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Spiffy Voxel

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Everything posted by Spiffy Voxel

  1. I tend to only check out stuff on the Forums here from the daily update email I get from Second Life β€” I find that I can usually suss out from that which threads are going to get heated & are best avoided. I've been mostly decorating at home in Second Life this past week or so, when I've had the time & energy to login. In the process, I'm rediscovering a lot of alien flora and other dΓ©cor that I've accumulated over the years. πŸ™‚Just need to keep an eye on my land allowance, over half used up now so I may ditch one of the skyboxes and make more use of the ground level. (I have one skybox for personal space and another for photography and dress-up, plus an asteroid.)
  2. As I'm counting my L$ these days when making purchases, I'll only be getting Reborn if eBody do another sale at some point. πŸ’Έ
  3. Huh, now that you mention that, I have a vague memory of thinking something was a bit off when I demo'd the original Petite.
  4. I might consider Reborn at some point... I'm noticing more & more creators targeting that and not Maitreya. Mind you, I have so much clothing already, so there's no rush plus I could probably get Reborn versions of many of those via redelivery. πŸ€”
  5. Been a while since I tried the demo, but from memory I think they're about the same. Might have changed with PetiteX, but at this point I've given up and learned to live with the pencil-erasers... until such time as I learn enough to be able to make my own mesh body and outfits to go with it.
  6. Peeve: due to needing to tighten my belt financially (again), I've initiated a downgrade from Premium Plus back to Premium. I've bumped up my Land Tier to compensate, but even so that's a lot less money. The extra stipend, group slots and no fees for image/sound/animation uploads were nice, but I need to put money aside from near-term and longer-term goals IRL.
  7. This is one thing I dislike about my Maitreya Lara 5.3 and LaraX 1.1 bodies β€” I keep the boob-age to a minimum but the nipples are super prominent, like pencil-erasers sticking out from my chest. Yes, you can neutralise them someone with the included add-ons, but those don't have any material shine alas. πŸ™(Also, as an alien, I object to having these "hoo-man" artifacts.)
  8. I finally extricated myself from Adobe's clutches several years ago... and was still finding leftovers on my Mac up until last year, I think. I was a Photoshop & Illustrator user for over two decades, plus various former Macromedia products like Dreamweaver & Fireworks. Creative Cloud seemed like a good deal when it was announced, but a year or so in it became clear that Adobe were doing more money-counting than product development or bug-fixing. But even that wasn't enough, so they took away the separate (and cheap) TypeKit subscription and rolled it into CC. The worst part was trying to cancel the subscription... there's a special place in Hell for whoever designed that side of things. Peeve: and now I'm wondering if the Affinity apps will get screwed over by new owners Canva...
  9. Seasonal Peeve: had to break out extra layer of clothes today, and swap over to the thicker winter duvet. On the plus side, I have an excuse to log into Second Life a bit more often, as the extra heat vented from my iMac as a result will be most welcome.
  10. Oh yeah, that brings back some (painful) memories, particularly of why I ended up switching exclusively to braids prior to acquiring my current SKNK Vasaran alien head. πŸ‘½
  11. I just checked the Feature Request section of the Second Life Feedback portal, and there's one for viewer AO that is currently at Tracked status. As for making the chat opaque, I don't see anything specific yet so it may be worth raising the idea yourself. Same goes for ideas to make the official viewer more 'user-friendly', although bear in mind that not everyone (or indeed the Lab) may agree on what exactly is 'friendly' or 'useful'.
  12. Personally, I rarely use ban-lines because there are better options available β€” I have a security orb, but right now it's just to log visitors, thankfully it's not directly accessible from the nearest road and waterway so most of those are flyovers, which are fine with me as my sky-boxes are high up and unlikely to interfere with aircraft users β€” and because I find it's more work to whitelist those people I don't mind dropping in (plus I'd likely forget someone.) Besides, with the options available to restrict what people can see or do within or from outside my parcel, I've no problem with people crossing the air-space above my ground-level house or even walking or TP-ing in β€” I'll only reach for the security blacklist or parcel ban-list if someone gives me cause to.
  13. Ohhh, so that's why I can't find mine! πŸ˜† πŸ‘½
  14. To see you... nice! πŸ˜† I grew up watching him on TV in the 70s and 80s. πŸ™‚
  15. As someone who isn't in Gor in Second Life but works for a radio station that broadcasts to the Gorean community, I'm glad to hear that you got to find out what Gor is about (as opposed to what people think it's about). It's definitely not to everyone's taste, and I would advise anyone who's curious about Gor (and indeed any kind of D/s role-play) to learn what they're getting themselves into, and not take the first collar that's waved at them. (Been there, done that, lesson learnt.)
  16. On the Mobile Viewer, I had a chin worthy of Bruce Forsyth! For those who don't know who I'm talking about... here's his Wikipedia page
  17. With all due respect, Prokofy... I feel that you're simultaneously demanding that Linden Lab do a better job here and stating that it'll never happen because it's all one giant fix-up? Or is the purpose of this discussion merely to restate that Linden Lab Cannot Do Anything Right and Second Life Is Doomed? Personally, I'm inclined to see a more practical explanation for the lack of representation from across Second Life in the current iteration (emphasis there) of the Community Exhibition space β€” namely, that it's currently just the one region, and the Lab want to provide exhibitors with sufficient space to showcase what they do.
  18. I'm "meh" on them... the big problem I'm seeing in some places is that they're used a lot to give the appearance of more people in the region/parcel. Plus, they're rarely optimized meshes or textures, meaning longer scene load times.
  19. Okay, this discussion turned south fast after I posted my appreciation of the Matt Dance. *frowns* I'm pretty sure the original Matt Dance video is not only pre-TikTok, but pre-YouTube as well! Yes, kids, there was a time before YouTube, when we had to roll our own videos online using stuff like RealPlayer (ack) or Flash (ahhhh). πŸ˜†
  20. Peeve: I wish we could get everyone on the planet doing the Matt Dance, then we'd all realise that we're not that different after all and maybe start treating each other better and taking care of the planet... πŸ™
  21. I last changed my skin at the end of last year, when I updated the custom textures I created for my alien avatar. πŸ‘½ My next upgrade won't be for a while, as I first need to learn how to make normal and specular maps... πŸ€”
  22. Climate change has put paid to any kind of regularity in the weather here, or the seasons for that matter. Case in point: our 'autumn-fruiting' raspberries have had fruit since June this year. The wildlife in the neighborhood seems to be coping with the changes so far... it's us humans living in Edwardian single-wall houses who are having more problems...
  23. Peeve: August Bank Holiday extended weekend is coming up, so of course the weather has decided that it's now Autumn/Fall. Because this is Britain, of course. πŸ˜† Also peeve: A store subscriber that doesn't seem to offer any means of unsubscribing. 🀦
  24. You'll need to provide more info about how you're doing this: Operating System version Browser version What messages, if any, you're getting Screenshot would be helpful as well. (Obviously mask out any personally identifiable information first.)
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