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How did you hear about SL?

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I was new once, i think i might have seen sl featured on a tv show, so I tried to sign up. LL just laughed and said go away and try again when u get a better computer.

A couple of years later I got a new computer. When I signed up, LL said, wellll... you just barely meet our minimum requirements, your experience will probably suck, but we will let you sign up anyway.

Its funny, lag was never an issue way back when, I could be at a club with 50 other people, all rezzed because there wasn't an option not to rezz everyone..

My experience got worse and worse with more sl "improvements" until all I could do was stand on my platform. I finally got a newer computer, and all was good for a while, but again, as sl continued to improve my experience got worse and worse.

I run on low graphics settings, draw 32, no extra settings except transparent water, all avatars over 20 k jellied, and frame rate capped at 15. I do all right, but you never know which new "improvement" will sink my computer for good

So here I am 14 years later, still enjoying my crappy experience. 😂

p.s. unlike a lot of other I didn't join for the sex

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
added a line, added more words
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1 hour ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I run on low graphics settings, draw 32, no extra settings except transparent water, all avatars over 20 k jellied, and frame rate capped at 15. I do all right, but you never know which new "improvement" will sink my computer for good


Oh no!!! That's terrible. I wish you could explore on my computer for a bit. SL is so amazing and beautiful. What a shame! Will you get a new computer soon?

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I joined in 2020 after researching the Metaverse. I was going to buy some Meta stock, but decided against it. I came across Secondlife then and joined. But I joined way back in the 2000's when I was a teenager but forgot about the account. I  think I only lasted 2 weeks back then. 

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17 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Oh no!!! That's terrible. I wish you could explore on my computer for a bit. SL is so amazing and beautiful. What a shame! Will you get a new computer soon?

People get a brand new computer, turn on all the options, and set everything to high, and go, well this sucks, my  sl still runs like crap. Well duh.

If I got a new computer, all i’d set different is it set my max frame rate to 60.

I have set it to high just to see, but you know what? High or low, I still look amazing, and thats all that really matters 😂

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
fixed words
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I actually learned about SL from my old SIMS4 crew. They all gathered on the grid to help me start up a account, and that was what about 4 years ago? They wanted me to be a guy, but I chose this avi instead. I saw that there were places for herbalists, a steady learning group(s) for meditation, and I was hooked. I just came back after a year hiatus, so its all new all over again for me.

Edited by gothiccbabie
I needed to add more information.
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I found out about it from my then RL boyfriend in 2006. I have no idea how he found it.

He's still around in SL too, and though we're not a couple any more, we're still friends.

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Heard about Second Life in various places in 2003 (probably Internet message boards or news sites.) I also read about it in a newspaper.

I didn't try SL until 2012, after having so MMO experience under my belt and seeing relevant ads on Youtube. On that year I was briefly using it, but didn't stay for long because my computer couldn't handle it. I returned in 2017 and while I was able to get mileage due to using lower settings, it was not until I got a better computer when I began to enjoy it even more.

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i'm pretty sure i saw ads for it online (on the tv too i swear) as a kid in the 2000s. didn't join until 2020 because a friend i had on discord was a sl user. they arent very active on sl anymore, but we still talk every now and then on discord.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading some posts on a forum and a girl there was talking about this wonderful world where we could fly called second life!

I googled it,  found firestorm, loaded it, made my account and for some reason I passed any of the help/learning sims we go to when we first join. And I landed in a shops sim.

I started talking to some random guy who said he would help me, so I took his TP and then spent the next four days in some "sex room" looking for a door so i could leave. 😲

But even that didnt scare me off and Ive been addicted to my SL ever since! 🥰


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I think the first time I heard about it was in the earlier 2000s, I much like now, was always on the Internet and would see articles.  I think I tried it at some point, was not very interested and moved on.  I had also tried other platforms that were similar, such as active worlds, back in the 90s.  At the time, I was more interested in games, and saw these virtual worlds as more of a chat platform.  I was never a huge fan of social platforms, mostly just story driven content which you advanced your character.  Much later on, my laptop was running linux, and I wanted to try a new virtual world, I had grown bored with World of Warcraft and just wanted some player housing, and the game could be ran on linux either natively or through wine, and that is when I read more regarding Second Life.  Having limited options available to me, must have been the culprit 🙃

For years, I've enjoyed playing around and to a limited degree, creating mods for existing games.  Once I found that I could do that with ease in SL, and there was a huge variety of assets available I was enthralled with it.  I also loved to explore what other people have created, then I enjoyed the possibilities available with avatars, the scripting, and so on.  SL felt like the ultimate creator's playground and that is what hooked me.

Second Life is great for when I feel the urge to create something, it doesn't require me to restart the program a several times, check out if there are conflicts with mods, it has scripting included, you can build with prims in the world itself.  Plus I like the fact that it is capable of so much more, in many games I wished I could use my character in other environments, such as with WoW I wished I could have a house, or could build my own dungeons, create my own mobs and so on.  Then I would want to go out exploring other people's creations, or perhaps I just wanted to sit back on a virtual couch and watch TV streaming from inside of the game.  Second Life has a bit of almost everything, and that is what got me into it all.  I think the name serves it well, you can do just about anything you set your heart to, boating, fishing, bowling, golfing, zombie shooter, driving, flying, building, etc, etc.




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A friend showed me SL on his laptop, thinking I'd like it. My own computer couldn't run it at the time, but when my landlady/housemate got a new laptop, I inherited her old one, which could run SL.

I helped run a group inworld with my friend for a while, but he & others lost interest in it. When my landlady was out on disability, I got her hooked, and now that she's retired she's an SL hostess.

I've rented out parcels and run a small shop, but lately, I just collect free stuff and fly around Bellisseria, watching for new regions.

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A friend introduced me to SL in late 2006/early 2007. Though my 'puter wasn't quite up to snuff at the time, so, I didn't really become active til mid 2011, when my old 'puter died, and got a new one that could handle SL better.

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I actually signed up for Second life 16 years ago. I don't recall where I found out about it, but I was all starry eyed about the possibilities of online realities as an Artist. Unfortunately neither my connection nor my computer of the time were equal to the task. Just a few weeks ago I was reminded of SL in a Youtube video about AI and Virtual Worlds. Having a much more powerful computer now I am having better luck though there are still some horrifying glitches. On the other hand the virtual islands and educational systems are much improved and I am fascinated by the shear creativity of the medium expressed over the last decade. I hang out at Toby's Juke Joint a lot, but my favorite activity is exploring.

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I'm not new my first account was in 2015. I had a co-worker bring his laptop to work and he did SL while we were slow. (it was a pizza delivery place) It looked interesting so i checked it out. 

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I was home on leave with a broken leg and saw a news report on Second Life. It looked interesting. I had never played any kind of computer games whatsoever let alone a virtual world. 

Since I was bored out of my mind and couldn't do much than lay on the couch all day I signed up. First few weeks I was equally bored and all I found was empty shopping sims. Didn't know you should go through a welcome hub to learn how to navigate through the world. 

Things perked up once I discovered the forums. Back in those days (2007) it was a great way to meet people and I certainly did. Still friends with several I met back then.

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I saw, in a classical music publication I think, in 2007, that the Liverpool Philharmonic was going to have a concert in a place called Second Life.  I thought, how fun is that?  Never did manage to get a ticket to the concert as they were in short supply but I am still here, rolling around in SL.  I do remember that the first things I bought here were wings and pajamas (cuz I thought I had to change into them before I logged out each night, LOL.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've read bits of what SL is about since about... 2010 or 2011.

Didn't bother to join as I thought it was some kind of digital cult.

Wrote it off for the longest time... then one day, in April of 2021, during covid-19 and mostly working from home, said to myself "WTF?" and finally decided to take the plunge.  My first avatar was a mature one, Gretchen. I thought she was the most elegant thing, with her updo, green gown and a bit of shyness (I think, based on her AO). I wasn't really bent on being female in world as a RL male, but I quickly realized as in the RW, females have the biggest advantages as far as existence, never mind the pitfalls so much. 

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I knew of it way back during the mid 2000s.  I wrote it off for years till 2011 when I bit the bullet and joined! Was off and on though and rejoined under my current account here in Feb 2024.

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