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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. I'm afraid I have. There were replicated huge objects across a few regions I found a few months ago. They were there for a few days after I AR'd them and then they were gone.
  2. In my opinion, only from private regions, otherwise it causes more harm than good. It would be nice if that were disabled for mainland.
  3. Hypothetically, I think if LL were to go with a 15 second minimum on eject/ban by script then the viewer tools should still operate instantly. That would mean that griefers could be dealt with swiftly when you are around and your normal security system becomes compliant with the new rules.
  4. When you enter the region would be my vote.
  5. Look at what happens when we stray from the topic. It's lions and tigers and bears. Oh My!
  6. I'm not going to advise to stay or go as each person should decide for themselves. These forums don't suit everyone. Calling people mean-spirited, etc. is also being mean about members of our community and isn't really going to do anything but create more bad feelings. I want to know what people really think about things and we have that here, even now. Sometimes it seems brutal but that is as much about how people receive it as it is about how it's delivered. Do we really want a place that's just full of wishy-washy platitudes because they are too afraid to say what they really think? That's a place that I would quit instantly. I don't care whether I read the near-performance art style angry postings or get pulled up on my incorrect form of archaic English. These are the real people of the forums. It also has to be said, this place is a paragon of behaviour compared to much of the internet. I agree with this and want to give it the prominence it deserves and thank Dafadilia for their post:
  7. It also perfect for those who don't want to see ban lines too, just sayin' Edit: You probably meant that as well but when I read it I was thinking you meant about the seamless region crossings. I haven't had my first coffee yet.
  8. I've seen parcels owned by Lindens on mainland with ban lines in the past.
  9. I used to have a parcel of land in Bay City next to the road. The automated buses there run by a resident used to pass by every 20 mins or so and due to lag would leave the road and come barrelling through my house. Things in SL can always be worse.
  10. “Until we have met the monsters in ourselves, we keep trying to slay them in the outer world. And we find that we cannot. For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart. And it is there that we must do our work.” ― Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace
  11. Yes, I was aware of it but wanted to address that as a thing. I agree. I try not to think in terms of good/bad/evil because as you have said these are abstract and fluid. I like instead the idea of a life either in balance or out of balance determining the benefit/harm that is done to those around an individual or to themselves.
  12. I liked the video though there are somethings that aren't quite accurate. Are we sure the lab didn't commission or suggest this? The new Welcome Hub is in the video and usually videos about SL show the world from 5 years or more ago. It's great either way though and shows SL in a great way in my opinion.
  13. I'll admit that I have difficulty with the idea that people are naturally good when being good requires such a struggle to achieve.
  14. People are complicated. Good/Evil are very blunt terms to describe most. I believe we are more a melting pot of different things all mixed together in a chaotic mix.
  15. I prefer people to be their genuine selves and show it. That means both good and bad. Sanitised communication is banal.
  16. I trained in customer support at one point and in that training we were told that 80% of communication is body language.
  17. I think that there has to be an allowance for written text too. Detecting these things from text isn't as easy as with speech. There are far more clues in the delivery from the spoken word.
  18. And so another topic that started out about only the visual aspects of ban lines turns very quickly into another pointless discussion of banline merits. What a surprise!
  19. I disagree with these statements but I liked the rest of your post.
  20. It would certainly make the scripting a bit easier but I'm not sure this would be popular with LL because it would break scripts in existing products and they tend to avoid doing that where possible. If they introduced a new function, then people would just use the old one.
  21. All people would do is leave a single tiny or invisible object at ground level. Doing this would serve no purpose. I'm not aware of any orbs on Linden owned land. Unless you mean where they own the estate? Why should private estates be exempt? I mean when you think about it the Lindens own all the land everywhere. I don't see why one set of rules should apply everywhere, a rule that is appropriate in one place isn't always appropriate in all places.
  22. I believe that you can as they are just a texture somewhere in the viewer installation folder. It only affects your view of them though. I don't have details because I've never wanted to change it.
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