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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. Always on for me. Turning it off doesn't give me any benefits in performance. Firestorm 6.6.14 (69596) Aug 1 2023 12:15:03 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) Release Notes CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (4000 MHz) Memory: 32033 MB (Used: 494 MB) Concurrency: 8 OS Version: Linux 5.15.0-78-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 7 15:25:09 UTC 2023 x86_64 Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 12288 MB
  2. News Flash! Arguments in Bot Topic on isle 12! 🤣
  3. I'm not sure how to help unfortunately. I have this switched on and it appears to work 100% of the time for me. I'm using the Linux version of Firestorm and my experiences were on v6.6.8. I have switched to latest (v6.6.14) but haven't had enough time to notice if things are still working properly yet.
  4. I'm sorry, I cannot give any better advice than I've already given. I just don't have the expertise in SSDs. That's a different model from mine but then it would be after 5 years.
  5. I have no idea about the technical aspects vs marketing but it has been running for nearly 5 years so far without hiccup.
  6. I was advised to go with a Samsung Evo SSD. I've been very happy with that choice but how it compares with others brands/models, I have no idea.
  7. This is a relatively new thing (maybe a year or so) and before that it wasn't possible. Some of us disagreed with that choice. Our financial arrangements with the LL are our own private business and there are no good reasons to need to have this available from a script. Pointing to this is not a good justification to expose even more of these related kinds of details to others. I'm all for choices and so if LL were to implement a "Keep my membership status private" that would be a good thing in my opinion.
  8. Installing a second SSD just for the SL cache helped my performance a lot.
  9. There are probably no good solutions to this. That local rez zone is unfortunately the issue. If your land were someplace without public rez zones, their griefing would be much less significant probably. I realised after I posted that they were probably tracking you through your profile links and so moving mostly wouldn't work. That's the downside of having a public place and needing to let people know where it is. I'm sorry you are getting harassed like this and I hope putting in a ticket gets some action.
  10. I would think the only thing you could do in this case is what many of us have had to do over the years and that is sell up and move to another place.
  11. I wonder if the SLRR might be willing to ban him from their rezz zones? If it's possible I mean, I would assume that those zones will be on group owned land. After all it is an abuse of their land too.
  12. As I don't live in the US the Burning Man/Life/Burn2 event never really captured my interest much. I have read Snow Crash but SL isn't really the metaverse described there. SL was replete with references to things in the book which have mostly faded away. I thought the book was a terrible read anyway. I hadn't heard of either Burning Man or Snow Crash before joining SL. SL was obviously Philip Rosedale's interpretation and vision but I'm not sure that has any relevance today. SL as a whole doesn't seem to espouse any discernable principles that I can see at this point. Sure, there are rules and policies but that's all those are. It's a commercial service offering albeit a unique one which has it's own corporate values and drivers like they all do but fundamentally they are revenue driven. Individuals and groups within SL might have their own principles but not for the whole of SL.
  13. I'm pretty much the same with those who are chatting with me or who are within chat range. I am happy to share most things about myself that are safe to do so. I see putting RL info on profiles as unwise personally and just seems like unnecessarily broadcasting it as if you were wearing it on a big sign while walking around RL.
  14. No. I took this to mean that if you think you being unethical and that makes you stop for concern then it probably is unethical. Obviously I could have misunderstood this.
  15. Is it just me that thinks people who come to SL looking for RL-based love are giving themselves the worst odds at finding it? I mean dating apps show you people in your area and are all about having RL info and yet people's profiles are still fake in a lot of cases. These apps are optimised at helping people find each other and it's still hard to find that special someone. Enter SL which wasn't created with this use in mind, has mostly anonymous people who are geographically dispersed over the entire world. To top it off people are in a lot of cases still just using what the avatar looks like and/or what's on the SL profile to determine if they'd like to get to know someone which is really no more help to them than having nothing to go on even if they don't realise this.
  16. @Gopi Passiflora Nobody has a right to your RL info. It's perfectly OK not to declare any RL gender on your profile at all. Even if you do, there's a high degree of chance that those who need to be convinced will not believe it anyway. That's why there are those who put images of their "RL selves" fake or not on their profile in an attempt to be more convincing and also where that "Voice Verified" rubbish comes from. For people who are really suspicious and/or who really want to know your RL gender, it's almost impossible to prove to them anyway. Remember: On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. I've never put that I'm a RL woman on my profile because frankly I just don't need to convince anyone. It isn't going to change anything. If you were to be using SL for RL dating then you should be honest with those you are dating or looking to date. It still doesn't have to be on your profile for everyone to see (or scrape). You can just give that information out on a notecard upon request. Your profile could even indicate that.
  17. Maybe we also need a "I'm being Grumpy" sub-forum
  18. If this combat system used several HUD attachments to work then this might explain the behaviour. Often combat systems have HUDs in different parts of the screen to show different sets of stats, status, etc. HUD objects can only listen to chat messages from other HUD objects as they aren't considered linked just because they are all attached to the avatar. Only prims that truly form part of the linked set of each HUD object would be able to use linked messages.
  19. You don't do it like that. The system rezzes a prim and gets them to reposition, rotate and resize it which then tells the security system that information which is then added to a list of spaces or is used as a single space. My system supports multiple areas.
  20. Happy Birthday Garnet. Many Happy Returns.
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