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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string data){ key owner=llGetOwner(); key user=llGetOwnerKey(id); if(llListFindList([owner]+gGuests,[user])==-1){ llRegionSayTo(user,0,"Time for bye-bye."); llInstantMessage(owner,"Ban this person: "+(string)user); } } On of several checks to determine whether the signal is legit.
  2. You could break a lot of content in SL with the answer. That's why I always change to another random channel every 'now and then'.
  3. No, never. But I'd pay good money to see that happen. SLURL?
  4. This. I had the same problem witrh my Brave browser. But everything was fine in Firefox.
  5. Every time I look in the spam folder of my email
  6. This is normal behavior. When you sit on something in SL, it skips asking for permissions and automatically grants them. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestPermissions That's a load of scare-mongering clap-trap.
  7. What everyone says. The 4 GHz Intel i7, 16 Gb DDR3 and Nvidia RTX 2060 should be fine for SL for years to come. Just keep on saving for a nice new rig for a few more years. Any gaming laptop will not be worth it, compared to what you have now. If there's anything too slow in SL to your liking, it might be a dusty machine, or messy hard drive (try keep your main SSD 50% or less full) or too many mesh objects and too many layered alpha textures near your avatar. If many different games crash, try underclocking your graphics card with MSI Afterburner. https://www.msi.com/page/afterburner
  8. I seriously doubt whether there'll be any creator, successful or otherwise, publicly disclosing their profits here. I do remember a time when people were willing to pay top L$ for what would now be considered complete and utter sculptie junk. Somehow that abruptly ended around 2008/2009, for some reason. Maybe someone knows what happened around that time that could have caused this? Global financial/housing crisis?
  9. I always try out both. It's always a gamble which version has the least amount of weird and unexpected bumps.
  10. Mesh physics is generally pretty *****ty. When making a decently-sized, albeit somewhat curved physical shape that perfectly aligns with the visual counterpart, in whatever 3D design program you use, you'll always end up with a mesh object in SL the physics shape of which is significantly larger. Even when your highlighted blue stuff seems to match, the interactions between visible surfaces are always annoyingly off. I always resort to adding an invisible prim set to physics ('prim') and scale it such, that it's visible mesh counterpart has an acceptable surface to surface interaction. I'm talking about vehicles, btw.
  11. It's like saying 4 x 512x512 is better than 1 x 1024x1024 pixels. But alas, that's the reality for mesh in SL. I suspect the extra penalty for size comes with the increase in Level of Detail that larger mesh objects have, and thus cost more calculation power on the client side.
  12. Just these two things: 1. Put more people in a smaller space and your framerate will drop. 2. Put more people in a Region and the lag will rise.
  13. No, the logic is that there is no single monochromatic electromagnetic wave that will be interpreted as purple in your brain. It always has to be a combination of at least two different waves at either end of the visible spectrum. In contrast, other colors can all be represented by a single monochromatic electromagnetic wave.
  14. Animals, fungi and bacteria would die of old age and then slowly turn into an oily goo, plants would sequester all atmospheric carbon dioxide and Earth would turn into a snowball. What if everyone deleted their Facebook?
  15. Kind of a Tangerine Dream fan myself. And they have tons of potential SL-like themes in their songs. Love on a real PLANE!
  16. I changed my mind. My favorite color is green.
  17. Rule of thumb in SL: Just cross sims regions slowly. If you like speed, stay as much as possible in a single region (like Brilliant). If you like to travel distances and enjoy the scenery, go slow. If you want both, pay a visit to Steam*.
  18. Second Life Planck time (nanoseconds) and Planck length (micrometers)
  19. Pushing a drinking glass into my face every time I take a sip.
  20. This is the main reason why it feels like walking through peanut butter when you try to walk a few steps in a popular sales event. It is also the reason why your have to request a redelivery of your freshly made purchase there. SL would be a significantly better place if people would be more sensible about their script count. Rendering complexity is easier to solve. If you have a slower computer, simply limit the max complexity in your Prefs. More complex people will appear as blobs, but at least you'll keep a decent frame rate.
  21. Purple is a fake color. It only exists in your brain, not in the real world.
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