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12 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Lots. There's unfortunately no good replacement. I primarily use it to follow food, fashion, travel, music, art, gaming, and crafting news, blogs, and magazines. I also follow a few good independent journalists and legal analysts for news and super boring things the majority of people have little interest in (live tweets from courtrooms where cams aren't allowed, on-the-ground in-crowd coverage of protests, events, natural disasters, etc.). 

Peeve: Definitely not a fan of what Twitter has become, but there's nowhere else I can get access to similar things easily without having a zillion tabs open simultaneously.

Bluesky! Still getting used to it myself, but it's by the original founder of Twitter who suddenly has a lot of money to make sure it's done proper.

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2 minutes ago, Skyler Pancake said:

Bluesky! Still getting used to it myself, but it's by the original founder of Twitter who suddenly has a lot of money to make sure it's done proper.

Coincidentally I just created an account there. Hopefully it will eventually replace the hellhole that is Twitter.

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Ironically (?) the founder of Medium was also a co-founder of Twitter.  

Peeve...social media in General.  The only reason I still have my Facebook is because my sisters post family events there.  Can't they just text me?  I have an anonymous Twitter for SL only.  I don't post.  I started a Discord because one group's weekly give away is now only done through there.

Aside from the Facebook account, I don't use.any of them for any RL info.

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53 minutes ago, Skyler Pancake said:

Bluesky! Still getting used to it myself, but it's by the original founder of Twitter who suddenly has a lot of money to make sure it's done proper.

How's the arts, fashion, and/or gaming scene on there? I've noticed some people with BlueSky addresses in their username still posting on Twitter a dozen times per day, so I'm wondering about the engagement they're getting over there (if any).

Wait, nvm. I just checked some indie devs I follow on Twitter and most don't have a presence on there (yet). The ones who do have entirely different feeds that are far less active. I'll likely make the switch to a new platform when one gains enough traction to pull most of my follows to it.


34 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I have an anonymous Twitter for SL only.  I don't post.

Same. I'm strictly read-only on there. Same with Reddit, but I use them for general news, business, and hobbies/interests.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
Added stuffs
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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Peeve...social media in General. 

^^ QFT

I closed my FB a long time ago.  My husband still has one, but mostly just uses it to chat with friends and his son.  Lil does have a FB that I created specifically for some of the give aways that creators do, but I haven't even used that one in ages.

I created a Twitter account years ago, but never used it. Created an Instagram account way back also, but, again, never used it. I even created an account on Nextdoor Neighbor - I think that's the name - but after I figured out that it was all just drama (like being in school all over again), I closed that account also. 

I honestly see more harm coming from the various social media platforms than any good.

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49 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

Peeve: what's the point of having a SL forum if everyone is too scared to talk about ANYTHING 🤐

There are some topics that should be avoided because they only lead to drama, anger, hurt feelings and bitterness. On the other hand, mentioning sensitive topics usually just results in those posts being removed and a warning from a moderator. It doesn't result in people getting banned from the forums or SL unless the posts are really bad or consistent.

I the the environment on the forums is pretty good, though sometimes a bit boring. It's not the toxic dump it was many years ago and we can still have some interesting conversations.

( I wanted to make a better analogy but I couldn't think of a phase that means the kind of restrictive environment found in Communist China, North Korea, modern day Russia or cold war Eastern Germany. )

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1 hour ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

Peeve: what's the point of having a SL forum if everyone is too scared to talk about ANYTHING 🤐

I agree!

Peeve: People should talk about whatever they want, so long as they take responsibility.

Peeve: 1. Own up to what you say, don't try to "take it back". Example, "what I MEANT was.."

Me: Guilty recently of this!

Peeve: 2. Not complain bitterly if actually called out by Forum mods and/or "more experienced" Forumites.

Me: Have not been guilty of this for awhile (the complaining part)

Peeve: 3. Not whine incessantly if some majority of people disagree with you.  No, they are not "ganging up" on you.  No, they are not "preventing your free speech".

Me: I whine less these days!

Peeve: 4. Learn how to admit when you are wrong.  Example: "You thought I was wrong, but no, I was merely mistaken and/or taken out of context"...

Me: I'm GREAT at being wrong!!1!!

Peeve: 5. Learn how to STOP TALKING about a topic when told repeatedly it is not allowed. Example: "I can talk about religion/politics/etc. whenever I want!!1!!"

Me: I don't THINK that I do this..

Peeve: 6. Learn to listen to that little voice:  "If I am really paranoid that I will get 'banned' for talking about XYZ, maybe I should moderate myself and not be 'afraid'.."  

Me: Nah, I don't need no stinkin' little voice.

Peeve: 7. (To be continued in a later episode..)


Edited by Love Zhaoying
Changed "theys" to "yous" for consistency
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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Isn't this Forum Social Media?

Forums were around long before any of the current social media sites so maybe they're a type of forum.  I always see social media as encompassing the whole while forums are usually subject specific.  As we're already discussing, this forum is limited to SL which is a small.group of people online.  Not social/society in general.

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

As we're already discussing, this forum is limited to SL which is a small.group of people online.  Not social/society in general.

Right! But: we are a macrocosm of society, and discuss topics within that structure..! 

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Peeve: the fact that LL needs to make adult stuff open and just out there. Especially with their foray into acknowledging it through some initiative. Users and creators have already done this. So realistically speaking, LL is doing what creators and users have been doing for years.  

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Peeve: I've been stuck in a "mental block" with the next phase of my LSL parser; attempting to get around making it a "multi-pass" system by generating a list of "header definitions" during Tokenization, for early evaluation of UDF and State declarations.

Today I hope to make incremental progress!!


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17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: I've been stuck in a "mental block" with the next phase of my LSL parser; attempting to get around making it a "multi-pass" system by generating a list of "header definitions" during Tokenization, for early evaluation of UDF and State declarations.

Today I hope to make incremental progress!!


Wow, you mentioned 6 things in only one sentence, where I have no clue about what you are saying.
I hope for you that you succeed though. :)

Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: I've been stuck in a "mental block" with the next phase of my LSL parser; attempting to get around making it a "multi-pass" system by generating a list of "header definitions" during Tokenization, for early evaluation of UDF and State declarations.

Today I hope to make incremental progress!!

48 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Wow, you mentioned 6 things in only one sentence, where I have no clue about what you are saying.
I hope for you that you succeed though. :)

I only understood "stuck in a mental block", "next phase", "attempting to", "generating a list" and "I hope to make incremental progress".

Good Luck, Love.

I hope to make incremental progress today too. 😊 

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Peeve: Going on an alt I rarely use and dealing with their horribly disorganized inventory. My mains have theirs organized with a CTS wardrobe but I can't justify that effort for an account I log into once or twice a year, yet every time I do, I spend half my online time trying to find what I'm looking for in the mess of folders.

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17 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Peeve...social media in General.

I've been off the big social media platforms for several years now — it was not only a time-sink but also super-frustrating thanks to algorithmic feeds hiding stuff I was actually interested in and promoting other stuff I've zero interest in at all. 💢 I tried Mastodon, but decided that I didn't need a firehose aimed at me every hour. So I'm back to following blogs in a feed reader app like I did 20 years ago, and using email to converse with people.

I have Discord for some Second Life stuff — several good communities over there.

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12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Isn't this Forum Social Media?

I don't consider it to be so. It's nothing like Facebutt or similar platforms.

Social Media, in my mind anyway, is any platform used for the express purpose of advancing oneself socially. People use social media to promote themselves and their real-world businesses, as real-world people.

I would not expect anyone on this forum to start posting RL selfies and promoting their Onlyfans, for instance. Nobody here (with half a brain cell anyway) is using the forums in an attempt to further their RL status as a celebrity, or get people to visit their Patreon.

Most importantly, I think, is that while a forum is, indeed, a medium through which we do tend to be social towards one another, the forum's purpose isn't necessarily socializing. It has areas for people to post that they would like to meet others and socialize, but really the socializing aspect (in the sense of hanging out and having a good time together, or promoting our respective hustles) is secondary.

Even the term "social media" conjures images of people trying to become media personalities in their social lives. I don't see that happening here. Some might try, but then, that's forums for ya.

Social media, to me, is media used for social networking. This forum tends towards a different theme, that of talking about Second Life and the things we do in it, and how we use it and what we like or dislike about various aspects of it. It's not as pointedly egocentric as social media.

Or at least it maybe shouldn't be treated as such.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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7 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I don't consider it to be so. It's nothing like Facebutt or similar platforms.

Social Media, in my mind anyway, is any platform used for the express purpose of advancing oneself socially. People use social media to promote themselves and their real-world businesses, as real-world people.

I would not expect anyone on this forum to start posting RL selfies and promoting their Onlyfans, for instance. Nobody here (with half a brain cell anyway) is using the forums in an attempt to further their RL status as a celebrity, or get people to visit their Patreon.

Most importantly, I think, is that while a forum is, indeed, a medium through which we do tend to be social towards one another, the forum's purpose isn't necessarily socializing. It has areas for people to post that they would like to meet others and socialize, but really the socializing aspect (in the sense of hanging out and having a good time together, or promoting our respective hustles) is secondary.

Even the term "social media" conjures images of people trying to become media personalities in their social lives. I don't see that happening here. Some might try, but then, that's forums for ya.

Social media, to me, is media used for social networking. This forum tends towards a different theme, that of talking about Second Life and the things we do in it, and how we use it and what we like or dislike about various aspects of it. It's not as pointedly egocentric as social media.

Or at least it maybe shouldn't be treated as such.

Each to their own.

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22 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

Peeve: People complaining about a SL place they never went to, & have no intention of going to, why waste your energy.

Because they're trying to harm it, and think people don't notice.

Words are all most people online have to use in order to influence things, so they talk a bunch of trash about whatever they don't like, because that's how you get other people to not like things.

At least that's the logic.

I know that when I myself have talked trash about certain places, my intent (my fondest wish, in fact) was to see them burn. I would presume others do so for the same reasons.

Whether it's justifiable or not is a different question, and we have to answer it for ourselves, I guess.

I generally only talk trash about places that normalize the objectification of children, myself. Others have their own motives, probably.

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5 hours ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

Peeve: Going on an alt I rarely use and dealing with their horribly disorganized inventory. My mains have theirs organized with a CTS wardrobe but I can't justify that effort for an account I log into once or twice a year, yet every time I do, I spend half my online time trying to find what I'm looking for in the mess of folders.

I have let mine get so messy this past year, it's upsetting. I will fix it one day I promise.

At least the clothes are all where they should be, it's just all the other junk scattered around..


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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I agree!

Peeve: People should talk about whatever they want, so long as they take responsibility.

Peeve: 1. Own up to what you say, don't try to "take it back". Example, "what I MEANT was.."

Me: Guilty recently of this!

Peeve: 2. Not complain bitterly if actually called out by Forum mods and/or "more experienced" Forumites.

Me: Have not been guilty of this for awhile (the complaining part)

Peeve: 3. Not whine incessantly if some majority of people disagree with you.  No, they are not "ganging up" on you.  No, they are not "preventing your free speech".

Me: I whine less these days!

Peeve: 4. Learn how to admit when you are wrong.  Example: "You thought I was wrong, but no, I was merely mistaken and/or taken out of context"...

Me: I'm GREAT at being wrong!!1!!

Peeve: 5. Learn how to STOP TALKING about a topic when told repeatedly it is not allowed. Example: "I can talk about religion/politics/etc. whenever I want!!1!!"

Me: I don't THINK that I do this..

Peeve: 6. Learn to listen to that little voice:  "If I am really paranoid that I will get 'banned' for talking about XYZ, maybe I should moderate myself and not be 'afraid'.."  

Me: Nah, I don't need no stinkin' little voice.

Peeve: 7. (To be continued in a later episode..)


Or,make life easy and just read the forum guidelines, this way you don't have to listen to everyone else making up their own rules..


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