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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. Ignoring the gallows humour for a moment, there is a real possibility of this tainting SL even more in the uninformed public's view.
  2. The sub was apparently controlled via a game controller, I wouldn't rule anything out about what this was used for. I'm feeling sick to my stomach, this is not the kind of PR SL needs.
  3. I came across that too. The thing is that I recall reading about the batched draw call improvements a long time after the back end of 2021? My memory seems to think it was more like the mid-to-back end of 2022, certainly not a long ago as 2021. The problem is that I cannot find the references to what I read. I'll assume you are right though until/unless I can find a good source citing it.
  4. It's always possible I got it wrong. I remember reading about the batch draw calls improvements that LL made and thought they applied to rigged mesh too. I'll admit I cannot verify that myself. It would be a great shame if it isn't for rigged mesh also because it would make a huge difference and I thought that was the point. If they haven't LL then could fix this and make everyone happy.
  5. It's really not hard to understand. Alpha cuts gives the user a quick and easy way to configure their own alpha areas. Wearing an alpha mask does not. The only easy part about alpha masks is wearing them and so they win if you get exactly what you need but in a very high number of cases that isn't true for a lot of people who like many different styles of clothes, especially women. Missing or badly made alphas are very common and means the user has to resort to making their own if they are capable. Even if they are capable they end with thousands of alpha mask assets in their inventory of which many are one offs and it's nowhere near as quick as clicking the predefined areas on the HUD, ever. The introduction of batched draw calls have pretty much eliminated the concerns around drawing performance.
  6. @Lindal Kidd Take care of yourself out there and I hope life treats you with kindness. I hope/expect that you will return one day. SL is something that long timers cannot seem to shake out of their blood completely.
  7. Some SL newbies do go for that option, I've seen it with my own eyes.
  8. Yeah, the thing is I'm already well stocked and quite recently restocked. I'm more looking for new, fresh, innovative stuff like everyone else.
  9. I don't disagree with that either but creators get caught up in hype as well as others though and often these things are decided before any evidence of more sales has materialised. Mostly it ends up steering the market instead of selling what customers are wanting. It's this attempting to steer markets that I object to mainly.
  10. I don't disagree with any of that but regardless of the circumstances being somewhat different, I said that is was that the possibility of the outcome being the same. The possibility that people who choose not to adopt Lara X will be unable to buy new mesh clothes created for Lara.
  11. This for me is the biggest issue in all this. If you replace Evo/Evo X with Lara v5.3/Lara X the possibility of the same outcome is very real. This is the main concern that keeps getting (deliberately?) missed in discussions about it.
  12. I'll be honest, I've only ever seen them fly, hover, be animated by a pose ball or sitting on furniture. I've never seen a Linden walk.
  13. I've taken a look at the Beta and at first glance there doesn't seem to be any significant changes from the pre-release. Just as I had anticipated despite the opinions of some. Jamie highlights: Still no high heel feet Still got Senra tags on clothing General clothing quality unchanged. AO still bad However now that we know for certain that the plan is for newbies to ditch these as soon as they start spending money (also as I predicated), that's not so bad. Truly sorry for those hoping for a standardized avatar base and widespread adoption. I just hope those new people don't "invest" too much in this avatar before realising that they should wait until they get their first full body.
  14. This is another one of those misinformation things creators and bloggers tell uniformed people who just accept it as truth so that their products seem better than they are. Let's take a look: The main head BoM UV mapping for Lelutka has the exact same maximum texture resolution, 1024x1024 pixels, as all other main head SLUV BoM textures. The main things that were was done was to remove the ears from the SLUV map and move the part of the head above the ears to the top of the texture space. This makes the head space a much more normal head shape instead of being squashed vertically on the map and expands the total area of the face. This does make a reasonable difference for details but it certainly isn't enough to warrant it being called "higher resolution". As a comparison the texture space for the lips is nowhere near the same area as the HD lips texture which uses all of a 1024. In addition to this the user now needs separate textures for the ears. So another wearable slot used. Sure, folks get a full size texture for the ears but as many people cover their ears in hair, it's mostly a bit of a waste. If you are a person that likes tiny but very detailed ear tattoos textures though it works out. So not very much extra really for the main part of the face but it can make a difference around the mouth, nose and eyes and only a much higher texture space for the ears. For the HD makeups, Lelutka are the exact same texture area and resolution as the Genus HD and yes *drum roll* Catwa HD Pro HD makeups. To recap the only part of the head that has "much higher resolution textures than some competing head brands" are the ears. Peeve: Marketing misinformation
  15. I didn't know this. I suspect there are others too. Thanks for letting us know.
  16. They wouldn't. However during the leak some of us took a look see to find out what existing stuff might work because the NUX clothes are...well I don't want to raise the ire of anyone so I'll be kind and say it's as if they were designed so you could spot a newbie from across the room. Obviously mesh clothes for other mesh bodies weren't going to fit and so playing with standard sized static mesh and "fitmesh" was all that was available other than using just BoM. So I did it just to see how normal I could make Jamie. I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to seriously use fitmesh or standard sizes with NUX otherwise.
  17. I cannot comment on the technicality but I have items that are marked as fitmesh and are not rigged to any particular mesh body (maybe to system body?) and often come alongside Maitreya and Slink versions but are still rigged. That's what I took the original inquiry to be asking about. You can wear them on NUX Jamie but they do suffer from the issues I described in my previous post.
  18. No, they were an early form of rigged meshes that are different to the ones we have today. TBH back in the day we used to called them "dont-fitmesh" anyways.
  19. I can answer that for Jamie. I tried with a variety of fitmesh items from Mooh and other places and they didn't fit very well. The main areas were the breasts, bum and pelvis. Some of it could be alpha'd out but only if the clothing provided fair coverage of the body.
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