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  1. I remember reading something about this. I believe it was on the FS viewer page under the news "Firestorm 6.6.16 Release – Say hello, wave bye bye".
  2. This happens to me often if I had typed something and didn't notice(often times hitting an extra key when I try and tab out). A single letter even. If left for a while, it'll be like it queued and you'll just keep yabbin' even after deleting whatever you typed. I also usually have to relog to get it to stop. As for it doing that without having actually typed anything? I'm about as clueless as you, sorry. =(
  3. My big question here is: Will the creator's kit be easier to get for creators with this one? I remember all the fake rigged Maitreya i'd come across because it was next to impossible to get the kit.
  4. I was hoping they'd have some 1024 versions of these, but that doesn't appear to be the case at first glance. Sadness.
  5. I never picked up Lara on my main avatar, but i'd consider this if it gained enough traction since Belleza clearly is not lol. As much as I love Reborn, I am dreadfully tired of the overly large rear. I am not looking for a small rear, but if I can get away from it being THAT big even on 0, i'm good.
  6. I prefer single colors as I rarely want more than 1-2 colors anyway. I don't want to pay a premium for a bunch of things I won't use. It's a waste of already limited money.
  7. I never had any of the issues others had with my Genus heads, but I also never used(or tried to use) the animation HUD. I also like the overall look of them much more than Lelutka, but the lack of updates and the fact that many creators moved away from them just made me move back to Lelutka. Basically similar to Belleza. Options are indeed very good, and I suppose I can't honestly say i'll never pick one up on my now main avatar, but i'm in no hurry. There are other things i'm more interested in spending my limited Linden on.
  8. Redelivered babyface on my alt, but tbh I don't see much of a difference at all? I don't have much trust in the Genus brand at this point, but good on them to finally get something going again. I will leave the heads on that one alt and that's it. I see no reason to buy them on others.
  9. Wasn't Millbank originally thought of to be a future "commerce" region? And then got stuck with events. Which is totally fine with me. I feel like a commerce region would just be big named stores taking up spaces forever and frankly.. i've seen many of the same people, i'd like to see some newer, smaller creators. If just those, bring it!
  10. Considering Cali just came out of an epic drought, i'm not surprised haha
  11. They shot themselves in the foot from the get-go with their pricing and other decisions. I think they were hoping to ride off nostalgia and name, but a lot of their base had already moved on. The market is leaning more toward competitive now with so many bodies out, and their prices are nowhere near competitive. They've tried to do sales, but it doesn't seem to be enough as i'm still not seeing many people rigging for the bodies. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is happening with some housing sellers on sl. I know I just turn the other way at any house over 3k these days(and I have an absolute housing obsession).
  12. Ah, so they are and I missed the fine print lol, thank you for pointing it out! I'm not use to coming across many ads that state what is what, so it's not something I will probably catch lol
  13. I'll go take a look, thanks!
  14. Anyone happen to know where I can find them? Usually I can tell where some eyes come from just by the style, but these ones have me a bit stumped. Thanks!
  15. I've not, nor has my fiance. However it may still be a future possibility if it goes well enough. Although if much of the clothing shown here is the type of clothing mostly getting released for it.. probably not lol.
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