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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. Is it possible that gamers see all online environments as games because that's the vast majority of their experience? They describe it in terms of what they are used to. A bit like a primitive tribe seeing an aeroplane for the first time might describe it as a metal bird? A virtual environment that isn't also a game isn't common enough to distinguish itself for them perhaps? This is all supposition and theorising of course.
  2. I think a 1024sqm distance is far too much unless you are at a vantage point such as a tower as in the picture. At ground level 256sqm is more than adequate in my opinion. As I've said previously I keep my viewer at 256sqm most of the time and get frame rates in excess of 30fps unless there are lots of avatars so that's doable. If it helps with rendering avatars then it would seem like a good idea. Perhaps two imposters could be generated, one with and one without blur. The user could then select which ones they want via a viewer setting. Another thing to consider is selecting imposter distance based on the users relative camera altitude to the view.
  3. It's certainly an answer and entertaining one. I must have missed these posts from Randall, was that recent or some time back? I was kinda hoping to see what they had to say for themselves but so far *crickets*
  4. I don't keep all the items from the box either. I do keep the boxes though which has served me well. My observations are from what I see upon unpacking and just before I delete all the versions for everything but Lara.
  5. If you are anything like me then most of this wasn't even from redelivering existing purchases either. It's from new purchases I've made over a long period of time since those bodies were introduced.
  6. So then SL would have been Fortnite instead and SL as we know it would not have existed or would have been created by others or there would have been two Fortnite type games competing with each other. Not sure how that would be better? LL didn't set out to make a game for millions of people, the makers of Fortnite obviously did. That SL has been around for 20+ years says to me that it found it's niche and been successful in that space. That niche just isn't as big as Fortnite. That's what Meta has found out also. The fact that you are even here suggests that Fortnite isn't all that you want either. So what is it that keeps you here that you cannot get in Fortnite?
  7. QFT. It's also kinda funny but if I were going to switch bodies at this point, I actually have more stuff for Reborn or Legacy, etc. than anyone could possibly provide at launch for Lara X.
  8. Lara v5.3 is every bit as attractive, in my opinion, and also has good slider responsiveness. If that wasn't so then there wouldn't be 36.6% of the market share already taken by it. I wouldn't even trust a marketing promo shot from Velour to necessarily be a good representation of what the body or the skin looks like. It's easy to get carried away on hype and marketing because that's what it is designed to do. I don't expect any skins for Lara X to look much different than they do on Lara. After all we are told that the changes are subtle even though they are enough to make the rig incompatible. Any visual improvements over Lara are small and subjectively in the eye of the beholder.
  9. It's irrelevant to me whether it's free or whether they charge for it. If I'd wanted to change bodies, I would already have done that and the price wouldn't have been an issue either way. The purchase price of my Lara is just a tiny drop in a vast ocean compared to all that I have bought for it since then. Lara X just seems to be a variation on a theme though and there's been nothing shown that's compelling enough to make me want to change.
  10. In my opinion security device creators should be making sure their devices are detecting that they are on the Bellisseria estate and adjust their functionality accordingly to comply or simply disable themselves. The security devices I've made do this. Perhaps that should be a condition of using third-party security devices that is written into the covenant. I think leaving it up to the user to choose that they want a Bellisseria mode option is a subpar solution and bound to cause issues for them.
  11. [2023/08/01 13:44:55] Gryphon (Gryphon Ronas): most of them will not, no. Mesh clothes anyway. Everyting else does [2023/08/01 19:26:27] Gryphon (Gryphon Ronas): It's really simple.... Existing mesh clothing is not going to fit Lara X because it was made for Lara. Everything else will be fine, Shapes, Appliers, Shoes, rings, Bom skins, clothing, tattoos, heads will still fit - yes we have been asked that a number of times. Yes of course heads will fit. Mesh clothing probably will not unless you can use alpha [2023/08/01 19:29:02] Gryphon (Gryphon Ronas): No, your existing clothes probably will not fit any more than they would fit a Reborn body These quotes are from the Maitreya Lara Friends group chat. I imagine there are *some* Maitreya clothes that you could even use an alpha to make work on a Reborn body but nobody would seriously do that and these messages from Gryphon portray a general picture of a high degree of incompatibility unless the plan has changed in the last few days.
  12. I have 256m draw distance all the time too. I get FPS similar to Henri's. TBH with a performant computer most of the problems with performance become a distant memory. It's only really busy places that have lots of avatars that make a difference and those are much rarer than they were. I can imagine impostered backdrops making a difference for those with low end hardware.
  13. The question has to be asked. Would it be possible for someone to create deformers to make Lara X compatible with Lara rigged mesh clothing and accessories in the same way that other body makers have?
  14. No, it wouldn't suppress loading the mesh which is from local disk anyway, it would just suppress the drawing of it.
  15. How feasible would it be to add a viewer option that never rendered the system avatar when selected and somehow instructed other viewers not to render my system avatar? That would seem to be one solution. I would happily turn it off as I've not had any use for it for many years now. It wouldn't convince me to go to from Evo to EvoX myself but I certainly would like not to see the other cyclopean nightmares whilst they are rezzing (assuming they use that option).
  16. There is a lot in this move that doesn't make sense from a motivation point of view from Maitreya. It seems to me that it's likely a symptom of the female avatar content creators (clothing, accessories, etc.) collectively panicking about revenue drops that have not recovered over time and aren't seasonal. This might be the attempted collaborative solution to desperately attempt to recover this market segment.
  17. Ignoring the gallows humour for a moment, there is a real possibility of this tainting SL even more in the uninformed public's view.
  18. The sub was apparently controlled via a game controller, I wouldn't rule anything out about what this was used for. I'm feeling sick to my stomach, this is not the kind of PR SL needs.
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