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Regarding privacy and legality of products sold on Marketplace

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50 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes, it would.

And one of the reasons we don't is this:

It would be a laborious, thankless task, and anyone running it would be subject to untold abuse.

Well, when I retire from translation, and I've finished my SL memoirs, I may take this on as a project in retirement and add some chapters to my memoirs that way : )

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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:


I can think of several in SL, I can also think of one in RL

Awful Mac whyPhones. Awful Mac can "brick" the device remotely if they decide you shouldn't be using it. For example you buy it 2nd hand from the original owner, who then reports it "lost/stolen" so they can claim on insurance, to lower the cost of the new whyPhone.


The start of this tale of "groin dangle woe" is basically an attempt to appeal for un-deserved sympathy, pure and simple. Going to THAT mush of an effort to "over-share" is red flag, tells you immediately that there's some LITTLE detail, they deliberately left out.


Yeah, LITTLE details like that.


BillieJo's a "warm up act", while you wait for the "headliners" to log in.


A suggestion not uncommon amongst people who FAILED to understand that a Forum is not a Blog, that they don't "own" the thread, and have no right to dictate who replies, or how, and that other people are in fact, ALLOWED to disagree with any over-entitled nonsense.


Somebody bought a dick, it didn't work as expected, specifically, it was more complicated to use than expected, which iis not the same as "broken", RTFM.

Than they left a bad review, after getting bad customer service, but reviews of PRODUCTS are not supposed to be OPINIONS on the creator, just on the PRODUCT.

Posting "This dick sucks, the Squirty button on the hud doesn't work" is allowed, but posting "Finkin R hard! Dis creetor sucks an R a ******* ***" is not allowed.

In response to which, the creator "bricked" the product remotely.


Is bricking products allowed, yes, there are almost NO consumer protection features in SL, anywhere. It was created as a "Free Market" paradise, where the buyer must always beware.

Never buy anything without a demo, always try the demo first, if the demo is a non working one, walk away. NEVER expect that some Linden will magically punish that BAD store owner, and get your money back because you had a cry and sulked.


I guess "groin dangle woe" is not anything you would know about, then. OK.


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If your review was removed, see if you can leave another one..

Keep to the details of what happened and leave emotions out of it..

I didn't read the review, but if it was an emotional response, they may have been able to have it removed because of things said and reported the review..

Again I didn't read it so I have no idea what was said.. I'm just making a suggestion because , other than relisting the product, I'm not sure how they would remove it other than reporting it.

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6 hours ago, Chelsea Hansen said:

We need to treat this customer nicely. He is feeling very deflated.

The OP walks in like an elephant in a china shop and we have to treat this customer nicely?
They were pretty rude to one of our regular people on these forums within a few posts.


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6 hours ago, Kore Jardberg said:

"She", not "he", you clearly didn't read. But given the intelligence deployed in your remark, no surprise here.

Perfectly clear whose alt you are, from the beginning for me.
But this proofs my suspicions pretty much.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

For some of us, the back story gives some hint as to who the creator is.

Very few products of that type have an available demo.

The IM chat that was removed gives a clearer picture.  Arrogant c*** and Go F*** yourself, were the closing lines from the OP.

The dangly products have full functioning demos.  Some.of the less expensive, less featured ones have no demo on the MP.


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6 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

It is obviously difficult to comment in a balanced way about a thread where the original post had to be edited, but I am really puzzled why some of the initial responses to this post have been so odd and awkward and somewhat aggressive at times.


Welcome to the SL Forums. The General section has been quite hostile of late, particularly to newcomers.


Understandably you may disable an abusive customer's product, but it should happen with a refund.

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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Safer to use an Alt or new account on sensitive topics maybe?

Especially when you're apparently planning to start your own business. But that can go all pear-shaped in a minute when you just need to like your own post.

(Look at the groups. JUST LOOK AT THEM.)

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13 hours ago, Caitlin Tobias said:

I never said that, so it was already clear? Anyway, he fact you felt the need to IM me inworld about this, gives me a pretty good idea :)

IM you inworld about this? What? Why not use forum messaging?

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11 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

It probably should be in the adult section too.

That could be a new adult topic "My Slex life"

Not mine, but anyone that wants to post 😁

I'm sorry? You have certainly posted way more about your sex life than I care to read about.

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48 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

The IM chat that was removed gives a clearer picture.  Arrogant c*** and Go F*** yourself, were the closing lines from the OP.

The dangly products have full functioning demos.  Some.of the less expensive, less featured ones have no demo on the MP.

I did say "very few" and I'll stand by that especially the more expensive ones from what I have seen. I didn't realize though the particular product had been named. The tone in the review may well have been justly deserved depending how the seller mocked the buyer in the first exchange. Was that exchange also mentioned or just the review?

26 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Especially when you're apparently planning to start your own business. But that can go all pear-shaped in a minute when you just need to like your own post.

(Look at the groups. JUST LOOK AT THEM.)

I don't do the super sleuthing to get the all dirt on a buyer/OP, just look at it from what has been mentioned by them in the thread. Are they starting their own business and does it have diddly squat to do with their problem?

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36 minutes ago, Mr Amore said:


Welcome to the SL Forums. The General section has been quite hostile of late, particularly to newcomers.


Understandably you may disable an abusive customer's product, but it should happen with a refund.

To the best of my knowledge, it can only be disabled if it requires a server to function. No creator can reach into our inventories and change what's already there. And we don't have to accept updates.

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11 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I did say "very few" and I'll stand by that especially the more expensive ones from what I have seen. I didn't realize though the particular product had been named. The tone in the review may well have been justly deserved depending how the seller mocked the buyer in the first exchange. Was that exchange also mentioned or just the review?


The IM chat with the creator was linked in the OP.  Got a screenshot since I assumed the mods would remove that.  What was in the review was not shown at all.  If the tone of the review was anything like the tone of the IM chat, I can understand why it was removed.   The OP even said..

15 hours ago, V Ghost said:



After that, the creator eventually "answered" my question by mocking the fact I couldn't find how to use her product myself.

I then posted a bad review on their product, because I didn't appreciate her tone and incompetency.


Personally, I didn't find that the creator was mocking at all but was a bit short with the OP who did go on and on about how they felt the creator was inept with their instructions.  The conversation's tone, IMO, was instigated by the OP.


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16 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:


I don't do the super sleuthing to get the all dirt on a buyer/OP, just look at it from what has been mentioned by them in the thread. Are they starting their own business and does it have diddly squat to do with their problem?

I was going to say "some problems go down to the bone" but realized that could be considered a pun given the subject of the thread. We see a lot of these "merchant is a big mean meanie" threads and from my experience almost every one of them ends up with the OP basically demonstrating why someone else might be over them. Doesn't excuse the merchant in question, but (sides to story)=x, when x is the number of people involved in that story.

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4 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:
6 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Safer to use an Alt or new account on sensitive topics maybe?

Mostly by mistake.. forgot to log off on another after liking their own post

New posters are restricted to 5 posts, so is likely why he switched to another account.

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A lesson here -- if you expect a merchant to help you with a product don't call them an arrogant c**t or tell them to go F themselves!   Merchants are less inclined to help you then! LOL

I'd say very few would ignore such abuse and honor the request.

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11 hours ago, discussionbot said:

Yeah not sure why anyone has to sit through the first 3 paragraphs that have nothing to do with the actual issue smh. Would’ve been nice to have a tl;dr 

TL;DR Customer bought a product, asked for help and did not wait for the creator to reply, and struggled to figure it out on their own. The interaction between the customer and the seller finally happened and it was unpleasant. Customer left a bad review, and it clearly violated some rules as it has been removed. Customer alleged that the product was somehow remotely deactivated (shocking and bad if true.) Customer then went on to write a huge rant on the forums, with too much (unwanted, unnecessary, uncomfortable) personal information in it. And nothing was achieved.

Edited by Clem Marques
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Just now, Clem Marques said:

The interaction between the customer and the seller finally happened and it was unpleasant.

Unpleasant interactions?!?!? Wow!!!


1 minute ago, Clem Marques said:

And nothing was achieved.

Always nice to see a story with a happy ending!

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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Every time anyone has tried to create a "Better Businesss Bureau" in SL, it has been entirely self--serving, i.e. one set of creators using it to harass competitors, or critics, or people they don't like -- entire classes of people. So they deservedly failed.

I believe consumers need protection, but so do merchants.  I was once harassed by some guy who started a kind of Better business Bureau. First he purchased something of mine and then demanded I refund half the price as he decided that's all it was worth.  Come to find out, he was testing me in order to decide if I was a "good merchant", and if I complied with his demands I'd be judged as such and listed on his roster of "good merchants".  Of course, being the Taurus that I am, I refused such manipulative control.  His next move was to stand at my main landing and attack my customers, telling them I was a bad merchant and when they purchased items they wouldn't even get them at all. He spent hours doing this, and was reported to me by faithful customers eventually, and I banned him.

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11 minutes ago, Clem Marques said:

TL;DR Customer bought a product, asked for help and did not wait for the creator to reply, and struggled to figure it out on their own. The interaction between the customer and the seller finally happened and it was unpleasant. Customer left a bad review, and it clearly violated some rules as it has been removed. Customer alleged that the product was somehow remotely deactivated (shocking and bad if true.) Customer then went on to write a huge rant on the forums, with too much (unwanted, unnecessary, uncomfortable) personal information in it. And nothing was achieved.

What I noticed about these products is that they have a PG option, meaning the item will automatically hide itself in a General region.  Not sure how that all works, though.

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9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I believe consumers need protection, but so do merchants.  I was once harassed by some guy who started a kind of Better business Bureau. First he purchased something of mine and then demanded I refund half the price as he decided that's all it was worth.  Come to find out, he was testing me in order to decide if I was a "good merchant", and if I complied with his demands I'd be judged as such and listed on his roster of "good merchants".  Of course, being the Taurus that I am, I refused such manipulative control.  His next move was to stand at my main landing and attack my customers, telling them I was a bad merchant and when they purchased items they wouldn't even get them at all. He spent hours doing this, and was reported to me by faithful customers eventually, and I banned him.

But surely the missed opportunity must keep you awake at night?  Don't you sometimes lay there wondering if, had you played your cards right, you might have eventually earned the opportunity to be on his "really good merchants" list by giving him a 75% discount instead? 🤔

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10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

What I noticed about these products is that they have a PG option, meaning the item will automatically hide itself in a General region.  Not sure how that all works, though.

I would imagine a function tied in some way to this.

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1 hour ago, SandorWren said:

IM you inworld about this? What? Why not use forum messaging?

I have no idea....(not that I would have answered it in a forum message either). I always find it odd to get told off in an IM inworld, when it's about a forum thread. I prefer to keep it here.

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