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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. I wasn't comparing Second Life to those other services with short snazzy names just noting that short snazzy names that don't have to describe anything are more the norm these days amongst any services.
  2. I can think of a few but nothing that really pops. Perhaps a short snazzy name that doesn't attempt to describe SL would be better and more like what other services have.
  3. Is Second Life even accurate as a name anymore? I mean that most people's second life is really their social media lives and so if they participate in SL as well then that's probably a third life at this point.
  4. I appreciate the feedback, thanks everyone. Obviously, the "me third" and such posts don't have a great deal of value to anyone, I totally agree with that. However a post that says what someone specifically agrees, disagrees, etc. with has a lot more value than the emote alone. One thing that often leaves me wondering for example is when someone just emotes on a large post - what part are they emoting about? The whole concept being expressed? Just some part of it or the fact the person just posted something at all? Enquiring minds want to know. If I wonder that, I'm expecting others do as well. The emotes are the easier and lazier option to choose for sure. I think generally I have way overused them when sometimes posts would have been better. For those who just want to be liked, I can assure you that I like you just as much as I always have even without the emotes. It changes nothing. Anyway, there's no great drama here. We'll see how things go.
  5. I agree with this. You can hardly call extreme violence "adult" when 12-15 years olds are stabbing each other and shooting up their schools.
  6. I think the nudity thing is a red herring. Just being naked isn't sex nor is it adult by itself.
  7. I agree with both Rowan and you that there has been no shaming from what I've read. No it's not a convenient myth. It's ascribing a derogatory name to people who disagree as a way of dismissing their views and attempting cow others from making similar viewpoints for fear of being tarred by the same brush.
  8. I appreciate the sentiment and your point about there not really being any other good points to make except an emote sometimes is well made. I'm kinda going with if an emote is all I have to contribute then there really isn't anything to contribute if you know what I mean.
  9. I agree totally with you on this. I think for those of us who've been bitten by the shopping bug so hard and for so long, there comes an initial moment of existential panic at the thought of not doing that anymore which I'm sure is relied upon to make sure people move forward but when that moment passes you realise that you don't have to climb aboard every bandwagon just because it pulled into the station and it really will be alright in the end.
  10. Nobody cares (rightfully so) but I've decided that from this point on, if I post on the forums, I'll be trying to avoid using the Like, Thanks, Haha, Confused and Sad emotes. If I need to respond to a post, I'm going to try just to respond with a post. I've never really liked the emotes but have got caught up in using them far more than I'm comfortable with. I've posted this in case anyone thought it was personal. I guess we'll see how good my resolve is. I don't want to cause any problems for this topic so: Peeve: No good peeves left.
  11. Tentacles, clearly it will have to be tentacles next. When you have eliminated the mundane only the extremes remain.
  12. QFT. Many people who stayed with Maitreya all these years and never switched bodies were very happy with Lara the way it is. That goes for me as well. I don't want anything curvier and I don't want to have to stretch out my avatar to eliminate those extra curves. Lara suits me just fine and unless the avatar is nearly naked most people will not even notice what's Lara or LaraX anyway. When LaraX was announced, we received the first details and I realised it was not going to suit me I also quickly realised that I was OK with that and just cut my spending accordingly. It will not make me suffer at all. It'll just mean I have to bring less funds into SL overall and gain back the time I would have spent shopping.
  13. If you are easily triggered by me or my opinions, I would advise you to just scoot on by. You know who you are. There is no actual sex in SL. There, I've said it and I think it needs to be said as this is the reality. At most it is the depiction, roleplay or emoting/description of sex and related adult activities using SL avatars as a proxy. I'm not talking about sex over audio/video feeds because both parties are engaging in it from RL directly without a proxy involved and don't need SL for that. I'm not talking about intimacy either because that's a distinct thing. Actual real sex is not possible in SL (just in case some are too immersed to realise). As an aside, it's interesting that many people who claim not to be immersion-ists in SL and not interested in roleplay or in the roleplay characters of others do in fact immerse themselves in this as much as any other roleplayer does and don't seem to realise that their avatar is still a character of a sort even if they try to imbue it with as much of themselves as they can and portray a human with their avatar. However, I digress. Should LL promote graphic depictions of sex and other adult activities? Sex is part of life and nothing to be ashamed of. I absolutely 100% subscribe to this. However, in RL we mostly keep these activities private. It can be argued that this shouldn't be so but the facts are that it is and the mass public don't seem to want this to change in most places in the world. Second Life is not going to be the place to change the world view from. What we do in SL can be likened to an interactive game that produces what can be reduced to simplest form as a video production, even if that is live and not being stored anywhere. Depictions of sex in video games is regulated and this includes the promotion of games. The result is that game promotion is as tame as possible mostly not focusing on any adult activities that might feature in the game so that publishers can reach the maximum potential audience with their promotions. The rating for games tells parents whether those games are suitable for children because the promotion does not indicate this in it's visuals or descriptions. So that really leaves actual videos as the other thing that can be likened to adult activities in SL. Again, video content and it's promotion is regulated and only the tamest of stuff is ever promoted to the mass public. Again, the promotion of films and series is limited to mostly the tamest sexy/racy scenes for few really push the boundaries lest the censors in various countries ban them. Anecdote: Mainstream movies from the seventies seem to have a lot more full nudity and depictions of sex than at any other point in time since then. So we now get to porn, actual porn. In most countries, the masses are not exposed to porn or the promotion of porn through any mainstream media. Sure anyone can access it over the internet but you have to do so deliberately as there is no passive exposure. This tells me that the public appetite for this being promoted to the masses is as non-existent as it always has been as no political career was ever destroyed by their inability to embrace a porn culture. With this in mind, should we expect LL to be any different from those other mainstream companies? Especially if they are still chasing the dream of a more mainstream appeal? It seems to me that heavily and obviously promoting sex and adult activities would be counter-productive to that goal. I don't think that there is anything wrong with LL promoting Second Life in a sexier and spicier fashion than they have before. That is what happens in games and videos. They hint and tease that there might be more sexy than often there is with their productions with some notable exceptions. This is where Second Life would end up delivering far more than would be hinted at. Subtlety is everything and as they say, less is more. Finally we get to my answer to the question posed by the OP. I trust that LL will understand that subtlety is necessary and important and that while I expect this new endeavour to be promoted as sexier/spicier than before whilst hinting at even more that they will ultimately draw the line at what is generally acceptable in the mainstream. There's nothing wrong with any of that.
  14. I'm generally happy with the realism in SL already and don't really want it to get much closer to photo-realism for example. Yes, I would prefer items with less baked textures and more use of materials and lighting but those are features available to us today. Overall, I would prefer attention is turned more to things that tune/boost performance rather than degrade it so that more people can use SL well for activities that are currently subpar due to that.
  15. They do it because they have nothing better to do than cause problems for others. This is the nature of some people and that will never change. Best thing to do is realise that you could really have been anyone and many people have similar problems with harassment at some point. Going and doing something else for a while is a good strategy and hopefully they will move on by the time you login again.
  16. You cant close or delete the topic but you can edit your post to remove the names and links.
  17. Firstly, I'm sorry you are getting this kind of trouble. I know it can be upsetting. You do need to remove the names of the people from your post and probably the video links. You are not allowed to name and shame anyone here on the forums. Posting here will do nothing except get this topic closed and your posts removed. The correct way to report these people is to create an abuse report against them. Here are the instructions on how to file an abuse report: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/filing-an-abuse-report-r25/
  18. I had wondered if the extra delay was due to them rethinking the feet for the Jamie at least but apparently not. *shrugs*
  19. What a surprise! of course you see it that way. I expected nothing less and how little that actually means.
  20. It's so sad that exercising my choices somehow causes this much butthurt in some and provokes such frothing rants. Ahh well, fiddle-dee-dee!
  21. There is and even I have about half a dozen of them from visiting various Linden events and I don't even play games.
  22. Ahh yes, here we are with yet another post belittling the choices of others because they disagree. That's typical.
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