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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. If Quartz felt that way he wouldn't have made the offer.
  2. An official statement is always the last word on policy where it hasn't been stated before. It may be obvious to some but clearly wasn't to the OP and may not be to others. Having an official statement removes any doubt (hopefully).
  3. As far as I'm aware this could be achieved with an Experience and scripting. The script would have to change the EEP settings for each agent on the land that has accepted the Experience at the time when it is supposed to change.
  4. Yes he did. I posted hoping that Quartz doesn't see the OP's decision about their advertising and subsequence declaration about how the topic has run it's course as an indication that obtaining said information for us is no longer necessary. I'd like to see it regardless.
  5. FWIW I still think it would be great if we could get an official ruling from @Quartz Mole on this. We all think we know the answer but to have that set down means much more in my opinion.
  6. I generally have three versions of Firestorm installed, the current release, the previous release and if there is one, the latest alpha version. This gives me the ability to do comparisons, play with new stuff and still have a stable version for when that's important.
  7. Unless I've misunderstood, you can do this. While logged in visit this link: https://my.secondlife.com/ which is on your dashboard too as the "My Second Life" link: From there choose the "People" section and in the cog menu you can set whether you are visible to them or not.
  8. People can sometimes accidentally click on profile pictures because hovering over them with the mouse makes them bigger and clicking by mistake is quite easy. I've done it myself. So they might just be getting a better look at your profile picture. I would take that as a compliment that your picture is interesting. I notice that you don't have many posts here yet and people are also naturally curious. That could account for other clicks. I wouldn't assume that you have done anything wrong in your postings. People can be a bit fractious here at times, myself included and especially with non-native English speakers it's more easy to misread intent, etc. I wouldn't put much store by that. I see nothing wrong with your postings and you should post your thoughts and opinions just like everyone else. You will get reactions, some good, some bad. Again, don't worry about that, it doesn't mean you have done anything wrong.
  9. Earlier I also took a look at the aws ping tester from here in NZ and saw a similar cyclic effect ranging from 200ms to 600ms.
  10. I didn't mention support tickets though. It's possible you misunderstood me. When I said this: "and don't want to have that status removed for whatever reason." I meant LL under these circumstances doesn't want that status to be removed when a person "unregisters" themselves as a scripted agent. I didn't mean that the banned person didn't want it removed. I'm guessing that's where I caused confusion. To me this means LL considers the account to still be a bot account and that requires special handling to change. I'm OK with that personally as LL are in the best possible situation to assess that for us all based on the account history.
  11. You know how this works. They are keen on the spirit of the rules being followed. They don't explicitly cover everything, that's true. That's so there is enough room for discretion. So it seems likely to me a public park would probably be in the spirit of what is allowed but political advertising probably isn't. I'm basing this on the fact that there has to be a policy at all about political advertising but not any I can find on public parks. Anyway, it was having the exception at all that I'm surprised about and wondered why was that considered a good thing.
  12. From: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Forum_Participation_Guidelines "No Advertising: Advertising outside of designated areas is not allowed on the Second Life Forums. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, services, Second Life regions, or in-world business. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business." Emphasis mine. It's an explicit exception. One that does not mention political information and so the exception doesn't apply to that though.
  13. I'm surprised that any advertising at all from signatures is allowed. What's the benefit in carving out that as an exception to the general rule here?
  14. It seems likely from what I have read in these topics that the only additional people who would be getting banned would be accounts that LL have marked as bots and don't want to have that status removed for whatever reason. I don't see a problem with that personally.
  15. There's a lot of other conversation in this topic too though. So that skews the peeve-to-post (PTP) ratio quite a bit I'd imagine.
  16. How about we just leave things as they are, nobody is unhappy about the status quo.
  17. The original ability to have sub-folders was considered an unintended feature by LL and they fixed it a several versions ago despite lots of people telling them this is exactly what we need. Does it make sense? Nope, not to us any way.
  18. My take is that there would probably be no surprises really.
  19. Mostly the reason I have them turned off is that so I can see more posts on a page. I'm probably not missing much by not seeing what's in them and have no desire to see them over and over again. If I want to know more about a person, which isn't often, I can always try their inworld profile.
  20. *thinks about it for a moment* Nope, still keeping all signatures turned off.
  21. Many people have both a Bellisseria home and some Mainland. So theories that seek to make out that there are better people over there than those undesirables over there are fallacious. It's tempting to try to characterise and generalise "types" or "groups" of people but mostly we look through the lens of our own biases when we do that especially when we are trying to minimise, look down on or in any other way demean them in order to bolster a viewpoint. However that's all it is and has little to no legitimacy. Mainland is simply a place where people don't have to conform to what other people try to enforce upon them whether it be LL with a covenant or by others hating on them because they didn't build something that fits in with what they would like to see. That's it, no really it is. Whatever motivates them to want/need that is many and varied. The real story here is this: Some people have unilaterally decided that Mainland should no longer be what it has always been, probably somewhere along the way when Bellisseria was being built, and now Mainland in their eyes should only be a place of aesthetic beauty no matter what else has to happen to achieve that. It's weird that those people aren't just embracing Bellisseria instead and leaving others on Mainland to get along in their own way. However somehow Bellisseria just doesn't make them happy despite them declaring that "exactly that type of thing" would over and over again. That in my opinion lends even less substance to their insistence about changing Mainland. Even if they got their way I doubt that it would make them happy either. There should always be a place in SL for a land product with very few restrictions and Mainland fills that niche perfectly. Debate can rage about whether there needs to be so much as there is left unrestricted to cater to those who want it but nevertheless the issue isn't whether we need it, it's just how much of it we need.
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