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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. It may appear like the person has entered the parcel because the viewer extrapolates heading and velocity but when the region starts to respond the viewer will actually snap the agent back to the last position it knew about before it would enter the parcel. So as far as the region is concerned you never entered that parcel and the viewer will correct itself eventually.
  2. I definitely prefer to see them. You don't tend to see them until it's too late in a lot of circumstances either, so the visual aspect doesn't bother me. If anything I'd like to see all the banlines in a region I've entered if they are in view, at least on the mini map if nothing else but as was explained in the past, LL changed how it works so the server only send that information now when you get close to them.
  3. I think a lot of people would miss a notification though. Heck I miss notifications when I'm just standing around and not in any vehicle.
  4. *evil laugh* Didn't you all know, this is all part of my master plan to make the eyes of pedants twitch.
  5. My pleasure I don't mind what the default is though there is probably a danger new people may not understand why they cannot cross into some spaces if they are off by default.
  6. ...and for the same person at different times even.
  7. I think it is a personal preference and there is a viewer setting to change that preference. Also just a small correction. General Banlines go to 50m above the terrain.
  8. Well, I meant this: https://grammarist.com/usage/gantlet-gauntlet/ However the difference seems to be an extremely small spelling preference.
  9. Here in New Zealand, we have a couple of ISPs that provide IPV6 but the majority have gone behind CGNAT (Carrier-Grade NAT) with IPV4 addresses now and that's what the majority of people here are using. There's no plan to get everyone onto IPV6 at all and nothing to suggest that those ISPs will change from IPV4 anytime in even the long term. The main issue seems to be that nobody knows how to migrate the less technical customers over in a seamless way without making some of their devices unusable.
  10. I spent a few hours at the Welcome Hub again today and played the drawing game where you guess the word from the picture that they've installed there with a handful of other people. One of them was about a month old and I asked them if this was their first time or whether they were returning on a new account? They indicated that this was their first time. So I asked them how they were finding it. They answered that it had been a trip and that they were utterly addicted. It reminded me so much of how I felt when I was new. It also made me feel very encouraged that some people are making it through the gauntlet still and finding value here.
  11. The viewer never crashes during TP for me. However, it does fail to teleport maybe 1 in a dozen times and then disconnects me. This is especially noticeable during weekend sales and it's very annoying. I have a world-class quality gigabit fibre connection to the internet (for at least 5 years) which is incredibly reliable and I don't suffer from any significant packet loss according to the viewer stats ~0.1% even if logged in for hours and hours. Yet these disconnections still happen. Here's the kicker. It has been a lot better in the past. I remember a time a few years ago when LL were working on region crossings that it seemed from my experience that TP disconnects were a thing of the past and were no longer happening. Gradually over time they've become more prevalent for me again. I think it could be better. It has been better.
  12. I've even had my cat accidentally hit the sleep button on my keyboard whilst I'm inworld which hibernates the computer and shuts almost everything off (lights off, no fan noise, everything) except it waiting for keyboard/mouse to hit/moved before waking up again and still been able to continue with my logged in SL session without having to restart the viewer. For me this works just fine 100% of the time as long as I wake it up as soon as I can - round trip is maybe a minute, minute and a half.
  13. So let's go with user selectable characters and sayings
  14. All this talk of decay has me thinking about mushrooms. It looks like it was just a gumming of the works or someone fell asleep at the wheel as I've seen at least one blog post since this topic was opened.
  15. Perhaps LL could coral rants, complaints and the sky is falling into it's own sub-topic. Residents could then suggest they take it there if it's more than just a grumble and mods could move their posts over.
  16. If it were possible I would like to see a banner at the top of the forum landing page and topics list that states "All posts and topics on this forum are purely for the discussion of Second Life". After all, that is what LL have stated and seem to want. The grandfathered topics are really exceptions and it still doesn't hurt for new people to think they should be SL related too.
  17. At this point it does seem that security systems in Bellisseria have become relatively pointless. Perhaps the ban functionality will be replaced at some point with stern talking to by a severe looking animesh character that wags its finger while delivering a sermon about respecting other people's property.
  18. I'm not even sure that Bellisseria qualifies as 100% user generated content.
  19. On rare occasions this can also mean that the worn assets have been corrupted. This is often the cause of staying a cloud when one of the four mandatory wearables have been corrupted. It's happened to me several times. One time a copy (I have several now) of my shape was corrupted and on another occasion it was a dress I was wearing. The only solution I could find is to switch to other copies of those assets.
  20. Or you could choose from the menu "World->Show More->Ban Lines"
  21. Yes, it sure can and I agree it would be very accurate. I assumed that this was the purpose of splitting the bodies up into packs like this.
  22. I suspect that those vendors are using those to find out what people are using in a smarter fashion than using surveys.
  23. What specifically do you mean when you say "quality of people"?
  24. My opinion is that as long as people are observing the covenant, it is up to them to decide how to manage the land they have been allocated. If LL feel very strongly about it they can remove the ban lines for specific bans as well and/or ban all security devices. People are free to petition LL for this.
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