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When Do you guys actually say ''this is my look'


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  • Subscribedd changed the title to When Do you guys actually say ''this is my look'
4 hours ago, Subscribedd said:

I've gone from cute, to teeny to mature, and I finally landed on gothic/mature. Much like Skoll type of looks and I feel so... well at home haha

What a great question. I change a lot too, and I have finally (hopefully!) settled on a gothic look that is a little older than my previous looks. I feel at home with it and my partner really likes it too, which is a nice bonus. It will be nice for him if I can stay with the one look, I can appreciate how it must be for him to have my avatar constantly changing, as I like the fact that he is the same all the time. It's been a long time since I had a look that feels like me, not since I wore the Genus Classic head with its buggy eyes. I love my Lelutka heads and have made a lot of really nice looks but nothing has stuck till now.

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   I've barely changed 'style' much since I first came into SL roughly 13 years ago. Pale skin, dark, classy clothes, preferably coats and vests, with the occasional smattering of some punk-y stuffs, and a scar across my face. There was a period just after I went mesh that made me have a bit of an identity crisis as it was difficult finding the right stuffs, but it rather ironed itself out eventually. 

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47 minutes ago, Orwar said:

There was a period just after I went mesh that made me have a bit of an identity crisis as it was difficult finding the right stuffs, but it rather ironed itself out eventually. 

Gosh that was me, when I had to make the switch from the buggy Genus Head to Lelutka. It took a while before it started feeling right again.

In my case, my avatar is made in my image. I went a bit silly and even used an image for the proportions, which also felt weird at first, because it's only an approximation and because so many others have much shorter arms that I feel like an alien. Even though arms do go that long. A lot of people need some Loomis in their lives!

Anyways, when did it start feeling like my look? That's hard to say. Imagine a pendulum. Make it swing and watch as each swing is less strong than the one before. That's me. Even nowadays I'm still making tweaks but they're becoming rarer. Early swings were more extreme changes where everything was in flux. Now it's just details like better eyes (my old ones have got an ugly shadow I always notice in pictures).

So by this point in time I can say it reasonably feels like me. Depending on my mood, sometimes a classy librarian look with long hair, other times cheeky tomboy with short hair and boyish clothes.

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I also went through an "identity crisis" from pre-mesh to post-mesh because I had gotten used to my face so much and I couldn't recreate it despite trying for a while. I was actually more thrilled when we got pretty hands than later about the heads.

Clothes isn't much of an issue, I have a few shops that I'll visit when I feel I need something new, occasionally, I'll visit a shop I read about here on the forum, and I'll buy and wear whatever feels right at the time.

I still have old outfits saved and occasionally wear them, old face, flexi, and everything, I used to be very fussy with my roleplaying looks, and some of them hold up well enough to still use them in my eyes. Not too long ago, someone actually IMed and complimented me on my (old) avatar (with my old system head with most favouritest skin ever, old outfit, not a single mesh thing) that I had just spontaneously put on to check out the hub of a newish roleplaying sim, hadn't planned on playing with that avatar, just to take a look at rules and such. That was quite a surprise.

I wouldn't be seen dead walking around barefoot without mesh feet these days, hough, like I did back then. Hideous things, those old feet 😅

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I've aimed at the same look ever since I came to SL in 2006. Over the years I've improved the look, even doing my own skin a few years ago. I embraced mesh hair and mesh clothes but have stayed with a 'system' avatar, possibly because I'm quite skinny and not very curvy. I even have bare feet occasionally which, with carefully designed skin texture, look OK  - except for close-up!

Many times I've reached a stage where I've said to myself "this is my look" only to do another minor makeover. I think now I'm going to stay with my current look until the NUX avatars come along. Even then, I'll try to keep my look as close as to what it is now, but a better version. 

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Never. I have classic / preppy clothes, gothic clothes, a folder full of roleplay, a Dinkie avatar and closet, and a mermaid folder and closet, and two alts. If I have to narrow it down, my look is "eclectic."

My landlord, on the other hand, has been wearing the same outfit for 10 years.

Edited by Aime Ravenhurst
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I say it when I start changing clothes/face/hair/shape and it's just not clicking like my current avatar does so I go back to what works, like I have reached my avatar's peak look.

Changed my shape to be skinnier once, but it didn't feel right. I removed my rolls once, didn't feel like the same character.

I tried to go back to my older avatar for a little bit, but I didn't like her as much anymore so I permanently went back to Missy. And I will stay as her until I make something that absolutely blows me away, which is highly unlikely.

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I have not really had a specific time when everything came together and I was "me."  My av has always been based on my real life look.  I experiment with clothes a bit, but I  mostly dress the same in real life - black until they make something darker. 

I did change skins a few months ago and went "Wow, this is the one." I haven't changed skins since.


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I have had the same facial features and mostly the same body type since I was a couple of months old in 2007. I had a mentor who helped me find a nice shape and skin. The shape was no-mod because I didn't know better. The skin had dozens of versions because back then the only way to change makeup was to change skins. I wanted a slender avatar with a B cup size. Several years later, I wanted to have somewhat larger breasts, a C or so, so I approached the shape creator, and he sold me a modifiable copy of the shape. A few years later, I wanted larger breasts, so I made them as large as possible without making them look like geodesic domes (On the system avatar, they had that look if made too large.). Over the years, I replaced my skin several times because I found one I thought looked better.

After mesh bodies became available, I delayed getting one for a long time while I figured out which one to get. I settled on Maitreya and have been completely happy with it. The only thing wrong with it IMHO is that the armpits extend too high, and I wish the creators would correct that, but it seems that they are not going to. When I got it, I adjusted shape sliders to make the shape closely approximate my system avatar shape. I made my breasts larger because I could do that without causing distortion like with the system avatar. I have occasionally tweaked my shape when I noticed something that I thought needed improvement. For example, when I noticed that my arms were too short, I made them longer. When I decided my neck looked too long, I made it shorter.

Mesh heads presented a serious challenge to me because I was determined to keep the same face that I had had for many years. That face is my avatar. I eventually got a Lelutka Simone head and, with a lot of help from Rhonda Huntress, followed by a full day of tweaking shape sliders, got a face that looks like me. My current challenge is finding an EvoX head that can be made to look like me and making it look like me. So far, I have struggled unsuccessfully. Any help is welcome.

I have had various genitals over the years, always trying to find the one that had the best appearance. I currently wear The V Bento. In the past, I have worn VAW, Xcite!, and others that I cannot remember.  The V Bento HUD includes a breast deformer that works quite well. That was my first experience with a breast deformer. I was delighted with the result. I was able to have my nipples not point skyward, have more naturally-shaped breasts, and, you guessed it, make them larger without ruining the shape. Since then, I discovered the [Raven] Deformer Suite], and I now use it to alter the shape of multiple areas. I also wear The Nips mesh nipples.

Early in my SL. I was blonde but have been brunette since at least 2009. I generally prefer flexi hair in styles that do not intersect with my body, i.e., shoulder-length or shorter, ponytail, etc. I do often wear mesh hair when I want a particular style. I change my hairstyle often.

I have added and removed tattoos over the years. There was a time during 2008 or before when I has heavily tattooed, but I soon tired of that look. Since then, I have mostly had several small tattoos, and I add or remove one occasionally. For a time during the last few years, I had bilateral sleeve tattoos that were not the same just because I found a way to do it with Maitreya layers (That was before universal layers.).

In summary, I have been a slender brunette with the same face and breasts that have periodically grown larger since 2008. As new things became available that would let my avatar become a better version of herself, I have adopted them, and I expect to continue to do that.



Edited by Jennifer Boyle
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I change constantly, I am never the same avatar twice. But I am usually a human or elfish/bird type.

I just can not be one avatar and why should I? This is a magical place where everything goes...

  I feel silly trying to do furry (or over sexed avas), I can not pull it off.... You really need a superior confidence in that.

I have an alt that is a dragon exclusively but their RC is off the charts. (old non mesh ava) and they rarely go out but is used for photos and whatnot...

I admire all the avatars that people put together, some have a confidence that is awesome.

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Sometimes I'm human. Sometimes I'm a cat (TWI or Dinkie), especially when I want to take a break from spending Ls on clothes, hair, and shoes.  Human-wise, I started out as a redhead but eventually became a blonde and stuck there. I only go with black-hair when I'm feeling goth-adjacent.  

I've never really understood the thing about faces looking like "me."  No face in SL is going to look like my real life face.  I have photos of what my SL face looked like back in 2008 when I joined, and I never want to see that face or shape again. What looks like "me" is whatever head/skin looks attractive to me.  I'll see a skin advert and think it's pretty and then go demo it. If it looks good on my Avalon head (the only one I've worn for several years), I'll buy it and wear it.   Right now I'm wearing an Asian skin from Deetalez that doesn't really look Asian on Avalon with my current shape.  

Body-wise, I've been using Maitreya for a very long time.  I have other bodies, but I never use them for long because of various quibbles I have with them (Legacy's HUD *barf*; GenX still doesn't have enough clothes rigged for it).  I've tried various shapes, but I always go back to my relatively slender shape that some would derogatorily call "basic b!tch."   I won't move to Reborn until I can wear it without needing 10+ deformers.  I want to look different in SL from what I look like in RL.

Clothing style? Classic and not hyper-sexualized.  No exposed nips or crotch.  I've always been like that.  I do confess I've become a bit of a snob who refuses to buy template clothing unless the designers are exceptional at texturing and providing huge color HUDs.  After 15 years in world, I know who makes the high quality stuff and I stick to them.  It's rare for me to find a brand new store and be impressed with it.   As mentioned above, I'll occasionally veer into goth style if I'm in a bad mood. 



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Well, first, I must preface by saying that Sam herself is based on a character of the same name I created a great many years before SL existed. With that being said, another character I had at the time was dressed partying like it's 1994 or so, and it took me back to that time. And thus, Sam came back into existence as an SL avie. In my mind, she always had a fairly specific look, so I knew exactly what I was looking for, and went with it. I have to say, I am rather fairly pleased with what I've come up with.

It is rare for me to make any changes these days. I'm pretty content with what I have. Though if I try a skin demo that truly impresses me and feels even more "me" than what I have, I will use that. Or make "Shape tweak MK 20" which might be a subtle adjustment to one bit or another! XD

Anyroad, Sam is pretty much your dork chick next door that works as a rookie astronaut, and my clothing choices tend to reflect that. Dark blonde/light brown hair, fair, average leaning to curvy build, early 20s. Sometimes has a rock tee shirt with jeans, her ship's uniform, or, on occasion even cleans up nicely in an elegant dress!

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I guess I'd say that if you change your hair, outfits, etc. on anything like a regular basis, and everyone still can tell it's you (without checking the nametag), you've found your look. It's not in what shoes you wear or how big your butt is. It's your "archetype" for lack of a better word.

And yeah, even though my character has changed and grown, even on my old account, when she was a little ray of sunshine, and lived in a faery glen and not some monster sim where all is darkness, even with the bunny ears and everything, she was always me. Even at Avilion I couldn't hide my real character's true nature; the elves could sense something was different about me.

I could never quite change my "look" enough to be anyone else. If you know me inworld, and met my other account, even with her anime avatar and bright colors, you'd know it was me.

Looking back, I realize that my character likes to roleplay just as much as I do, and her entire life on her previous accounts, and all of the internet, for that matter, have been my character engaged in roleplay for her own amusement and edification.

Isn't life something?

Edited by PheebyKatz
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6 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

I guess I'd say that if you change your hair, outfits, etc. on anything like a regular basis, and everyone still can tell it's you

I take a lot of photos that end up on Flickr - even through all my changes in, basically, everything, apparently there is something "me" that some people see and they've even said something, on Flickr, like "even as you change, I still know it's you."  No idea what they meant, but it's good to be seen. 

Edited by PJBear Bitey
removed the word "the" btw of and photos. I don't take "a lot of the photos that end up on Flickr", I "take a lot of photos that end up on Flickr".
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Firestorm Cliff Notes:
- I wish Outfits had sub-folders.
- I wish 'Edit Shape' had not dropped to a second level menu item when right-clicking my avatar. Ridiculous and totally unnecessary change for the latest version.

Upon acquiring a new head I settle on my head shape fairly early and rarely tweak it further down the line, but my body is under a regular state of minor tweaking depending on outfit.

Each persona has a short shape version (under 5') and a more normal height version (over 5'). Each with a slim, normal and curvy version. This creates many versions for different situations and scenarios.

p.s. BelindaN (above) - Your forum avatar pic is gorgeous! - hence my like.

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The fist time I went that's my look was around 14 years ago I started out wearing red hair as I'd fancied the idea in RL never brave enough to do it. One pack of hair I tried didn't have an acceptable red but as soon as I tried a colour called “Rose” I went “that's me" it was more purpley than what I wear now. The next time was picking my first mesh head I'd had a look so long it felt like 'me' I was fortunate to find a head that had my look without needing hardly any editing 

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Except when I'm a TWI cat, or my male alt (so rare these days), I've always been a early- to mid-30s redheaded female in SL.

It took a while to find the right main and few back up hairstyles, and three different heads along the way, but have been happily settled into an artistically proportioned 6' tall redhead now for at least the past 18 months+ with no desire to change beyond very subtle slider tweaks no one would ever notice.

I'm good to now say on record, "This is my look."

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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