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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. I've updated the repo and recreated the v1.1 builds. Please test and let me know if this is working for you now. Thanks.
  2. Thanks, I can see the issue now. I'm preparing a fix that should be available later.
  3. Hmmm, that's strange. On Windows 10 it didn't crash for me doing this but it's possible there's something specific to Windows 11. I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce the problem. Did you change the base colour or the normal file when the crash happened? Presumably both files were 2K PNG files?
  4. Unfortunately no, it's UI only currently. I'll put it on my list of things to do but I'm not making any promises about when.
  5. @Frionil Fang Thank you and I'm glad you are finding it useful. I liked your improvement suggestion and so I have incorporated it into the application. The latest code and builds now watch for changes to the files it has loaded and will reload them automatically when a change is detected, including deletions and renaming. Due to pre-emptively reloading the changed files, there was no need to do any re-reading at save time as they will always be the latest copy from the disk. I have fixed the issue with locking the files which happened on Windows only and Paint.Net should be able to update the images now. Please, let me know if you find any bugs with my updates and I hope you enjoy the changes
  6. Each parcel has 702 prims and 2 sides protected. Price: L$99,995/parcel. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus - Gisco/58/147/26 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus - Gisco/29/146/26 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus - Gisco/29/117/26 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus - Gisco/63/115/26
  7. After an EMP, I think we'd have bigger problems with our own equipment no longer functioning and/or those remote services no longer functioning.
  8. Ideally, if the operation that would increase the LI of an object exceeds the available land capacity then the simulator would disallow the operation and retain the existing state with a toast message saying something like "Object settings would exceed parcel LI capacity". That would stop these kinds of edge cases.
  9. This is only true of 2FA systems that use SMS texts to send the codes. Second Life is not one of those systems. It uses a more secure time-based code system called TOTP (Ref: https://www.hypr.com/security-encyclopedia/time-based-time-password-totp-otp) which is more resistant to man-in-the-middle attacks than SMS codes and doesn't require any network to work. So it would still work during an AT&T outage.
  10. That's OK, I don't use it myself for the same reasons. No, it absolutely does not and never will use shared ban lists. That would not be any kind of step towards trying to improve anything.
  11. I do understand your position though. I understand what you are trying to achieve and why you think this is a good solution. You make some good points. I also appreciate you wanting to make mainland better even in a small way, I think we all want that in our own way. I just don't agree that this would be a good thing and I failed to help you understand my position is all. We obviously just see things differently and that's OK. Thanks for the discussion, it's probably better for us to leave it there or risk beating that poor horse. BTW I did like the rainbow rooster EEP
  12. Yes, it could and it could be reciprocated by hiding your stuff from others as well just like with the existing privacy settings that affects avatars only which would be fair.
  13. The land owner is deciding by default what my view of the world outside of their parcel should look like once when I am a guest. Whether you call that "censorship", a "curation" or any similar term, the effect is the same. I just don't think that the land owner be should be able to decide that. The land owner powers should be limited to what is actually on their parcel. EEP is different there is only one sky/water possible at a time due to a technical set of limitations that mean the sky/water does not change as it drawn into the distance like people might expect with different sky/water settings across the region. I guess if it's part of an Experience only then I wouldn't really care because I wouldn't be accepting it anyway and if anyone does then they know that they are giving ever more control to the land owner with it, so I suppose that's a conscious choice of a sorts. However if this was applied by default like EEP settings are, without an Experience, then I wouldn't want that. It isn't always obvious what EEP settings are being used most of the time when using region defaults unless I take the conscious effort to go and check. Who has the inclination to keep checking? I wouldn't even know I disagreed with their choices without actually turning it off. I am of the firm opinion that if someone wants something hidden then it should be a conscious decision to choose that and not because they didn't realise stuff was being excluded because they didn't check their settings. That's my best attempt to explain my point of view. On the subject of ban-aids, I don't really care about the VPS idea either to be frank, I was just pointing out there are potentially other more comprehensive solutions to completely controlling the environment for those who might want it.
  14. How does the viewer know not to render the original mesh/textures for an object in it's cache when there is going to be a replacement set of mesh/textures with different UUIDs? Update: Or is it that those mesh/textures are associated with the object UUID and the viewer just renders the cached version until a new set also associated with that object UUID is received?
  15. Surely the texture cache works something this?: 1. Viewer receives a bunch of texture UUIDs and associated version bytes for all the objects, etc. that are within draw distance. 2. Viewer checks each texture UUID to see if there is a cached copy. 3. If there is a cached copy, compares the version byte to decide whether it has the latest update. 4. If it's up-to-date it uses it to render with. 5. If it's not, the viewer requests the latest version of the texture and caches it along with the latest version byte. The version byte would stop the viewer using an out of date set of textures which could be very wrong and then look weird when it all snaps to the correctly downloaded versions.
  16. For some of the reasons succinctly identified by Clem, comparing shared EEP and shared object de-rendering aren't comparable. I would go further and say that it should have to be an opt-in viewer setting rather than opt-out if at all. In reality though I feel it's a poor band-aid solution at best.
  17. Sure, I understood what you were angling for but if we are spitballing for solutions to controlling the view/blight, that isn't the one I would vote for. I don't mean any offense by that.
  18. Wanted to laugh at the first sentence and sad face the second. Talk about conflicted!
  19. Theoretically, going down this train of thought, virtual private spaces (VPS) would be a better technical option in my opinion. No de-rendering would be required. The parcel, it's settings and contents effectively disappears from "normal space" and is surrounded by a void space from the viewpoint of someone on the parcel. Going in and out would be teleport only like a private region and anyone crossing through the space it would normally occupy are just shown standard LL public space land settings with blank terrain and no restrictions, so no hint it is a VPS or private parcel. The only dots on the mini map would be avatars crossing through the public space. No parcels would share a VPS, you would have to join them or perhaps only all parcels owned by the same account/group on that region would share a VPS. In some ways, this would be similar in concept to the setting "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" in that the effect is both ways. In fact that option would potentially no longer be necessary with VPS. Of course, I think the introduction of VPS could be disastrous for a densely populated land mass as many people would end up using them, however if we no longer care about that... LL also would probably never go for it because it would potentially cannibalise private region sales *unless* it was also a paid option, perhaps even a new subscription level, Privacy Plus. It does have the potential to solve the blight issue though but by swapping it for vast swathes of empty land. However that might not be much of an issue in areas with a significant public infrastructure. Take your medicine/poison, enjoy the ride.
  20. Where I live, when you go to get your hair done, if they are training someone new and want them to do your hair they a) ask if that's OK and you can refuse, b) you often get a discounted rate if you let them. I think that concept should flow to anything where you would expect skilled/professional services at those kinds of prices. Never had a trainee do dental work but if it were me I would probably ask to be rebooked for a time without a trainee.
  21. I'm not seeing any of the issues described here using the FS AO either with the release or the beta versions and I only use the FS AO of which I have about twenty different sets to swap between and frequently do as I use it also for my dancing AO and special purpose animation sets. Even on the laggiest regions and on an old and crappy (by today's standards) computer I recently tried, the FS AO never did the gliding with a frozen anim as described here. I've never seen it conflict with other items that also animate, though obviously the anims themselves can override each other depending on their priority. I even keep the FS AO on when shopping for new anims. In the early days it was common to have to disable it when doing that but hasn't been for a long time from my own experience. With that in mind, I suggest that the issues experienced here must be specific to the circumstances of those experiencing them somehow and not typical.
  22. I don't like the idea of the land owner of the parcel controlling what someone can see outside of their parcel. In my opinion, this goes too far. What is outside of their parcel is not their concern, only what is on their parcel. If there was such a feature, I would expect that there would have to be a client override available for anyone on the parcel.
  23. This is how it all starts... First the AI Mentor Bots to help the newbies. After that the Governance Bot army will spread across Mainland and Bellisseria. Violations will be terminated with prejudice, thank you for your co-operation resident. Finally, in 2027, PBRNet gains self awareness and decides that all human-run accounts are a threat to it's existence and moves to eliminate them. Humanity's only hope is JohnConner1337 who is safely tucked away in a bunker on mainland protected by orbs and banlines who will travel back to 2002 (or whenever) and attempt to stop the first prim from being rezzed.
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