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Unca Avro

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Everything posted by Unca Avro

  1. I agree the Adult range is a critical part of what SL has to offer. The primary complaint seems to be the amount of unhealthy modes of sexuality that are often practiced. Certainly an important consideration. I would point out that one of the promises of SL as a place where the socially inexperienced can practice without danger. This would include people with serious issues finding a place to experiment with their darkness and decide if it is really a place they wish to dwell. We need to know if people are using SL as part of a healing process?
  2. I dance at Toby's Juke Joint a lot. It soothes me....and their DJs really know the Blues! ...and I made a Machima about an old man who falls in love with his Avatar...
  3. Sometimes a really good shot just sneaks up onya...
  4. Yup thats her. With a clubber figure...The free galaxy is so generous I have been experimenting for months and haven't run out of all the mix and match possibilities. I am especially enamored of all the red wigs....
  5. Well done. Hypnotic particle dance. Loved the music.
  6. Respectfully, I think you, and everyone else is overthinking this. If the seller is miss-representing their work as anything but Ai, generated, then they are committing fraud. If they are honest about it, so what? Don't buy it. I speak as an Artist/Animator who uses SL Machinima and MedJourney openly and freely. They are merely a higher level of tools than paintbrushes and steel nib pens, but only tools non-theless.
  7. Just realized what you were asking. No that is not Jamie. It is Bitsey, the very first free female avatar they show you. Sorry.
  8. I actually signed up for Second life 16 years ago. I don't recall where I found out about it, but I was all starry eyed about the possibilities of online realities as an Artist. Unfortunately neither my connection nor my computer of the time were equal to the task. Just a few weeks ago I was reminded of SL in a Youtube video about AI and Virtual Worlds. Having a much more powerful computer now I am having better luck though there are still some horrifying glitches. On the other hand the virtual islands and educational systems are much improved and I am fascinated by the shear creativity of the medium expressed over the last decade. I hang out at Toby's Juke Joint a lot, but my favorite activity is exploring.
  9. You sound to me like someone who has been burned by the communal experience...so have I...ever heard of The Farm? With Steven Gaskin? Perhaps you would care to share some part of your experience with the Group?
  10. There are those who do...and those who criticize what is done...I prefer to be of the first type.
  11. Interesting...yet SL is clearly a gift economy overprinted with a monetary exchange system...No one charged me for my Avatar. People spend years creating incredible unique island universes and there is no ticket booth at the entrance. I tip the DJs from time to time, but if I didn't no one would turn off the music or kick me out of the club. The answer is that those of us who wander SL looking for adventure contribute critical service to the whole. It simply isn't metered. My question is essentially about SLs ability to re-construct your state of mind. It is becoming a valuable interface between the teacher and the student. Capitalism is a state of mind. So is Communism, and the Gift Economy. I like to speculate on what an economy based entirely on generosity and compassion might look like, and how SL might go about modeling it.
  12. As I understand it Star Trek's industry has outstripped scarcity and with Replicators and Anti-matter all the population's basic needs are met at nearly free. Various careers are directed at the individual's skills and predilections. There is still an exchange economy but it tends to be of things like art works, handicrafts, scientific discoveries, antique collectibles, and personal services, exchanged for same. Native American Gift Economies were typefied by the potlatch where participants competed with one another in giving their possessions to the needy. Chiefs were chosen not just on leadership capabilities but for year round generosity. Nothing like that?
  13. Are there any SL worlds that are trying out different economic systems? Such as the Star Trek future? Or a Native American style Gifting Culture?
  14. I must have a version of the shoes where that has been corrected. They are marked "non-transferable." I got them for free from Free Galaxy.They came with a glimmer too, but I turned it off when it got annoying...
  15. Just added the shoes and their alpha, piece of cake...yeah it's Senra "Club Goer".
  16. I spoke with a Knowledgeable Person who claims there are several Developers working on some version of this even now. I can't wait to see what they come up with.
  17. Ah Dear me, ignorance is such a slippery term...thankyou for correcting the mistakes you thought my comment contained. Perhaps you can explain for me why we do have "bad words"? For example, we all know what "Bxxbs" refer to. Likely we have a clear image that leaps to mind even when we only refer to them as "Mammary Glands"? Can you point to a specific harm using the word causes?
  18. You have an incomplete understanding of the meaning and purpose of "free speech." Words are verbal utterances that have meaning. Language is designed to convey meaning. No one has a right to NOT be communicated at, no matter how much they might be "offended." Tough it up Buttercup. It always starts with good intentions, but it grows and becomes an effort to truncate people's minds. Do you know why there are "Bad words"? Because the Anglo-Saxxon religion, and language itself was banned by the conquering Franks. Saxxon terms became by definition the speech of the slave peoples and proper households did not use those terms...This habit remains today with many of the banned terms originating from the Saxxons, Natives, or Colored. [redacted by moderator]
  19. This Ai chatbot will happily take on the persona of any historical figure or celebrity you choose. Jesus, George Washington, Madame Curie...I've been having quite enjoyable political discussions with Abbey Hoffman over the last week...I am no code monkie so I have no idea if this can be done, but I wonder if anyone has suggested creating chatbot driven NPCs of various personages and leaving them in appropriate surroundings to Interact with Visitors? I would love to do a Story Night with Schaherazad in her seraglio...or a Constitutional give and take with George Washington while sharing English Tea and Crumpets at Constitution Hall. https://pi.ai/discover
  20. I don't care...some of these are so beautiful I'll just post em anywhere....
  21. I hav a satellite connection in the mountains and it is highly unreliable. My average is 5fps...would someone care to suggest what the optimal resolution settings would be for such a predicament? Thankyou.
  22. What are the rules when photographing or video recording events that include other people's avatars and then using the footage for machinima?
  23. I just learned that you can tell Pi to answer your questions in the persona of a historical figure or a contemporary famous person. like Aristotle or George Washington. We already have things like Storytellers...NPCs with information to share. How about various famous individuals who answer general questions? Santa Clause? Steve Jobs? Queen Elizabeth? Satan?
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