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11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm sometimes amazed at how little some people can manage to accomplish without their phone glued to their ear.


This one really makes me shake my head.  My husband does this at home sometimes, but thankfully not out in public.

Same. When I go shopping, I tend to my leave my phone in the car door pocket. But when I get in, people are in their own worlds on the phone, even people that work in the store. It's like some weird alternative universe. lol

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38 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Give it 5 years and then there is a "slowly breath in .... and now slowly breath out again .... now slowly breath in...." app available for some.

There are indeed meditation apps, so there are probably "breath control" apps! (Not "remind you to breathe literally")

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I'll often just watch the person talking on their phone since they're usually talking loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear them.  They'll give me a dirty look as if I'm doing something wrong by listening.  Really?  You're in a public place speaking loud enough for others to hear and don't think anyone will listen?

The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away.  You do realize I now know all about your issues?  And people talk about privacy concerns when they lay out their entire life in public on their phones.

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44 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away. 

These sorts of people confuse me, it makes me wonder if they want everyone to hear their conversation.  The ones that put it on speaker phone and talk into their phone as though it were a slice of pizza usually get a laugh from me as well.  I think some are doing it because they believe the phone will give them cancer, but then they will slide it in their pocket.  Then I wonder if they realize radio waves are all around them regardless if they are using a phone or not.  

But yeah, people really seem to be oblivious that the rest of us can hear their conversations or they might actually want us to hear them.  The last one I heard was some guy in a dollar tree and his ex telling one another they are going to hell, like, literal hell, and it was kind of funny because they both were sincere, exposing one another's faults, and acting like they were the mouth piece for whatever God they were worshipping with the exclusive rights of who gets to pass through the pearly gates and who goes to the other place.  🤣

A little while ago, some lady was in a place called old town that had moderate crowds of people was screaming at the top of her lungs, in anger, on and off for about an hour.  We walked by her, watching her stamp her feet, yelling into the phone, and making a huge spectacle, eventually getting away far enough so her voice blended in with everything else.. later we walked back and she was still stamping around making a huge scene.


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10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'll often just watch the person talking on their phone since they're usually talking loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear them.  They'll give me a dirty look as if I'm doing something wrong by listening.  Really?  You're in a public place speaking loud enough for others to hear and don't think anyone will listen?

The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away.  You do realize I now know all about your issues?  And people talk about privacy concerns when they lay out their entire life in public on their phones.

Peeve: maybe a part of me is jealous, it's been a long time since I had someone to call and talk with about "everything and nothing" at random times.

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22 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: Try to find a pair of normally wrinkled male trousers or a normally buttoned and wrinkled shirt these days.

Tell me about it.. It's much harder to find good every day clothing that every day people wear.. Especially since things became more body specific..

It's like living in a  Zoolander world and trying to find some carharts.. hehehe


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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'll often just watch the person talking on their phone since they're usually talking loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear them.  They'll give me a dirty look as if I'm doing something wrong by listening.  Really?  You're in a public place speaking loud enough for others to hear and don't think anyone will listen?

The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away.  You do realize I now know all about your issues?  And people talk about privacy concerns when they lay out their entire life in public on their phones.

Years ago I  sat in the same train compartment as the mayor of the major city in my region. We both came back from Amsterdam. We were the only two in the whole compartment. The whole 2 hour trip the guy was on the phone talking with some of his civil servants. I heard several things during that trip that were not meant for the public ears. One simply listens if one has nothing else to do.
If I were a journalist, he would have been in serious trouble afterwards. But he is a nice guy so I never spoke about what I heard.

He simply made the same mistake as all those people with phones in public places. So even the use of specially secured phones gets worthless when the user gets carried away.

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53 minutes ago, Lysistrata Szapira said:

Peeve: Why are demos the LAST thing to rez at events?  I've lost count of how many times I've had to TP out and back in to get demos to show up. Why does this happen? What's so unusual about demos that they don't want to render on first approach? 

I think it's because everything is packed into the demos that don't rez.. I notice that the ad will res and the singles start showing up and fatpacks and then demos.. Sometimes i don't even see fatpacks either..

I think it's all the stuff in them or something.. hehehe

Kind of like how we have to load ourselves when we go someplace and  if we have too much on or too heavy of items, we take longer to rez.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Didn't you know? Merchants have special options for demo boxes.
"How do you want to annoy your customers this time?"
[  ] Item rezzes ultra slow
[  ] Item stays white for minutes
[  ] The demo vanishes after 2 minutes
[  ] Item doesn't rez at all
[  ] Tons of garbage in the demo box
[  ] Wrong item in the box
[  ] Provided landmark is no longer valid
[  ] Advertised website no longer online


We are allowed to tick two options per box.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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9 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Didn't you know? Merchants have special options for demo boxes.
"How do you want to annoy your customers this time?"
[  ] Item rezzes ultra slow
[  ] Item stays white for minutes
[  ] The demo vanishes after 2 minutes
[  ] Item doesn't rez at all
[  ] Tons of garbage in the demo box
[  ] Wrong item in the box
[  ] Provided landmark is no longer valid
[  ] Advertised website no longer online


We are allowed to tick two options per box.


You forgot one I had today...

[  ]  Attach unpacker hud and play loud music to startle the customer.   

Had that little wake up this morning.

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

You forgot one I had today...

[  ]  Attach unpacker hud and play loud music to startle the customer.   

Had that little wake up this morning.

Seems I have to upgrade to the latest version .... I will try the demo first though. :D


Edited by Sid Nagy
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16 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Didn't you know? Merchants have special options for demo boxes.
"How do you want to annoy your customers this time?"
[  ] Item rezzes ultra slow
[  ] Item stays white for minutes
[  ] The demo vanishes after 2 minutes
[  ] Item doesn't rez at all
[  ] Tons of garbage in the demo box
[  ] Wrong item in the box
[  ] Provided landmark is no longer valid
[  ] Advertised website no longer online


We are allowed to tick two options per box.


Adding: empty box, item is for wrong house / avatar, wrong color..

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'll often just watch the person talking on their phone since they're usually talking loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear them.  They'll give me a dirty look as if I'm doing something wrong by listening.  Really?  You're in a public place speaking loud enough for others to hear and don't think anyone will listen?

The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away.  You do realize I now know all about your issues?  And people talk about privacy concerns when they lay out their entire life in public on their phones.

I used to actually enjoy talking with my ex-boyfriend about casting hexes while I was walking through a store. "Don't hex the company you work for while you're still working there," was one of my favorites. 

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4 hours ago, Lysistrata Szapira said:

Peeve: Why are demos the LAST thing to rez at events?  I've lost count of how many times I've had to TP out and back in to get demos to show up. Why does this happen? What's so unusual about demos that they don't want to render on first approach? 

Bad luck I guess.

The missing mesh bug is alive and kicking these past few days, have noticed a few things around my house and visiting events usually takes 2 tries to get the entire thing to load.

It's very much not fixed but it did seem to calm down for a little while until recently.

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On 2/29/2024 at 3:47 AM, Eddy Vortex said:

Peeve: Losing my socks like  R.E.M losing their religion. I've lost so many of them in the laundry I should start considering making mismatched socks a fashion thing.


This teed me off so much in the past that I started buying only bulk packs of men's work socks all in the same colour. No one ever sees my socks, and just why are socks made better for men than for women anyway? The heels and toes are reinforced and oh so very much more comfortable to wear. 

On 2/29/2024 at 8:25 AM, Raspberry Crystal said:

I bought some sock clips. They go through the laundry and stay stuck together in a pair until I wear them!

Knowing my luck, the sock clips would come off and get stuck in the washing machine's filter and the last time I went in there to clean it out I managed to flood the kitchen. 

Peeve 2: 21st century washing machines being as appalling as 20th century ones, but probably for very different reasons. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
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On 2/29/2024 at 12:19 PM, Rowan Amore said:

Large washer laundry bags.  The kind a commercial.laundry uses.  Haven't lost a sock since I started using them.  Ask at your local dry cleaner/shirt laundry if they'll sell you one.

Oh I had forgotten about these, lovely zip top mesh bags are ace for keeping smaller delicate items from going missing in the washing machine. EBay here I come!

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3 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

I started buying only bulk packs of men's work socks all in the same colour. No one ever sees my socks, and just why are socks made better for men than for women anyway? The heels and toes are reinforced and oh so very much more comfortable to wear. 

I never thought about that.  I switched to solid black socks many years ago, just to not have too many mis-matches when one goes missing.  I only wear them with jeans and yoga slacks anyway.  

/me makes a note to check out men's black crew socks

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On 2/29/2024 at 7:19 AM, Rowan Amore said:

Large washer laundry bags.  The kind a commercial.laundry uses.  Haven't lost a sock since I started using them.  Ask at your local dry cleaner/shirt laundry if they'll sell you one.

Thanks for the idea! *goes off to Amazon*

6 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

This teed me off so much in the past that I started buying only bulk packs of men's work socks all in the same colour. No one ever sees my socks, and just why are socks made better for men than for women anyway? The heels and toes are reinforced and oh so very much more comfortable to wear.

Great tip!  My brother-in-law swears by his tip of buying all his clothes in one color, mostly black.  You save time by avoiding the extra step of sorting garments into different color piles. 

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23 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'll often just watch the person talking on their phone since they're usually talking loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear them.  They'll give me a dirty look as if I'm doing something wrong by listening.  Really?  You're in a public place speaking loud enough for others to hear and don't think anyone will listen?

The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away.  You do realize I now know all about your issues?  And people talk about privacy concerns when they lay out their entire life in public on their phones.

You've reminded me a woman I overheard on a train commute after work one day, having a very animated discussion with someone about the quality of her latest supply of... well, let's just say it rhymes with 'monk'. ;) Then she clocked me side-eyeing her and shut up pretty quickly. 😆 

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22 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

This teed me off so much in the past that I started buying only bulk packs of men's work socks all in the same colour. No one ever sees my socks, and just why are socks made better for men than for women anyway? The heels and toes are reinforced and oh so very much more comfortable to wear.

Because they are mens work socks..If you think about what  all those different jobs are, they need all that.. My husband goes through some work socks.

If He had just regular old  socks, they wouldn't last a week.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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