit', 'Wear - Add to Current Outfit', and 'Take Off - Remove from Current Outfit' do at least have more descriptive names. But that raises the question of why the heck are all those options there, why would you want to wear two different outfits at once? I'm not entirely sure why that was a thing originally, but I do find them terribly useful the way I use them. Especially with my alt who now uses two different bodies (Lara 5.3 and LaraX); I have two 'base' outfits, which are all the components for my complete avi without any clothes or accessories, and then I have outfits which contain just a certain set of clothes - boots, a dress or top + bottom, accessories, and a save stick for that outfit's alpha and heel settings, which lets me very quickly throw on an outfit to go shopping with, TP home, take off just the clothes, try on demos, throw some clothes back on, and head back to buy the things I decided I want. And it saves me some inventory elements as it means I can save a buttload of inventory links from not copying the whole set of my base avatar into each outfit - but I'll admit that's probably only useful for someone as fastidious as I about keeping a pedantically tidy inventory with a limited element count. Also, anyone who've played a game like Diablo II (inventory Tetris simulator!), World of Warcraft (items take up one inventory slot out of a given limit, and bags which increase inventory limit being crafted/found items, items stacking to a certain point, usually some items such as crafting materials are required in several stacks worth to craft things, etc), or Space Engineers (items use slots, but inventories are limited not by the amount of different items, but the volume of the items, and also has a weight factor which is extremely important when trying to figure out whether or not a ship will actually fly and how many newtons of thrust are going to be required to increase/decrease the velocity of the craft, and then there's the whole conveyor thing) - SL's inventory system doesn't even appear all that complicated. Especially since anyone who has ever modded a game (which I dare say must be 'most people' these days) probably are familiar with how folders function as they'll have had to dig up the data folders of those games to stick in their addons, or at the very least directed a mod manager to that folder, and very probably installed their game on a specific drive because one is an SSD and one isn't, or because the C drive is only X amount of gigs and is primarily for the OS itself and the stuff you put on the desktop but the D drive is Y gigs and is where you're meant to put all your games, music, videos, and pictures. I also find the 'yeah but mobile types don't understand this'-argument pretty weak. Do we expect people to go from playing Raid and Candycrush (or whatever folks play on phones) to SL? Mobile types have the attention span of gnats, on average, trying to bridge the gap to accommodate those sorts would require SL to be simplified beyond recognition. Or LL could open an official 'how to SL' TikTok where they're fed information in small bursts. 'Press Ctrl + B, left-click on the ground - ta-dah, you made a prim! See part 2 for how to recolour it - like, follow, subscribe, Patreon, OnlyFans, go!'.
  11. It was a challenge, okay? Blame @Momo Addams. And many thanks for @AyelaNewLife for making me company so that I didn't have to go through this rather traumatic experience on my own!
  12. Yes, sometimes it feels as though things would be a lot easier if we could rename objects (at least within the inventory, I do get that for some people it's important that the brand and product name are there in case anyone scans you to go buy the same thing - which is fair, I guess, although with stuff sometimes being in all caps and total gobbledy*****, meh). My work-around has been to just put the desired name on the folder it's in, my inventory is very carefully structured (particularly my wardrobes) with a naming that just goes <brand name - product name - colour>. So what the heck does the 'Aphrodite Top' look like? That's not a very particular description. Well, firstly, I look at it when I name the folder. Is it a tank top? Then I'll name my folder <brand name - Aphrodite Tank Top - Black>. Then I also know, this goes into the sub-category of my 'tops' folder, 'tanks & crop tops'. It also means that if I'm wanting to match a pair of high-waisted trousers, that's probably where I'll find something that'll fit, whereas stuff in the 'shirts' folder probably are going to struggle with clipping. If there's a product advert that comes with it, great, I'll use that. If not .. Well I'll put it on and go 'nah' or 'ooh, yes' until I know what the top looks like. I could of course take my own snapshot of it, but at L$10 per upload that'd get expensive fast (although I believe the new FS inventory thing do it locally? I should really update my viewer and go have a try at it), ooor I could do what I once did with my hairs and just rip through the lot and take a pic with each in a local library on my PC so that if I feel I need a visual guide I could go look there ( .. but then I never did! Bleh. Also, keeping it updated .. More bleh.). Other than that, I don't really know what it is people want. An AI sorting their inventory for them? A Create-A-Sims-like studio for getting dressed (which only actually concerns apparel and body parts anyway, it'll do nothing for builds or furniture or gadgets or vehicles or any of the other stuff)? I'm not necessarily shooting down ideas because I'm somehow anti-change, but it feels as if the majority of 'bright ideas' people have to improve SL tend to be quite sh!te if you think about it for a few moments. I also don't think that change for the sake of change is going to magically increase SL's retention.
  13. Peeve: when you right-click a a piece of apparel to remove it from your avatar, and SL goes 'you mean this other attachment that you didn't at all click on? Sure!'. I really should try to unlearn that even being a thing and just do it via the inventory. Also, I thought the lungs were a part of the body. Guess not?
  14. I don't think it's supposed to be green? Ugh, when the ritual calls for the sacrifice of a newbie and you accidentally end up with an oldbie's alt.
  15. I like it when I wake up and @Jordyn McGregor has written something that reminds me I should listen to this song more often.
  16. Well, if anything, I think we can put to rest any fears our dear fishermen might have about being replaced by AI any time soon .. Even I know you're supposed to get the line in the water!
  17. Well that's easy. A currency with a denomination of 1/100ths is rounded up from .50 and up, and rounded down up to .49, if no change is available.
  18. I can't understand why, though. I thought my disguise was bulletproof!
  19. Woah, those cheese prices are no child's play - per gram?!
  20. They don't 'have' to learn 'much' things in a short time, though. Patience is very much a virtue for any aspiring Second Lifer. If people come here expecting some in-between of Minecraft and Fortnite, they've misunderstood, and the platform probably wasn't really for them. I've been around for over a decade and I'm still learning new things - but then I also enjoy learning things. SL suits me perfect. That's not to say that SL is perfect, it certainly isn't, and there are times you feel like screaming at LL to ask what the hey they were thinking. But even the doomsayers who've been claiming SL is dying for the past 19 years are still around, so things don't feel like they're that urgently bad. As far as the inventory goes, though - I feel that a person who fails to comprehend how a simple directory system works probably have bigger troubles in life than 'SL is hard'. Perfect? No. Hard? Also no. Could be improved upon? Probably. By copying the UI of some random other video game based on 'is successful!1!'? Err, no thank you.
  21. I'm starting to feel like that's probably the worst kept secret on these forums.
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