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New Genus heads are out - what do you think?

Stephanie Misfit

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I still hate how they do the HUD, specifically the tinting. I try to tint one thing, I end up tinting another. Does anyone else have problems with this or is it just me?

Other than that, I am impressed with what they have done. I was a Genus W001 wearer, though I had several other heads too. I will be trying to replicate my old look as soon as skins become available.


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17 minutes ago, Dorientje Woller said:

*Faints* ... LOGO releasing updates, Genus Project releasing updates, Lara X around the corner. Too many updates at the same time. 🙃

I know! ☺️

I am so tempted to go back to Genus on one alt. Or two...

It was the free head, so I have to wait.

Edited by Marianne Little
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4 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

I still hate how they do the HUD, specifically the tinting. I try to tint one thing, I end up tinting another. Does anyone else have problems with this or is it just me?



Not just you - the Genus HUD was just one more thing that made me switch to Lelutka.  That HUD drove me insane xD

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This is unexpected to me. The whole Genus Update thing had become a bit of a sour meme and I wrote the brand off, honestly. Good to see some motion again and while I've switched to Lelutka at this point, a bit of competition can't hurt.

I'll check it out once I'm at my computer. Doubt I'll really use it at this point but you never know.

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I'm usually one keen to try out updates and new things but the way Genus abandoned their product last time just made me angry... it's not a great way to treat people and to come out with an update that would be genuinely hard for me to use even if I was so inclined (skin market has moved on, EvoX compatibility is basically a requirement at this point imo) means I'm definitely not rushing to see if they've fixed the myriad of issues that made people abandon Genus as much as Genus abandoned them.

It's a shame, clearly a talented creator and her heads are unique looking so they should be able to come out with something that stands a chance of bringing a challenge to Lelutka but I feel they've made the task a whole lot harder for themselves.


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I've been wearing a Genus head for years, but finally got tired of waiting around for MUCH needed updates (there are some really screwy things that happen with the hud/animations). I belonged to the Discord and got fed up with that, with the never-ending "working on it..." I feel for "Genus" in that they got royally [can I type this next word???] skrewd by those malicious complaints (multiple) a few years ago, but good grief. I haven't been in SL very much over the past year, but when I do go in I've been looking at my Genus head, that I really like, but can't get updates, fewer and fewer people are making things for it, etc and I was about ready to give up. In fact, I was whining about that just two days ago to another Forumite I ran into inworld, and nearly fell over in a faint when she told me that the update was/is scheduled for basically NOW. Yay? Yay! I'm looking forward to trying it out, seeing what's up, but honestly, they have me very underwhelmed because of all of the time that has lapsed. So... mixed feelings. But another 'thank you' to @Ayashe Ninetails for posting the screenshot of the release schedule, above. 

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10 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

I still hate how they do the HUD, specifically the tinting. I try to tint one thing, I end up tinting another. Does anyone else have problems with this or is it just me?

Other than that, I am impressed with what they have done. I was a Genus W001 wearer, though I had several other heads too. I will be trying to replicate my old look as soon as skins become available.


Not just you on the "whoops!" on the tinting.

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25 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

This is unexpected to me. The whole Genus Update thing had become a bit of a sour meme and I wrote the brand off, honestly.

ditto. As I just typed. I even did the rare (for me) follow on Discord and it became such a bad meme/joke I stopped & so without an accidental meeting of someone who had the news, I never would have learned of the update (or it would have been really late).

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7 hours ago, Dorientje Woller said:

*Faints* ... LOGO releasing updates, Genus Project releasing updates, Lara X around the corner. Too many updates at the same time. 🙃

You're giving me ideas lol... I still have the LOGO Bella head. I got it free for Xmas in 2021 (?). Might pair that with the Lara X. Can't wait! :)

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35 minutes ago, JeromFranzic said:

You're giving me ideas lol... I still have the LOGO Bella head. I got it free for Xmas in 2021 (?). Might pair that with the Lara X. Can't wait! :)

The LOGO Bella head update is already released. Redelivery in the store, head should be named LOGO Bella Head V2.0 and is EVO X enabled.

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1 hour ago, ValKalAstra said:

The whole Genus Update thing had become a bit of a sour meme and I wrote the brand off

This, 100%.

I also do not trust the brand anymore. Their heads had bugs for 3 years, which could have been resolved by a few lines of code changed, and yet they did not. These new heads, how long will they have bugs for?

Considering the competition is very composed with few bugs and a considerable amount of vendor lock-in (Evo X UV), it doesn't make sense to invest in buying in these heads.

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Redelivered babyface on my alt, but tbh I don't see much of a difference at all? I don't have much trust in the Genus brand at this point, but good on them to finally get something going again. I will leave the heads on that one alt and that's it. I see no reason to buy them on others.

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My alts were made when I had more time and money for SL. And they have all the free Lelutka heads, some have LOGO, some have Catwa... etc.

But it is 2 looks I could not get "right" when I was tired of the bad neck fit and eyes for the Genus head. The Lelutka heads are a much better product, but... 

So I am eager to look at the updated Genus Strong heads. One alt with Mudskin, one with Revoul, on the old SL UV layer. It is the neck fit I am must curious about.

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So, I tried it out. Tested on Ebody and Kupra. Kupra was an existing shape and Ebody, I slapped together today.

It looks like they didn't alter the head in a dramatic way so that you'd have to fiddle with your shape when you put it on, which is a good thing. Old skins seem to work just fine, no stretching or distortions. I tried an old shape I had with a genus head and man! The amount of stuff I had on there to make it work right was baffling! I had about three attachments just to keep the eyes from going crazy and for animations. That's not needed now, it looks like they fixed the animations that come with the head so a third party HUD is unnecessary. The HUD has been redone and is slicker and most importantly, you won't click on it by accident like the old one. Neck looks fine on Kupra. On Ebody, there is a fine line...not gon lie. Its very tiny, but it exists, it could be the skin I used, different windlights...it disappears. Someone else will have to comment about the seam for Maitreya.

I haven't played around with the HD skins, so no comment there. A couple of quibbles, I think the animations will stop if you're on a sim where scripts are disabled and then tp somewhere where they're enabled and you'll have to manually restart. Or....they just stop. I haven't figured out which one yet, since I just started playing with it for the last hour. The eyes seemed a little funky at first, but the old appliers worked so it wasn't an issue. Not much on the "this is a problem" front.

It's good to have different choices. I'm not really going to comment on the length of time it took for this to happen. But I will say, it might be a little too late. So far, only Tres beau is making Genus HD skins and time will tell if other creators jump back on the train. If people can forgive Legacy, then why not? I liked some of the looks I pulled off with Genus, so I'll definitely keep an eye out. What they needed to fix, it looks like they fixed.

New Genus whodis_001.png

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I think this is very much a "YMMV" thing.

I've had very few issues with my old Genus heads. I worked out how to get rid of the eye problem literally years ago, and I don't use the animations because I find nearly all facial animations in SL (I'm talking about Genus, Catwa, LeLutka, and the ones in my Vista AO) too fast and fidgety. The neck thing was seldom an issue for me, except occasionally under certain EEPs on my Legacy.

And I like the look of Genus, better than I like LeLutka. There are things I wish I could fix about it, most notably bulgy high foreheards, but It's just a nicer look -- for me. I tried converting to LeLutka about a year ago, when it really seemed as though there was never going to be a Genus update, and, although they are indisputably nice heads, I could never get the look I wanted from any of them (I demo'ed about a dozen, and own about 6 LeLutka women's heads). They're fine for photograph alts, but they weren't me. (And I hate the mouths.)

The length of wait for an update is a thing, I guess, although I know that there are also RL issues (the DMCA, a child, I think, and the creators are based in Russia?). And it's not like the old Legacy, which was left almost literally broken by their disappearance.

If you like the look of Genus, you'll like this update. If you prefer LeLutka -- and it appears a LOT of people do -- then this is all irrelevant anyway.

It is good that there continue to be other options available in SL than just LeLutka, because monopolies aren't a good thing, ever. Genus isn't going to dethrone LeLutka, but this update should keep them viable for a while to come -- and everyone, even if you don't like or trust Genus, should applaud that, because we have got dangerously near the point where there is only one really viable mesh head available, and one that uses a proprietary UV system.

Choice is always good.

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1 hour ago, Janet Voxel said:

I think the animations will stop if you're on a sim where scripts are disabled and then tp somewhere where they're enabled and you'll have to manually restart. Or....they just stop. I haven't figured out which one yet

Lelutka's animations do this too, quite annoying!

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