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Clem Marques

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Everything posted by Clem Marques

  1. Paint air intoxication, noxious toxic FUMES!
  2. Tip: It's a LL-owned rez zone surrounded by water
  3. Voted for the Tiki/Water theme. As much as I personally adore the Alpine style, I'm unsure about that theme's potential. When it comes to snowy mainland, it often (but not always) gets bought/rented around Christmas time then abandoned once it's over. People might show that same pattern regarding those Linden homes, as not everyone wants snow throughout the entire year. If they start with a small amount of regions to test the waters, then expand it as needed, that could be successful. Tiki would be a no-brainer in terms of success for LL. Almost everyone loves waterfront parcels, as the stilt homes on pier/water and houseboats have demonstrated, the high demand for waterfront Mainland parcels too. Plus, it's distinctive enough from the other Linden Homes to generate a new wave of demand for them. Not so sure about the other themes, such as "Craftsman Style Homes" That being said, if Alpine wins I'm definitely getting a snowy cabin ASAP
  4. I was surprised by that auction's result as well.
  5. I'll use the one on the right then. I liked it a bit more as well but wasn't really sure if it was better. Now I know. Thanks everyone!
  6. The region's eyesore, everyone screamed "PRIMS!"
  7. Sometimes people have a hard time choosing an avatar, or a certain feature for their avatar. Getting honest opinions (and/or advice) before making a decision can help a lot. If you struggle to customize your avatar like I do, this thread is for you. Post pictures here and let's ask the pros. Which version looks better, left or right? I have no personal preference either way. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Flying and sailing can be quite fun. Where am I?
  9. I know where you are! That's the bridge that crosses the river at Fishers Rest, part of the Circuit La Corse. The location is: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fishers Rest/36/111/23
  10. My first time attempting to rent an adult parcel in a private estate, I had a strangely invasive, nosy landlady. She'd show up at random times and just stand near my parcel boundary for minutes at a time, surveilling what I was building (which was just a small slightly transparent cube as a home, with furniture in it.) Standing there even if I had guests over. It was very unsettling to say the least. I had the setting "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" turned off, and on more than one occasion she flew into my parcel several meters up, presumably to see what I was doing in there without me noticing. But I always have the "nearby" tab open so I saw her and felt creeped out by that. She ran some sort of sex dungeon in the other corner of the sim that I was not interested in. The breaking point was when a female friend was using my apartment on her own, and the landlady apparently entered my parcel to flirt with her, saying that she'd "give a discount." Imagine my embarrassment when my friend told me what had happened. Really, really weird and unwanted interactions. Eventually I just got tired of dealing with a crazy, nosy person and picked up all my furniture and left. I had paid for a month and a half of rent in advance, which she didn't return, and I did not expect her to so I did not even bother to ask for it. She was obviously very unprofessional so it was pointless. Rented from one of the big landlords a few years later and had a good, hassle-free experience. Always go for someone who has a good reputation and vast amounts of real estate and/or years of experience in the business if you are looking for a parcel to rent. Amateurs are just not worth the hassle, even if their prices are slightly cheaper than the well-established landlords. Despite all of that, I generally feel uncomfortable renting parcels because I hate having to follow someone else's arbitrary rules about building styles/limitations and privacy while trying to enjoy the land. I'd rather just shell out the cash and buy it if I'm interested in a place. Much better. That way I can do whatever I want, have proper privacy and ban lines (if it's a private area/home) and owe nobody an explanation.
  11. I tried that out when making a tiny leg tattoo, uploaded it as a 2048x2048 texture and it worked, giving me a higher level of detail. It's BOM. So maybe they've updated that. That has been my experience with it.
  12. Wouldn't the person with the media playing be the one who has to check that box? Its a good question, but no, it works either way. If you check that box, you can only hear sounds that come from within your parcel, all other sounds are removed.
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