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PJBear Bitey

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  1. Answers the "What does your avatar look like now?" question.
  2. Found spot in Bellisseria where Abnor Mole left six empty beer cans. (he did not leave a live chicken, I am the chicken)
  3. Slenderman dancing and/or stuff (stuff like standing motionless, other than the tentacles, which were petting Evangeline).
  4. Neat, was this after the party (I don't think I got near Ancient's mole bear until after the party)? I didn't realize (and/or possibly wasn't paying attention) that others were around. Here's one I took from that day (the one I took while standing near Ancient's mole bear just has the mole bear in it) - ETA: Mole is Grumpy's mole bear
  5. I change my head skin as often as I change my body skin. I recently changed head to Genus Morph. Only lasted a couple of days because the skin I was wearing didn't work on the Morph, and every skin I found seemed to only work with Velour. Then saw 50L AK Vivian head at FLF Bash, randomly grabbed because 50L, actually really liked, so now I'm back to my original head/body skin. Which isn't Velour. (on a side note: why the heck do they, Velour, seem to have something like a monopoly with some heads? I couldn't find a single head skin that worked with any other body than Velour that also worked with the Genus Morph system, (the 'other' Genus Morph option is 'original BOM', which means non-X; which meant I could have gone backwards, but I didn't have any non-X BOM skins any longer).
  6. I used it once. There was a group exploration event, with vehicles. Made me feel old. Because everyone talking sounded old (and I kept trying to figure out just who the heck was talking). Made me feel old because, I suspect, most of the people were around my age so . . . yep, I'm old. Thanks for reminding me voice. Also I issues with sound, at times, and I'm not great with hearing every little sound in a room with whoever is talking.
  7. Yep, that'd be me. Well, except I seem to spend more time in the middle level regions (Moderate? I forget), as that is where Bellisseria is located (region level wise).
  8. Despite appearances, no hamsters harmed while the mini-dinos visited during the Big Splash event.
  9. No hamsters harmed while dragon visited.
  10. I disagree. I'd move in right now into a place that had snow year-round. And live there year-round. On the ground, not in a skybox.
  11. Fun and games, and rubber chickens
  12. Accidentally logged into 'wrong viewer' so I explored in the Second Life Viewer, that PBR one.
  13. hehe, I really expected a different thread when I spotted this one. Thought it'd be a picture thread (there have been some nice ones) and/or "good places to see PBR in world" thread (I need to check out Libentia).
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