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I'm a person who always did their best to not walk through tourist's photos, both for the sake of their photos and because I don't want to be in random people's photos, as far as I can avoid it. Now, it's basically impossible to not "be featured" in people's public facetime phone calls, no matter where you go, in the street, on the bus, in a coffeeshop, even in the doctor's waiting room (despite the phone striked through sign), on a forest walk,...

I don't like. It's not that I'm doing anything against the law that might accidentally be caught on video in a café, or something, but... how to explain it, even in public spaces like cafés, it doesn't feel right that some people kind of extend their personal space over mine, by video call, while mine gets infiltrated.

If I'd really need to take a call while in a café, which can't wait until once I'm out, at the least I'd keep it to voice. I never take calls in café, though, and also keep video calls to within my own four walls if I can't avoid them. I guess I'm just weird and a fossil. /me hopes for a few hearts that might indicate I'm not the only one, though. 🫣😅

But, yes, it's definitely a pet peeve of mine, by now, as increasingly ubiquitous.

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6 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Other methods require you to modify your item to include demo rings etc or to go through each texture painting 'DEMO' all over them or whatever. Then you need to update your HUD to point to the right textures etc.

   Making a demo sign floating over/beside/through (as long as it doesn't obstruct the product itself) your avi seems quite effective though, and not as much work (and allows the person to browse all the colours). I almost never see people actually going to clubs or such with clothing demos like those, and sure it could be used to take a picture with but if a small portion of people do that I guess you could just try to look favourably at the free product publicity it brings. If it's a timed demo it's even easier to take a picture of it without buying the full product, a little more setting up required, but less editing.

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Repeat Peeve: So I finally got into Skin Fair, and I was just wandering around and saw this one creator's booth, and it is so obvious that AI was used to finish the adverts. This is feeling like it's becoming a 'thing' and I still say it's is false advertising because there is no way a SL avatar is going to look like that...just using the demos with the recommended skins, etc, proves that. 



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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   Ctrl + Alt + F1 / Shift + Alt + H. Such major pain! 

It is when I have to turn off RLV and relog to be able to hide my HUDs. An RLV locked HUD prevents Shift Alt H from working. It means I can't capture an SL "moment" as it happens. Then I have to activate my video capture program. This all can take a full 2 mins or more. It's the fractions of a second that make all the difference in capturing the "feel" of a moment. 

A couple of days ago, I was in my female alt with Cat's alt in a bit of RP. I wanted to capture video so I could include it in a video I've been working on for her. I couldn't get a clean screen unless I went through the entire process of relogging with RLV off. And if I turned off RLV, it would have prevented  what was happening...Well...from happening. 

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On 3/16/2024 at 1:26 PM, Sid Nagy said:

SL is a vanity platform. So one only can exaggerate what people like about bodies, but not what they don't particularly like.

Hell yeah!!! I don't want the 15...or gasp...maybe 20 pounds I gained through the Covid era showing on MY AVs!!! 

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2 hours ago, Modulated said:

Repeat Peeve: So I finally got into Skin Fair, and I was just wandering around and saw this one creator's booth, and it is so obvious that AI was used to finish the adverts. This is feeling like it's becoming a 'thing' and I still say it's is false advertising because there is no way a SL avatar is going to look like that...just using the demos with the recommended skins, etc, proves that.

Now if the would use AI to make the skin itself, that might do the trick (or in the near feature).

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9 hours ago, Spiffy Voxel said:

I saw notice about that last night — so sorry to hear :( I hope those particles get nuked soon, and yes some folks apparently will sink that low to get their jollies.

Thanks Spiffy! Yes, the gallery owner tracked the spamming object to a neighbour's parcel, and it was removed about 6 or so hours later.

In other good news, my own contributions to the event's total donations, from sales of my pics along with my matching donation, is now just shy of L$7000, so that's nice!

ETA: Thanks to a VERY generous donation from everyone's favourite arsonist, I was able to send along L$10,000 to the cause, for disbursement to Medicin sans Frontieres.

Woot! Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed! It will make a real difference to people's lives!

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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3 hours ago, Modulated said:

Repeat Peeve: So I finally got into Skin Fair, and I was just wandering around and saw this one creator's booth, and it is so obvious that AI was used to finish the adverts. This is feeling like it's becoming a 'thing' and I still say it's is false advertising because there is no way a SL avatar is going to look like that...just using the demos with the recommended skins, etc, proves that. 



I was looking over the events and the weekend sales and noticed, this is becoming a thing that is on the level of trending with adverts.. It's becoming the norm from what I noticed..

It's nothing but a trick and shows lack of confidence in their own product to have to camouflage it.


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Peeve: Was hair-shopping today and noticed how much "better" my pictures looked at the shop, than at home. 

The difference was..the lighting!

Even though I used the "new midday" at home.

So now, I understand better both 1) the Peeves about store lighting (which may not match lighting elsewhere), and 2) the Peeves about lighting being so critical.

All because I looked BETTER someplace with "special lighting".

Maybe I should go back and try my "own" lighting to see if I look as bad there, as I did on my own land.

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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I was looking over the events and the weekend sales and noticed, this is becoming a thing that is on the level of trending with adverts.. It's becoming the norm from what I noticed..

It's nothing but a trick and shows lack of confidence in their own product to have to camouflage it.


Been a thing for ages where I am hard put to make the item being promoted look as good on me as it does on the model displaying it. Been plenty of times where I would just as soon have bought the model then the actual item ;)

"How much for the girl in the window?"

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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I was looking over the events and the weekend sales and noticed, this is becoming a thing that is on the level of trending with adverts.. It's becoming the norm from what I noticed..

It's nothing but a trick and shows lack of confidence in their own product to have to camouflage it.


Some of the stores that do the AI ads have skins that are not up there with the best when you try the demo, so I can see a need to try to camouflage the product.

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5 minutes ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

Some of the stores that do the AI ads have skins that are not up there with the best when you try the demo, so I can see a need to try to camouflage the product.


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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Been a thing for ages where I am hard put to make the item being promoted look as good on me as it does on the model displaying it. Been plenty of times where I would just as soon have bought the model then the actual item ;)

"How much for the girl in the window?"

Not at the level it's at now..I'm seeing AI in a range of products now..Way more than before..

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   Peeve: when you right-click a a piece of apparel to remove it from your avatar, and SL goes 'you mean this other attachment that you didn't at all click on? Sure!'. I really should try to unlearn that even being a thing and just do it via the inventory.


   Also, I thought the lungs were a part of the body. Guess not?

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On 1/31/2024 at 2:12 AM, Rowan Amore said:

That they even call this a dress makes me laugh.  Call it a tunic sweater.  I've never worn a dress in RL that showed my lady parts.  Yeah, I get it.  It's SL.  We can wear things we can't in RL but ffs.  Just stop.  


This drives me mad ... WHY do creators assume we all want this? I agree, this isn't a dress, not at all. Just trashy IMO

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1 minute ago, Liaa Nova said:

This drives me mad ... WHY do creators assume we all want this? I agree, this isn't a dress, not at all. Just trashy IMO

This is what the bulk of just about any of the sales look like now. Not shaming anyone who likes it, you do you, but they need to relax on this and put out more everyday type stuff IMO.

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Peeve: It got cooler today in Florida, from the 80's to the 60's Fahrenheit.

Peeve2: The more the weather fluctuates, the more the oak blooms will keep re-blooming, filling the air with pollen, and messing with my cement pond..


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22 hours ago, Liaa Nova said:

This drives me mad ... WHY do creators assume we all want this? I agree, this isn't a dress, not at all. Just trashy IMO

Because they think we want to be onlyfan stars.. hehehe

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   Peeve: you've set everything up on a no-rez place, managed to wiggle your avi into position in its pose and set the EEP to be just right, framed the shot and all, and you're ready to take the snap. But then you mix up Ctrl + Shift + S and Ctrl + Shift + H.

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   Peeve: you've set everything up on a no-rez place, managed to wiggle your avi into position in its pose and set the EEP to be just right, framed the shot and all, and you're ready to take the snap. But then you mix up Ctrl + Shift + S and Ctrl + Shift + H.

That or someone bumps into you.. I can't count the amount of times that happened at one place I like taking pictures..

The owner ended up giving me rez rights, which was nice.. they can bump their hearts out now.. hehehe

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