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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. "a la carte" premium where you select the benefits you want
  2. Those are all for fancier premium ... how about a cheaper premium? Call it Mostly Premium
  3. The Hover Tips settings in Firestorm are for the viewer-generated tips (which are only visible to you), not the hover text that's in-world. Unchecking the Show Hover Tips box doesn't affect in-world hover text. However, the sliders underneath those checkboxes are useful. Set "Floating text fade distance (in m)" and "Floating text fade range (in m)" to zero and in-world floating text disappears. I've never tried that before -- learned something new.
  4. Set AutoReturn to zero to disable it. I don't know of any other way. I've got three groups that own parts of my region & I'm the creator/owner of all of them. I get things returned because I tend to stay in one place while building anywhere on the region.
  5. You want to see me in a Lucas avatar because you've found a really big boot and you're looking for something to squash. Or you haven't roasted a spider in awhile. Lucas should be around 5 meters tall with a flamethrower attachment.
  6. LL has already announced that they're updating the Linden homes. Since the homes aren't on the 512 parcel (they're linked to a root prim that's on common property), any savings in the LI of the homes won't affect the 512 parcel at all. It's possible LL will create some new areas with houses on 1024 sqm parcels, but that's speculation.
  7. The proper book to read to a young child is Edward Gorey's "The Gashlycrumb Tinies". The illustrations are a delight to a child's eyes. The book starts "A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil assaulted by bears." It seems like the sort of book that Maddy would've written. After all, it contains "R is for Rhoda consumed by a fire."
  8. I was about to post this, so I will anyway: If you'd like LL to consider your idea, create a Jira issue for it. Set the Issue Type to New Feature Request. URL is https://jira.secondlife.com
  9. I hadn't considered that. There are lots of Air Force pilots playing video games with drones too.
  10. I go to merchants' websites to get information/specifications about a product - that's not advertising. They will have ads on their site but I don't have to pay attention to them. Strawberry Singh has a lot of information on her blog. There are ads as well, but again, the information isn't advertising. As for SeraphimSL, never been there and I have only a vague idea what it's about. To me, the Marketplace is a search system for in-world home & garden stores. Ads in a subforum won't help me with that, so my only concern is whether possibly doubling (or more) the amount of content in the system because of the ads would affect the forum system's reliability and usability. I don't think the change will end up being useful for merchants either, but that's my opinion.
  11. I don't think a crappy definition from wikipedia is a good source for a decision. Microsoft Word could fit it. My favorite game is real life, by the way. How is claiming SL is not a game justifying laziness?
  12. What percentage of people in SL ever look at these forums? I suspect the number of merchants vastly outnumber the current number of people who use the forums. That's a small group to advertise to and I doubt many forum readers would bother to look at that subforum anyway. How many merchants are in the Marketplace? I'd guess at least 10,000. How many products? I know that's in the millions. Also, the Marketplace has many categories for products. Putting all of them in a single subforum will create an incredibly huge and unwieldy pile of posts. People aren't going to sift through thousands of posts to find something. The search system here isn't set up for it either. A Marketplace search is more efficient. (Scary thought, eh?)
  13. I'm sure someone will be along to help with the poses. As for Flickr, there's no Flickr for SL. Go to Flickr's website and sign up. I suggest going with the free account.
  14. Linden Lab would do well to stay far away from tie-ins with Ready Player One. Imagine someone who has seen the movie trying Second Life. Is there anything in SL that's like the action in Ready Player One? People already used to SL might imagine it, but a newbie fresh from the movie won't. So the newbie goes to Sansar and finds the Ready Player One experience. Lots of action there? No, it's a museum display. People will be expecting video game style action, but Sansar doesn't allow fast movements because moving around fast in a VR headset makes you queasy. Also, not enough of Sansar is in place to allow much action whether slow-paced or fast. The movie is too far ahead of virtual world reality.
  15. Assuming that the allow/ban lists are automatically updated when names change (otherwise it'll be a really big pain), it will still make it difficult to keep track of banned people. I've got a record of why I've banned each person, but it's recorded by user name (they don't change ). If enough names change it will be difficult to tie the current name to the previous behavior. Being able to see the name history would help a lot.
  16. From here: Happy 15th Birthday Second Life - Fifteen Reasons to Celebrate , item 7. There's a little information out -- you'll be able to change your name as often as you wish. You choose your first name yourself, but your last name must chosen from a list of surnames. The new name will replace your current username. You can't choose a name that's already been used. ETA: The timeframe is "later this year", with LL saying that doesn't necessarily mean the end of the year. They've got internal things to change before name changes are possible.
  17. They're still all grey for me if I look in a profile. It shouldn't be the size (whether in dimension or byte count) because these were all working fine until recently. I first noticed the problem earlier this week. I tried removing & replacing the cover photo with the same one. Still grey. I cut each dimension by half (to 750x135, 69KB) and tried that one. Still grey. The max size is 0.98MB, BTW.
  18. Those are all related to people who want to create experiences. The majority of users won't need any of them -- they're the ones the experience owners are hoping to attract.
  19. Ah, so you baste a phoenix in root beer? How do you cook it (since it should already be cooked)?
  20. I'd love a version of Premium that allows you to have more than one Experience. Whether tier or most of the other perks are included doesn't concern me, but I'd want to maintain my current stipend level. I'd think it would hurt them some, but mostly for the places that make their regions look like mainland. Lazy landlords will lose out. It's not like everyone would want to jump to premium anyway. Premium costs real money; those who earn Lindens in-world can rent without converting Lindens to dollars. Others notice the expense less by paying some Lindens each week rather than maintaining Premium.
  21. Go to the Voice tab in Preferences->Sound & Media and make sure "Allow voice in multiple viewer instances simultaneously" is checked.
  22. Better yet -- make it only available as a Premium feature. Name changes will cause a lot of confusion & break scripts. You look at your friend list one day and see a few names you don't recognize. Now you have to figure out which of your friends aren't on the list any more then try to match them up with the new names. I'm afraid I'm not good at remembering people's UUIDs. It will be interesting. On the other hand, there could be a market for "name change cards" to be sent out to all your friends.
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