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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. They are so poor I felt it well worth the money to shell out 40 USD to get rid of mine altogether (it was the change of first name that was most important for me).
  2. You always need to select twice, if it's an object you don't own. I run into this all the time, when I'm trying to move decor and stuff that's owned by my alt. Select once to open the window, then select again and the window will then populate with the info.
  3. I'm rather glad they didn't, tbh. The holiday themed names are tiring, it's about time they started including more ordinary ones. Maybe they are hoping that people will tire of the name after the holiday is over, and pay again to change it back.
  4. All of this is subjective of course, because some users set their viewers to show usernames only, some set them to show display names only, and some show both. My username is Maitimo and my display name is Matti McKenna Some people will see only Maitimo, some will see only Matti McKenna, and some will see both. You can't really choose what other people will see, especially if you use a display name that's different from your username. But yes, if you change your last name from Resident to Suki (or anything else), the Suki part will show in the username section, to those who have chosen to view usernames.
  5. They'll be more up to date than Maitreya, which hasn't been updated in about 4 years.
  6. Some head skin designers specifically make their head skins to fit the body skins of other designers. Though in this particular case, the OP specified that he had the head and body skin from the same place. It's always best to test and check skin matching with Advanced Lighting turned off. That way you know for sure that shine is not affecting the result.
  7. There's one right near my trailer. They've come to take me home
  8. I happened to be at a big event when they were trialling the extra capacity. It was at 160-something. I could do nothing, I couldn't even move my camera around. I had no choice but to just teleport away.
  9. Some bots are known to collect a lot of data about the region, and the content of profiles of any avatar present on the region. Some of that data is published on external websites. Some is not published but is kept for who knows what purpose. Unfortunately, blocking them from a single parcel won't help, they'll just rez in a nearby parcel and do the same scan anyway.
  10. I am sooo excited to be DJing for you this year (does a little happy dance)
  11. Welcome to Bellisseria, Ian! Also I think the coloured squares indicate development stages prior to release, and I think (though I'm not entirely certain) that green is closest and red farthest from release-readiness, with yellow somewhere in the middle.
  12. Doux hair comes in several sizes. S or XS fits Lelutka. The brand I've had to give up wearing is Exile because they're mostly one size only, and it most definitely does not fit all.
  13. Firestorm has "Animation Explorer" in the World menu. It says what object is animating you and whether current or stopped within the last 60 secs. It doesn't show who owns the object - that's something you could maybe raise with the Firestorm dev team to get added in to the Anim Explorer panel.
  14. I love the different themes and that they are all interconnected. You can drive, fly or sail around the whole of Bellisseria, and onwards onto the rest of Mainland. I love how easy it is to abandon and try again for something different, at no additional financial cost, if I get bored with the location. And I love that the house doesn't count against my land impact. Decorating a Linden Home is far easier than decorating a 1024m parcel on regular mainland. I love the community. Not just the events but the other things like parade of homes, the Gazette, the BBB etc. I have made some lovely friends during my years in Bellisseria. I love the little public places that the Moles have dotted around the various regions. I love having neighbours whose houses are in the same theme as mine, rather than an expanse of abandoned land or, worse, some ugly blocks as far as the eye can see.
  15. This is exactly what I would do in this situation. Bonus; change it up every week. Bonus +1: Make a load of (tacky and ugly) stuff myself; stuff that can't be purchased anywhere. If they want to copy that, they'll have to learn more than just how to shop.
  16. I rarely follow the L$75 sales anyway; I have a few favourite stores that participate in the L$30, L$35 and LS55 sales so I will be sticking mostly with those. If I'm in the mood to spend L$100 I'll be at Hilly Haalan's instead.
  17. Time for a new profile pic. (Haven't shaved today, lol)
  18. I wouldnt buy another one because I already have a Catwa HDPro head that I absolutely love. The only reason I switched to Lelutka is because cosmetics makers aren't making anything for Catwa any more. It's all EVO-X only these days. If they would resume making stuff on the standard head template instead of EVO-X, I'd switch back to it in a heartbeat.
  19. Lag will vary depending on who your neighbours are and what they have rezzed out. Even if you stay in the same home, it will vary over time as they move in and out. I can see a difference in lag just by standing in a Belli home and turning my camera from one direction to another. Whether I am facing good neighbours or bad ones. I agree about the houses though. I love the Fantasy houses except they are all too big. I love the Traditionals but they are all too small. I think the Logs, Chalets and Victorians strike the perfect balance in size, but I don't like the style and landscaping in these regions so much. A chalet right next to a river might be nice though.
  20. They won't though. Objects do not get returned automatically when a region is taken offline. This is going to cause a problem for anyone who has no-copy stuff out like breedables, farming gear, gacha items etc. If anything is to be returned, the Moles will have to do so manually. And that's gonna be a LOT of work.
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