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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. 107 year-old lady (Cornelia ''auntie Cor' Ras) survives COVID-19: https://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/194136/Oudste-vrouw-van-Flakkee-107-overleeft-corona If you pardon my Dutch.
  2. Is a corona haka OK too? KA MATE! KA MATE! (We're going to die! We're going to die!) KA ORA! KA ORA! (We're going to live! We're going to live!)
  3. SL residents asked for it, so LL delivers. It's Display Names 2.0 Deluxe for OCD people. How the hell would this herald doom? After more than a decade of not adjusting fees for inflation. It's literally just that: inflation correction. Tilia is owned by Linden Lab. Better yet: Tilia is the Latin name for linden tree. Like what? Oh, never mind. Aabsolutely nothing was being taken away and put behind a paywall. But, yeah, Second Life is indeed doomed, because I feel depressed and my toes are twitching. Check out all about SL's inevitable demise on this excellent news site, Gawker*: https://gawker.com/5158190/the-end-of-second-life
  4. Science is not about believing whether something is true. It's about making educated guesses that help us to decide what to do next. You could do all kinds of random voodoo magic to stay healhy, or you could do stuff that's based on science. Science isn't always right, because scientist are only humans, just like anyone else. But science is the art of not fooling yourself or others. In practice, science has it right a lot more often than people doing just random voodoo magic stuff. This has resulted in more than a doubling of the average human life span, among other, quite beneficial things.
  5. @BettyBigguns, so it's either of the following? 1. Leave land prices as they are and have less people rent them. 2. Keep more tenants but earn less from lower rent. What proof do you have that the 1st is worse than the 2nd? Or are you just making an unsubstantiated suggestion because you personally want to pay less? Hey, I want to pay less too. Linden Labs, gimme money now!
  6. Here's a happy song for you all, 'to stick a heart under the belt', if you pardon my Dutch:
  7. Someone's not handling their social distancing very well.
  8. Yeah. Without odds, we wouldn't have radioactive decay, or we wouldn't be able to cool down those quantum computers to 3 nano-Kelvin.
  9. There's this other fun thing about an infinite universe. Imagine an apple on a table. All the air molecules around it will move in random ways, thus pushing from all different directions on the apple. The net result is that the apple will stay on the table. But if all the air molecules, just by a very odd chance, happen to move upward at the same time, they will move the apple with them up in the air. So, in theory, an apple could suddenly fall upward. The chance that it will happen is very small, but I'm pretty sure somewhere in this universe there's an apple that suddenly jumps up. Even better, there must be an apple that keeps hovering over the table for hours and hours. (An infinite amount of them.) Here's Stephen Fry touching on the subject:
  10. It's not replication. The odds are that there's a planet out there that has developed in almost the same way as hours, on which creatures evolved that look just like us, even just like you. What would you think the odds were? Quite small, right? Well, here's the thing: if the universe is infinitely big, then even the smallest off odd will happen somewhere in this infinite universe. For an infinite amount of times.
  11. That's the fun part about infinity. It means that there's an infinite amount of you out there.
  12. If the universe is infinitely large, then, even if the occurrence of Earth is very very rare indeed, there will be infinitely many copies of you (yes you) in this same universe, and many of them (infinitely so) are evil.
  13. Is the universe a simulation, or isn't it? Schroedinger's cat says: "neither and both".
  14. The answer is yes, and then the question is: is the universe inside which we are simulated in its turn also a simulator? And the answer is also yes. And then the question is: where does it stop? And the answer to that is: it's turtles all the way down. Q.E.D. And then the next question is: who's the d**wad on the turtle beneath us who threw the coronaswitch?
  15. I had to perform a job interview with a Super Rock Hard RP person in SL once. A real job, requiring real work for real pay. He kept on emoting during the whole interview, which was really awkward. Of course, we didn't hire him. Maybe he mistakenly thought we were looking for someone to roleplay as a scripter.
  16. "Don't ask what Linden Lab can do for you. Ask what you can do for others using Second Life as a platform." - Abraham Lincoln
  17. Yesterday I considered a personal milestone in this pandemic thing as it marked the first day of my household going by without fresh produce. It was rice, and canned veggies. Maybe I'm cheating, because the sauce had shallots in it, but for some reason I don't want to count those as fresh. It's like reliving my college years.
  18. Idiots and arrogant people are also the product of society, so they don't carry the full blame for everything. They exist , among other things, through budget cuts on education, by policy makers, whom were voted into office by other people. It's all interconnected. You might argue that these policy makers were voted into office by other idiots, but also ignorant people or people who were misled. So, people who are being lied to can be blamed too. Even you ane me. The question is not: what are they going to do about it? It is: what are you going to do about it.
  19. Society Seriously. You can't blame individuals or small groups of individuals for a threat this complicated and dependent of so many known and unknown factors. That's just scapegoating and it does not contribute to a solution. Quite the opposite. So stop blaming others and take responsability like a good world citizen.
  20. I'd be happy to hear any alternative to the hammer & dance thing (if that's what you are referring to) to save the 1st amendment AND prevent the epidemic from flaring up again. Until then, it's your 1st amendment saved and your life lost OR the 1st amendment lost and your life saved.
  21. Shush, you all. Botox mesh heads have been the norm in SL since 2015.
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