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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. That's because they're not trying hard enough. What they should have made is a HUD you have to wear to get a box you have to open to get a folder with an updater you have to rez to get the URL to the website where you can enter a code to get a box with another code and landmark to the inworld store where you can get the outfit by entering the other code into the delivery thingy.
  2. Oh but Second Life is dying. Very few people disagree with that. The question is how fast. With the fairly constant speed of decline we've seen the last six years, there should still be qutite a bit of life left in the old lady a decade and more from now. Sony cancelled SL because they don't want to share with anybody. They keep supporting OpenSim either because they don't count as anybody or because it's so small they overlooked it when they bought Go. The only surprising thing there is that motoring ever was a big aprt of SL at all. It's horrendously unfrinedly to land vehicles. Yes, you have a point there. Yes. I think it's a safe bet that SL will be the last of those three to disappear though.
  3. As Blaise said, poseballs can be very useful for model posing. Apart from that, temporary poseballs are a minor nuisance. You'd rather not have them but no big deal. Permanent poseballs littering the scene can be a major nuisance.
  4. I suppose there aren't anybody on the forum who use Blender Render for that but since you ask so nicely, I can hazard an educated guess. there shouldn't be any significant difference between Blender Render and Cycles for this so Chic's suggestion is a good starting point. Beyond that, try, test experiment. And please let us know how it went. All the info you find on this forum comes from content creators who have spent hours experimenting and are happy to elt others benefit from their hard work. We always love it when people share.
  5. It's probably related to the other problems with my.secondlife.com at the moment. If so, there is already a JIRA about it and LL is looking at the issue.
  6. A bit tricky to reply when you double post but I suppose it was by accident. Read @Lillith Hapmouche's reply to your other post. She's absolutely right and it's very important.
  7. If the group only has a single member, it should be automatically deleted after 48 hours and the land deeded to it listed as abandoned. If that didn't happen, open a support case and tell LL about it. That will not get you your land back though but if you open another suport case and ask very nicely, there's a good chance LL wil agree to hand it over to you. You may or may not have to pay the the regular 1 L$/m2 price for it but that's a one time fee and hopefully not too much. The best way is of course to sell the land back to yourself before the group is disbanded but I suppose it's too late for that.
  8. If you're on good terms with your neighbors and ask them, they'll probably allow it unless the skydome actually interferes with something on their land. If you're not, there's a good chance they'll return the dome just because they can.
  9. That JIRA is closed for public view.
  10. Bad idea as it is. As much as I resent Klytyna's and others constant bashing of mainland, they do have a point: there are lots of people in SL who couldn't care less about others and even some who love to annoy their neighbors. You really, really don't want to live anywhere near any of those and in many parts of mainland you can't avoid them. More themed areas would have been a great idea though. There are several such areas already - on mianland, at private estates connected to mainland and on spearate private continents and smaller sim groups. Those are always the parts of SL that function the best. People who like the set frame get together and build something that is consdierably bigger than the sum of its parts. Those who don't like the frame, well Second Life is huge and there's a place for everything there - it's just not the same place for everything.
  11. A always wondered how Hattie managed to fit that rack inside such a small crate, without breaking a single bottle even. Completely off topic but that crate brings back fond memories. Hattie used to have a pile of them on her work platform and one day I hid a mouse rezzer in between them. It took her a week before she noticed all the mice scurrying around her feet while she was working.
  12. You should have seen it in Norway, with real Norwegian subtitles translating the fake ones added.
  13. I can't match that for weirdness but I can get fairly close. One of the last things I did in SL yesterday was to take copies of some builds I was working on. When I logged on today those copies were in the trash folder. I checked very carefully and I'm fairly certain there is no "Take copy to Trash folder" option in the menu you get when you right-click one an item in-world.
  14. Ummmm... Could we just wrap this up now or do people prefer to argue in circles for a little bit longer? A Premium membership offers a package of benefits very well worth considering although it may not be the best option for everybody. Each SL user should take a look at what's in the package, find out which parts of it they want and decide for themselves whether it's worth the price. Oh, and non-premium members are not all freeloaders. Most SL users contribute to the SL economy in one way or another. Anything else left to say?
  15. I wish Dakota's post had been posted years earlier. It's so much easier for everybody to accept the situation when Linden Lab aknowledges the problems rather than try to gloss things over. But that's water under the bridge of course. It'll have to be done sooner or later you know. This can't go on forever and even if we ignore the problems the outdated system causes buyers and sellers, by now you probably have to spend more resources on managing an unmanageable system than it would take to develop a new one. Oh no, it's not that bad. Sansar has showed how dangerous it is to underestimate the time it takes to develop a new product but 3+ years, that's going a bit too far the other way. Data can be transferred of course. It's a huge job and requires careful planning and execution but it's doable. I think that was a neccessary step. I don't know if Ruby was the right choice, especially since LL didn't seem to have any programmers famiiar with the language, but php really isn't up to a task like this. Personally I would have looked at WebDNA first. That may not be a favorite among programmers more used to code lines than markup languages though. Besides, I'm not sure how well it would work for a store as big as MP. Good design always means good functionality. Great design is not form over function, it's form and function in perfect harmony.
  16. A few seconds of ultra shouldn't hurt any computer. The problem is if the gpu overheats and it takes a little bit of time to build the heat. Use fairly low graphics when you stage the scene and switch to higher graphics just before you take the picture.
  17. Nice, thank you! The sequence starting at 6:48 may be relevant to Sansar too btw.
  18. My impression from those photos? They still rely heavily on the candlelight effect. Turn down the light, add a bit of yellowish or sepia tint all over the place, maybe a hint of mist too and even a bit of desaturation. Everything looks nice and cozy that way. It can't stand the light of day though.
  19. That is a very important point. One way to icnrease the immersion of a virtual reality is to bring the user closer but going all the way to VR headsets may be a step too far for many. Going from SL style birdseye view to first person view is a far bigger step than switching from screen to VR headset and it has far fewer negative side effects. One of the things that surprised and worried me when I saw Sansar was that they kept the birdseye view for screen viewing and even more or less locked the cam to that position. It seems Linden Lab is deliberately trying to keep non-VR users away from Sansar by reducing the quality of their experience. (The only other explanation I can think of for this odd choice of camera position is that they didn't think it through but that doesn't make sense of course. Linden Lab always thinks things through, carefully considering every possible aspect and consequence of any changes before implementing them. They're famous for it.) Not just a myth. A higher frame rate with smoother transitions will reduce the vomit effect. But you're right, it won't solve the core problem. Interestingly, reading the Occulus Rift web site, it seems they're nto even aware of the well known physiological mechanisms that causes the vomit effect in the first place.
  20. Ah. So your role here doesn't interefer with anything you do in-world then. Glad to hear that. Me too but "others are doing the same" is rarely a good reason.
  21. As a reward or as a punishment. But if they do, I hope they make sure they're properly house trained first. The development team that is working on Second Life today is in a completely different league than the one the Sansar developers left in 2014.
  22. From the grid owner's perspective... An internet service's financial success depends largely on how much money they can get out of people who believe they use it for free.
  23. It was actually. Right after Linden Lab first announced Sansar everybody, including LL themselves, though it was going to be a replacement for Second Life. It only lasted for a few days - weeks at most - but even today people's view of the two virtual realities is very strongly colored by that misunderstanding. Even many people who know better can't help thinking of Sansar as SL2 every now and then. It show how important first impressions are and it's going to be a problem both for Second Life and Sansar. People will keep comparing apples and oranges and can not or will not understand why LL can't come up with the Ultimate Fruit to Replace All Old Outdated Fruits.
  24. I do see value in your words. Genuine useful value sometimes and even more often entertainment value. It would be nice if you could add a few more word constructs to your vocabulary though, the repetitiveness can be a bit tedious at times. But with that being said: Extreme stereotyping and intolerance are quite popular these days and it's of course not a proper internet forum if it doesn't have somebody who's ready to shout out offenses in CAPITALS or Bold to the left and right at the drop of a hat. But I know that in-world you role play as a domme and I understand you take that role quite seriously too. A genuine domme does not dominate by screaming and swearing and harassing, she dominates by always displaying a natural authority that everybody around her respect. The forum clown has no natural authority whatsoever of course. So the two roles you try to play here are simply not compatible. That is something you ought to think about.
  25. She did of course but how many collar users even remember the strip function today? It's not very compatible with mesh bodies or body parts. All fitted mesh feet brands I know of have attempted to fix the foot size bug but none of them went far enough. I was beginning to think there were techincal limits to how far they could take it. And now you tell me there was one brand that went too far!
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