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even after 16 years in SL I need avatar help

Riley Brinner

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I have had a maitreya mesh body for years and still love it. I have never had a mesh head and was happy with it until I got a much better computer. Now I see everything. lol

Could I have suggestions on a mesh head that might fit my look? Hopefully not too expensive? I don't need a lot of options on it. I mostly hate how my eyes look with the classic head. And I want to be able to have eyebrows that aren't just a line.


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7 minutes ago, Riley Brinner said:

I have had a maitreya mesh body for years and still love it. I have never had a mesh head and was happy with it until I got a much better computer. Now I see everything. lol

Could I have suggestions on a mesh head that might fit my look? Hopefully not too expensive? I don't need a lot of options on it. I mostly hate how my eyes look with the classic head. And I want to be able to have eyebrows that aren't just a line.


Well, the "not too expensive" could potentially be an issue. What's your budget for a mesh head?

Just to give you an idea, right now,

Lelutka heads (Evo X) are priced at 3900L. No current sale/promotion that I know of.

Akeruka (ADVX) heads are priced at 3900L. These are also Evo X compatible. No current sale/promotion.

Genus Project heads are 3300L. There is one free gift head (just join the group and tap the board in the mainstore) for 100% free, but these heads are not Evo X compatible, so shopping may be a bit difficult. They're on the base SLUV map at the moment, but are desperately awaiting updates and have been for quite some time.

BeSpoke has a few human-ish heads (check Marionette, in particular, which could potentially match your look). These are 2000L, and Marionette is Evo X compatible.

Catwa HDPro is on the more expensive side at 5900L. These heads are not Evo X compatible (SLUV only). No current promotions/sales.

There are other brands (Rebirth, LOGO, etc.), but I'm not overly familiar with those. I do believe Rebirth has a free head. Lel and AK occasionally gift heads around major holidays if you feel like waiting a bit. AK also does sales where heads drop to about 1800L every so often.

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Just now, Riley Brinner said:

thank you. i will give those a try.

does anyone have an idea on which might end up looking closest to my current face?

Lelutka has a ton of options and they'll all look different depending on the skin(s) you choose. Demo them all (there are a ton, fair warning!). I'd personally guess Avalon, Ceylon, or Lilly would work.

This isn't all there is from Lel - just a small sampling. Plenty of newer heads have been added to the collection:



AK also has a ton to choose from. I'd just suggest grabbing demos for anything you think will shape into "you" well enough, play with skin demos, and see what you like best.

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Give Lelutka Kaya a demo try also and maybe even lilly.. Lilly is the one right in the middle of that picture above..

If you want some really nice Eye brows that are BOM as well as Appliers.. My favorites are from Simple Bloom.. They have them  in a few different archs and thickness..plus tintables as well..

I always had a problem finding brows that I liked until i found them..

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1 minute ago, Riley Brinner said:

does anyone have an idea on which might end up looking closest to my current face?

When i was first shopping for a mesh head I went and got demos for all the heads around, tried them on while using my everyday shape not the one included with the head then chose the one that was closest to “me“. I was lucky Lelutka Chloe from the older origin line was an almost perfect match at the time. I now use Lelutka Evo Raven which is a very close match for me

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9 minutes ago, Riley Brinner said:

I have my work cut out for me now.

Been there, screamed and pulled my hair out over it,, too. But I ended up really happy with a Lelutka Evox head and Skinnery skins. Before you fully commit, look at skins, too. You might see your old self on a modern skin that works well with a particular mesh head. Slow down, take your time, it WILL happen.


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I'm not really an expert on female heads, but Lelutka EvoX seems to have the biggest range in both the male and female side. You can also change individual elements like brows with tattoo layers in Baked On Mesh (if you've not been using BOM in SL so far, it is confusing to start with but well worth learning), so if you find say a face in that panel that Ayashe posted, you can potentially still somewhat change the look with the right skin / brow / makeup options.

One thing I've very certain about, there will be a way for you to preserve the "DNA" of your original look but updated with modern body components,  just keep trying demos until you find what works. In a way, being a fair-skinned red-head may help you a little, as there is relatively less out there, but still options. While this could be seen as being annoying, it also makes it easier to "zero in" on the choices (you run the risk of being overwhelmed with options if you are blonde or brunette).

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GA.EG makes mesh heads and loads of add-ons. For a quick look go here. This head sort of looks similar and is discounted L$1,500. Several other heads are on sale. The full retail price of other heads is L$3,000.


When you take a closeup like the one you posted, you need to click Ctrl-0 about 5 or 6 times so we can see how the face looks without distortion. Ctrl-8 & 9 are companion controls. Most of the images in promotional material have been taken with camera settings adjusted.

The in-world store is here.

The marketplace has the Barbara head Demo here (free).  It too is on sale L$1500.


The heads have a load of cute animations controlled by a HUD. Which ones play can be selected or all can be turned off. You can add many more.

I love my GA.EG Jennifer head. Makeup and skin are easy.

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I've tried Genus, Catwa & Lelutka  --  I like Lelutka best.  I like the looks of it and the ease of use / the hud.

You just missed a freebie for Christmas - they seem to give away a free head every year.  I missed it the first couple times,  so I really kept an ear out for it this year.

I think Genus has a free head all the time .... but I could be wrong.

I still ask for help too !!   :)     Good luck,  hope you find something you really like.   

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Not sure about your budget and how "not too expensive is", but I wouldn't save on the head. It's something you always have on just like the mesh body, so it being a good looking (opinions might vary) and well supported (that's not an opinion, you need a EvoX head if you want a well supported head with new content) is rather important.

if budget is an issue, get a temporary free Genus gift head. it's not very pretty, but still better than an angular system heads, and try to save 4k for a Lelutka EvoX head of your choice. Skins can be cheap if you hunt them on weekend sales, even from top skin makers. Investing half of that price into a less than perfect/not supported head is a waste of money in my opinion.

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Yes; grab the free Genus and wear it around while you're demoing other heads, kind of like a practice head to familiarise yourself with HUDs and animations and stuff.

Be aware that older AK heads (the ones with numbers rather than names) are not EvoX compatible. I got caught out last time they were on sale.

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A Lelutka EvoX head will be your best choice in the long run. They're compatible with both EvoX skins and SLUV skins - especially skins based on Genus mesh heads. In the meantime pick up all the free mesh heads you can find and try them. Also join the Akeruka & Lelutka groups. Akeruka has had $L 1 group gift heads in June & December.  Lelutka has free group gift heads in December only. 

You'll need to demo mesh heads to see which ones you can make look the most like "you". Generally, the nose and lips can't be changed much. Sometimes the chin can't be changed much either. Demo those that have the right nose, chin and lip shape. Put on one of your favorite skins. Then see how close you can get to the look you want.

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In terms of choice range and creator support, Lelutka EvoX is the way to go (as everyone has said).

I have tried and tried and tried to find an EvoX that works for me, and thus far have failed.  Sometimes a head line just doesn't work for different people's individual looks, or their perceptions of same.  If EvoX isn't working for you (and definitely try all the demos, with a variety of demo skins -- there are a ton of gorgeous heads there!  I even own several *koff*) check out some of the other creators listed in this thread, along with demo skins for those.  Personally, I wear Catwa HDPro Queen with DeeTaleZ skins.  It's just "me".

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My suggestion, if you can afford lelutka, is one of those.  Lilly or Sasha, from the pic posted earlier, but there are some new ones too (can't remember their names because the style of face I was looking for is very different from yours).

If you go EVOX (such as AK) you'll need a new skin also, but Lelutka heads can use either EVOX or classic skins.

If you are happy to sick with non-EVOX heads, using the standard template, give LAQ a try too. They have loads to choose from and IIRC, they are cheaper than the others. LAQ sells the head and hud separately so once you have one, you can get others more cheaply, because you only need to buy the hud once.

The Kalhene Erika body comes with three or four heads included in the pack, and even with the body included, it's still cheaper than any of the major brands, and you can still use the heads with other bodies if you want to. So it might be worth picking up a demo of Erika and trying those. Its a nice body too, and you could certainly achieve a Maitreya-style shape with it, but its not got much clothing support so not really practical to wear full time as your only body.

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1 hour ago, Ajay McDowwll said:

In terms of choice range and creator support, Lelutka EvoX is the way to go (as everyone has said).

I have tried and tried and tried to find an EvoX that works for me, and thus far have failed.  Sometimes a head line just doesn't work for different people's individual looks, or their perceptions of same.  If EvoX isn't working for you (and definitely try all the demos, with a variety of demo skins -- there are a ton of gorgeous heads there!  I even own several *koff*) check out some of the other creators listed in this thread, along with demo skins for those.  Personally, I wear Catwa HDPro Queen with DeeTaleZ skins.  It's just "me".

I agree with you on this. I stuck with my Catwa Queen HDPro for my female human "me" look. And my orc. Go figure. It makes a gorgeous orc. 😄

I'm not a fan of Lelutka's female heads and only make use of the freebies for fantasy avatars. I just can't get a human look I like with them, so I gave up trying to make myself and just use them for creating fantasy characters. Lelutka's male line, however, is gorgeous, and I wear human versions of those far more often.

The good news is now that Lel's shared its map, you aren't limited to their brand. There are Evo X mapped human, creature, monster, and furry heads, with more Evo X updates coming from my favorite store.

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13 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I agree with you on this. I stuck with my Catwa Queen HDPro for my female human "me" look. And my orc. Go figure. It makes a gorgeous orc. 😄


I literally LOL'd at this -- and good to know! 

I think my issue with the female Lelutka heads -- and this dates back to their Origins line -- is I can just never shape them in a way that works for me.  The style of Lelutka is very "supermodel/smoulder" as far as the general expression on the face, whereas I tend to go more cheerful or something?  Probably the annoying American in me, where I feel I must smile every danged second :P  But again, those are my caveats; others' mileage varies significantly.  I'm just glad we have so many different heads on the Grid, because that way it's possible for everyone to find the look uniquely suited to them :)

Also, agreed on the men's EvoX heads.  I have way less difficulty shaping them for some reason.

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6 hours ago, Riley Brinner said:

The head in my avatar picture is actually a  classic head. 

I actually own the GA.EG Mia head as I used it for an alt. I don't like the drawn on eyebrow look it has and also the eye make--up options. 

Thank you everyone again

Well your forum avatar fooled me.. It's very well done..:)

One of my favorite features with the lelutka heads is the brow adjustments..If you are using the applier brows in the hud or any other applier brows, being able to size the length on them, space them, as well as raise and lower them is really nice as well and kind of fun to play with.. With that working with different brow shapes, as well as different  style brows, you can get pretty creative..

It's really something how just changing the style of the brows can really have a big change in your looks you create.

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