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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. It kind of goes to show that common sense isn't really all that common. If you would wear it in public in RL, where you may be around children, then the same kinds of thing would be OK on a G region. If the thing you are wearing would get parents shielding their young ones eyes from you with lots of tutting then you crossed a line. Simple.
  2. The only reason this isn't a problem without PBR though is that most items use baked shadows/lighting. If most creators had been using blinn-phong materials/EEP you would have the same kinds of issues.
  3. They are fiddly to get right, no mistake but I started just by playing around with them but soon figured out how they work on a basic level and I'm not some 3D graphics guru. I think it's probably like a lot of stuff, people will eventually figure it if they spend enough time with it but it just seems quite impenetrable at first perhaps. Where there's a will...
  4. Ooops, I missed that one out, it meant to read "Thanks, Like, Laugh do". Seems these rules would be worthy of a sticky post.
  5. Correct, they all don't. I could be wrong about this but I thought the Like, Laugh do and the Confused, Sad don't. Though in the past I could have sworn those last two took points away but I might be wrong about that.
  6. What a concept, if everyone could just scorn laugh their own posts though how much effort would that save everyone else?
  7. It's common wisdom that most of the complaints about performance, especially around lag and slow rendering are in fact viewer side problems associated with lower end hardware, slow internet, etc. Again, though, all the average user knows is that SL isn't working as they expect.
  8. That was the name of Meta's metaverse virtual world though I think they changed to Horizon Worlds later: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon_Worlds
  9. Those are fair comments but I think the average person isn't going to know the difference of whether there is a general PBR issue or a Firestorm issue anyway. I didn't see any speed degradation on my main SL box with the PBR alpha viewer but then I have a Nvidia RTX 3080 with 12Gb GPU memory and 32Gb system memory. So I'm not so sure it isn't affecting anyone on LL viewer, you just might not be seeing that and that was @Scylla Rhiadra's point all along. I guess we will see how this all plays out. If the LL viewer had the features us FS users have come to depend on and stop keep dumbing down their viewer, there might be more users using it.
  10. I only laughed because of the GIF, otherwise I completely agree with your post. Wish we could do combination reactions.
  11. We are a truly international crowd though and not everyone can make those times (I find daytime US almost impossible to be inworld unless I'm not working) and if many did as you suggest they'd have to choose a different way of holding it as having them inworld would not scale.
  12. The power came back on but by then I didn't even care (though I'm grateful for it now). I'd been out for a wonderful lunch with some friends, had great food and wine and then had a long sleep in the late afternoon. Best power cut day ever.
  13. Lifetime memberships cost USD 799 and there are limited places available.
  14. Even on scripting stuff, I think they are surprised when most people are like "yes, great but ...". I usually have the image of a deer in headlights when that happens.
  15. Certainly it's not unheard of but it isn't very common either and generally doesn't end well. Remember the Senra Beta feedback topic?
  16. I haven't seen anything but considering they never came in to address the cash-out issues either recently, I tend to assume they generally don't on even important things.
  17. Phew, I must be in the clear then because I already posted my apathy either way to the proposal On another note, how does one apply to be elected to the council? Asking for a friend...
  18. Maybe just point people to this topic in your profile and things will resolve themselves?
  19. There are still some of us who talk in chat whenever possible. I actually discourage IMs from people I don't know or have just met and I don't do Discord.
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