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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Can someone explain to me what is unnecessary, disrespectful, or annoying about having other people land in or on top of you? I say love thy neighbor and enjoy the warmth of huddling up with as many people as we can! Group hug!!!! I'll tell you what's a big -no- for me: that big round wooden platform at the landing point of the Sexy N00b Beach telling me every 10 seconds in Local Chat to get off (no pun intended).
  2. There is a limit to vertices per mesh object: 64k vertices per LOD for each mesh (source). LL could lower it to 16k. But that will just result in creators uploading and linking 4 mesh objects. I can only think of one solution on the creator's side: increase the upload fee for mesh. I doubt whether that would curb the most successful creators in SL, which happen to be the ones to put most of the detail in their meshes. It would definitely discourage and stifle beginning creators.
  3. You can't genuinely NOT point at people's internet speed and computers as a cause for low framerate. I'm not telling that all people should have faster computers. I'm telling that a faster computer will help, as will making more efficient mesh.
  4. It's the consumer who buys these objects and rez them to cause 'lag' in their place. I would not call it lag, btw, just a drop in frame rate. It's people's internet speed and computers who can't handle most of the content. If they do, I reckon consumers will just rez more of these limited and refined objects, so the effect will be the same. Generall, I think the sim decorator deserves most of the blame. They use all that stuff to decorate their sim, and if they can walk around among all that confortably, but others can't, it mostly means that those other's computers are less powerful. But there's also something to say about creating awareness among consumers about the (non-)efficiency of the products they buy, that may make their visitor's frame rates drop. Maybe LL can restrict creators on adding detail, but then, likewise, they should restrict decorators in rezzing things and even restrict access into SL to people with faster internet and computers. None sound very realistic. More realistic is to try to convince people to buy items with less triangles, or buy a better computer. You can also try to convince creators to add less detail to their products, but good luck with that. They have to compete with other creators who will sell more if their products look better (more detail). There's market capitalism for ya.
  5. 1. "WE HAVE FROG HOMEWORK" is not French. 2. "We are having beer and heroin after a hard week at school :D" isn't French either. Aside from not using French, the work is also off-topic (they aren't introductions). Maybe banning was a bit harsh, but an F minus (the minus is for submitting your work via Group Notice) would have been appropriate. And your work definitely did not prove that you are 'actually good students'. Maybe you weren't smart enough to understand the assignment, or you weren't willing to take this class seriously, or a combination of both. I hope that this experience has been a lesson to both of you.
  6. The irony. A conference about developing the technology to have conferences from the luxury of your own home, being cancelled because it had to be held outside the luxury of the developers' own homes.
  7. There's something to say about the boredom of having to stay in a confined space for weeks or months--in a quarantine facility hosted by a military base, or worse, in a small cabin of a cruise ship. Having a laptop and spending your time in a virtual world interacting with other people doesn't sound like a bad option at all in such a situation. Of course people are dying of this disease. But having access to a virtual environment may just be the solution to keeping people sane during quarantine. Access to SL may not be a mere frivolous luxury but actually a much-needed form of distraction.
  8. That's probably a very small percentage of all the SL screen shots uploaded to Flickr that either do ot do not have the tag "second life" associated to them. I'd say that SL screen shots uploaded to Flickr is an entire internet ecosystem on its own.To a point that non-SL photographers are starting to complain. Luckily for SLlers, the Flickr staff considers taking screen shots in SL to be 'photography' as much as taking pictures with a real camera. Flickr is great for uploading, annotating, sharing (embedding in blogs) and managing large, hi-res pictures. The community is also the largest by far, compared to other SL picture-sharing media. It has it's quirks, such as GUI inconsistencies on their account management web pages, but there are literally thousands of SLlers who are willing to pay premium for Flickr.
  9. That's funny you ask. Last time I applied for an 'SL upgrade' of sorts, LL asked me who my alts were.
  10. I did some research on Gor and I think it's silly. In short, planet Gor in in planet Earth's L3 Lagrange point. And herein lies the rub. According to this article, https://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/336k/Newtonhtml/node126.html, L3 is intrinsically unstable. Planet Gor would have collided into planet Earth billions of years ago.
  11. Until they run out of it after a global economic collapse. I think I'd rather spend my money on hoarding toilet paper.
  12. All of these functions are openable via the profile that stays open forever, only two of these functions are openable via that weird window that we get now and that disappears after 1.5 seconds.
  13. If you click on an avatar name in dialog, their profile pops up instead of some weird and superfluous menu that disappears after 1.5 seconds.
  14. I really don't want to be mean, but I have an inkling that the feeling is mutual. Sounds like you're looking for someone who's on the same level with you. Depending on your (inner) character, that could be easy, but it could also take a long time. (Just like IRL.)
  15. An extensive world-wide, all-including survey suggests that 3,110,092,423 cisgender women on this planet indeed do like to admire other women's looks (at least once in their lifetimes) and 250,541,002 don't, for various reasons, as specified below: - 25,340,123 are visually impaired - 18,340,123 were unresponsive to our survey questions - 18,001,270 are (most unfortunately) permanently denied company of other women - etc. Anyway, the answer to the OP's original question in this thread is 3,110,092,423 / (3,110,092,423 + 250,541,002) x 100% = 92.5 % Any follow-up questions?
  16. Why is this in People / General Discussion and not in Creation / Scripting ? To scare a wider audience into thinking that their clothes and furniture are going to be troll-retextured soon? Oh, all the dresses and underwear that will get the TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT treatment at public events.
  17. Neither can I. Quite the opposite, actually. It's very counter-productive discouraging to the topic. As intended.
  18. I sympathize with you, but don't rely on karma too much. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis
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