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A Warning on Daylight Savings Time

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The USA ends DST on the 30th October, and the time in Second Life will follow this, since it matches the time in California.

Europe makes the switch on the 6th November

Southern Hemisphere countries such as Australia switch on different dates, and in the opposite direction, since for them it is spring rather than fall.

The USA/Europe difference could easily catch you out if you're planning to go to an event in SL 

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Monti Messmer wrote:

Europe ? UK and Germany are on the 30th October too and i think the rest is the same


The Netherlands switch on the 30th too, I do not know which part of Europe the OP means.


Anyway, thanks for the reminder but I will no doubt forget it and miss stuff in SL...as every time the clock changes..hehe!

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Monti Messmer wrote:

Europe ? UK and Germany are on the 30th October too and i think the rest is the same


Most European countries will turn their clocks back when DST (daylight saving time) ends in many places in Europe at 1am UTC (coordinated universal time), on Sunday, Oct 30, 2011. However Russia, Ukraine and Belarus recently made changes so they will not follow Europe’s DST schedule on October 30, 2011. Iceland also does not observe DST.

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Thank you for the warning. Twice a year (spring and autumn) my Second Life diary gets hammered when me and my alts are simply reluctant to make any Second Life diary dates for fear that, either I will be one hour out or the other person will be instead.

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I think you have the USA and Europe switched round.    Certainly daylight saving in the UK (and, as far as I know, in the rest of the EU) ends on the last Sunday of October each year -- October 30th, this year -- and, at least according to this, it ends in the USA and Canada on November 6th.

There's a complete list here http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/2011.html

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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

The USA ends DST on the 30th October, and the time in Second Life will follow this, since it matches the time in California.

Europe makes the switch on the 6th November

Southern Hemisphere countries such as Australia switch on different dates, and in the opposite direction, since for them it is spring rather than fall.

The USA/Europe difference could easily catch you out if you're planning to go to an event in SL 

Actually Southern Hemisphere countries dont use DST at all, so we wont be switching our clocks, and we will definately not  be switching it in the opposite direction :)  our time remains the same year round

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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

The USA ends DST on the 30th October, and the time in Second Life will follow this, since it matches the time in California.

Europe makes the switch on the 6th November

/me bangs WolfBaginski's head for giving misinformation... :matte-motes-dont-cry:  What you should have stated is:

The USA ends DST on the 6 November, and the time in Second Life will follow this, since it matches the time in California.

Most of the European countries make the switch on the 30th October.



/me gives soothing kiss on WolfBanginski's aching head ... :matte-motes-kiss: :matte-motes-smile:

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Sigh. The UK will go dark again at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It would take maybe 20 minutes for Parliament to fix the problem (by simply leaving the UK on BST year round), but politicians breed in the dark. Thus, the UK will remain home to vampires and werewolves for another year.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Sigh. The UK will go dark again at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It would take maybe 20 minutes for Parliament to fix the problem (by simply leaving the UK on BST year round), but politicians breed in the dark. Thus, the UK will remain home to vampires and werewolves for another year.

/me is old enough to remember when that was tried as an experiment for a few years in the late '60s or early '70s.   It proved hugely unpopular, the more so the futher north you got.   Up in the north of Scotland, as I recall, it meant the sun didn't rise till about 10:30 in the morning.

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What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back.

Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th.

But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st.

I have never been able to figure this out.  Where did the missing day go?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back.

Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th.

But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st.

I have never been able to figure this out.  Where did the missing day go?

:smileysurprised: Did you happen to fly over the Bermuda Triangle on your way there? :smileysurprised:

j/k :matte-motes-silly:  That is strange though...almost certainly has to do with the timing of the flights.  Taking off & landing times are always local times to that specific airport.  Kind of weird that you can't figure it out.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back.

Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th.

But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st.

I have never been able to figure this out.  Where did the missing day go?

:smileysurprised: Did you happen to fly over the Bermuda Triangle on your way there? :smileysurprised:

j/k :matte-motes-silly:  That is strange though...almost certainly has to do with the timing of the flights.  Taking off & landing times are always local times to that specific airport.  Kind of weird that you can't figure it out.

“And amonge other notable thynges by hym [Pietro Martire d’Anghiera] wrytten as touchynge that vyage, this is one, that the Spanyardes hauynge sayled abowt three yeares and one moneth, and the most of them notynge the dayes, day by day (as is the maner of all them that sayle by the Ocean) they founde when they were returned to Spayne, that they had loste one day. So that at theyr arryuall at the porte of Siuile [seville] beinge the seventh day of September, was by theyr accompt but the sixth day. And where as Don Peter Martyr declared the strange effecte of this thynge to a certeyne excellente man [Gaspari Contarini of Venice] who for his singuler lernynge was greately aduaunced to honoure in his common welthe and made Themperours ambassadoure, this woorthy gentelman who was also a greate Philosopher and Astronomer, answered that it coulde not otherwyse chaunce unto them hauynge sayled three years continually, euer folowynge the soonne towards the West. And sayde furthermore that they of owlde tyme obserued that all suche as sayled behinde the soonne towarde the West, dyd greatly lenghten the day.”

If I recall my history correctly, when Magellan's' crew completed their circumnavigation of the globe, there was a Papal inquiry into this phenomena because the crew had some how lost a day and had been celebrating mass on the wrong day:



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It's bad enough that government messes with our time, making us switch to DST and back, but then they go and change the dates when we switch to and from DST and now a lot of our electronic devices can't do the DST change automatically.  Set the DVR to record Star Trek, end up with some stupid sitcom instead.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back.

Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th.

But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st.

I have never been able to figure this out.  Where did the missing day go?

leaving the U.S. east coast by plane to the west coast ..say it was a 3 hour flight and you left at 1pm..the current time on the east coast would be 11pm when you took off..when you land it will be 2pm..

now flying from the west coast back.. say you left at 1 pm and it's a 3 hour flight..the current time on the east coast would be 3pm..when you land..it will be 6pm

so flying to the west coast shows only taking an hour if you are looking at a clock that changed with each time zone..where flying to the east coast shows it taking 5 hours..

so add the time it takes plus the jump in time and that will show where you lost the day..if it takes two days to get to aussie land it will take you one day to get back hehehe

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Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back.

Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th.

But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st.

I have never been able to figure this out.  Where did the missing day go?

Because we get days first, technically, they are ours you see ^^ (finders keepers and all that...)

Any days you might have used are on loan basically :)

At exactly one second past midnight, every twenty four hours an official standing outside the Byron Bay lighthouse, (on the eastern side of course), uses a huge stamp to mark each day as "Made in Australia - worldwide patents apply"

If you have a problem with this you are welcome to submit a ticket to support but of course we might take a day (or not) to answer *nods (that's where your day goes)

Where do you think LL got the concept of lending you virtual land? The only difference being is that we dont charge you for the use of our days because, well... we are very nice people :matte-motes-smitten:

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back.

Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th.

But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st.

I have never been able to figure this out.  Where did the missing day go?

Because we get days first, technically, they are ours you see ^^ (finders keepers and all that...)

Any days you might have used are on loan basically

At exactly one second past midnight, every twenty four hours an official standing outside the Byron Bay lighthouse, (on the eastern side of course), uses a huge stamp to mark each day as "Made in Australia - worldwide patents apply"

If you have a problem with this you are welcome to submit a ticket to support but of course we might take a day (or not) to answer
(that's where your day goes)

Where do you think LL got the concept of lending you virtual land? The only difference being is that we dont charge you for the use of our days because, well... we are very nice people :matte-motes-smitten:

I hearby nominate Maryanne Solo for the position of High Priestess of LL Customer Support.

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