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Charlemagne Allen

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Everything posted by Charlemagne Allen

  1. I think this is a good point: most people think SL is a hellhole of weirdoes standing around. See the reviews I found.
  2. If you don't, hanging out with new people gives you new ideas. It's pretty fun.
  3. Haha. A lot of the new players are surprised that you can have sex here, since they are coming from other platforms that don’t allow it.
  4. It’s not like she logs in anymore, despite owning an entire sim. I don’t know what you mean by misogyny. I made some attention getting silly looks and only got a few idiots who usually go away annoying me.
  5. I also help them get a free mesh body, but that is complicated for a new player, and you can’t even access Genus until you are over a day old. This is just fun and shows the creativeness here.
  6. Grendel's is a huge avatar store owned by Flea Bussey. It has a lot of creative avatars. https://secondlife.com/destination/36
  7. Not going to post the whole thing, but this is art. "Here is where the manipulation begins too. SecondLife uses artificial intelligence (bots) usually what seasoned SL residents deem "insult bots" programmed to literally insult you in various way. One example: these insult bots will cut down your avatar appearance in hopes you will spend more L$ to improve/upgrade your current body and shape, which translates into more margin (profit) for Linden Lab-SL. As mentioned above you can be ejected and or banned from any sim for any reason, but there is way around it. All you have to do is create a "new" SL account, but you'll have to re-buy (spend more) all your items since none of it is transferable to a new account. See the manipulative pattern; however there is far more to SL than just their 3-world. SecondLife has a "Forum" website. SecondLife provides a forum site where SL announcements are posted, along with residents' questions and comments. Also, you can login into this site and allegedly post answers to residents questions. If you are really techy avoid this site; since SL heavily promotes use of Nvidia products (I am assuming Linden Lab-SL is either sponsored by Nvidia and or gets a kickback for promoting their products.) IF you attempt to post anything of technical facts that contradicts SL's heavy promotion of Nvidia, yes you guessed it you can be banned from the forum."
  8. Oh no, teh sex “It’s a place for real people to meet quietly without the spouses knowing. And meet up in real life to meet and cheat on their spouses. I know firsthand.”
  9. LOL "secondlife is a game, it not having a goal or ending does not define the definition of a video game. "A video game[a] or computer game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface or input device (such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing device) to generate visual feedback from a display device, most commonly shown in a video format on a television set, computer monitor, flat-panel display or touchscreen on handheld devices, or a virtual reality headset. Most modern video games are audiovisual, with audio complement delivered through speakers or headphones, and sometimes also with other types of sensory feedback (e.g., haptic technology that provides tactile sensations). Some video games also allow microphone and webcam inputs for in-game chatting and livestreaming." literally copy pasted from the wiki holy jesus"
  10. Another gold review. "This thing is scary. Second Life is not a game it's a 3D chat room and most of the people in this great world of Second Life are socially broken and rather disturbing to talk too. I found multiple people who where having really nasty conversations and the idea that people live in this thing is just plain creepy. I saw some really dirty stuff too that will burn in my head for many many years. I set out to try and find someone to talk to but people just stand around DOING NOTHING, I found the occasional person who would say "hello" but that was pretty much it. The "game" runs like a piece of crap and lags terribly because every island was filled with stuff, most of which was nude avatars. If you choose to download this I hope you don't see what I did and I hope you actually find someone to talk too. P.S The rude stuff is every where so prepare to see alot of porn and other nasty ****"
  11. This is gold. "First, IT IS NOT A GAME! OMG. It like virtual Chat, you can spend lots of money to get L$ so you can shop in the virtual world. For as many people that are reported to be on it, the programming behind it ****, it is just embarrassing and buggy! Not to mention complicated. Try to change your shoes and your body disappears. It seems like some players can hack the system to, I am standing in one spot trying to buy something and lasers appear out of no where with someone yelling laser power, picking you up off the ground and flinging you down the map. Good luck trying to report it if you didn't see who it was. Good luck trying to contact support, it doesn't exist. I paid for 3 months ahead of time, so I would get all the options. Waste of money. The controls are **** and are very limited on how to change them. My mouse push left it turns the screen right, push right it turns the screen left. You can't look up or down unless you are in mouse view, then you can use your mouse to click on anything while in that view. I don't know who wrote this game but it wasn't a gamer, it was someone clueless. I have no doubt there are a lot of lonely people out there who don't play any real games and like to pretend they are someone else in a virtual world that is plan and simple. People do seem to talk to you, everyone is starving for conversation (because there is nothing else to do), The graphics are primitive in comparison to games that are 10 years old. If you are lonely and want to find chat friends make a pretend house, go to virtual gatherings and chat to random people, waste real money to make your avatar look like a dream you. This service may be for you. If your a gamer or just think it would be fun, USE THE FREE Trial before you buy into this, I don't think it will take the average person more then a couple days to figure out this is a waste of time. Programming is primitive, graphics are laughable and system requirements are HUGE! Elder Scrolls, Aion, EVE Online, Final Fantasy xxx, COD, are games with decent hardware requirements and don't use as many resources on my PC then SL does."
  12. I've started giving them a small amount of L and then taking them to Grendel's so they can get a unique av. I always verify it's new account (possibly) and not a bot before doing so. I find this helps break the ice, and it inspires creativity. What do you do with new players?
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